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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper



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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... MReS.: F ' ~~~COR4f EBXCHANGE. FRtIDAY. Of llsglish whest there was but little leftittsold, and prices remain as o, Mouday, Tt'ere is not mucln dloin, in foreign, in consequetlte of the hl. ers not being lisposed to taske leq money; s|nd1 the millers held off. tlluer tie impression that they shoidsld lipurchnse at a proportiolnate redluction withl the English. Thele are several cargoes of ...


... MARRITS. ar the CORN EXCHANGE. FAtIDAY. The following are the averages of grain as made up to Saturday last:- WheAt. Barley. Oats. Rye. Beans. Peas. s. d. s. 1. s. d . 9. di. a. d. a. tmperialweeklyaverage 49 6 26 1 17 9 32 1 S1 S Aggrpgate average of - the six weeks which regolates duty ?? 9 5 29 3 17 10 St S SI 10 33 ?? O 0 9 0 e 0 10 6 10 e 9 TRADE REPORT. THURSDAY EVENING. Sugar.-Only 200 ...


... iaverage Weekly Prices of Corn, &c., ending Dec. 9. Wheat. Barley. Oats. Rye. Beans. Peas. Lost week ?? SJl 2Ts I ?? l17s Sd.-.s 9s ?? gs ?? Six weeksa ?? .. . S 7 d ?? 30st 33d. 3S 6d larty 0. S ?? 9s odl. tSod 8s Od.. ..l1s Gd.. 9s i6d NEWPORT (NEW) WHOIISALE. Prices per lb. by the carcass, per stone of s lbs. Beef Ss -d to 4s, mutton Sg to 3s 8d, veal 35 4d to 45 Sd, Pork Ss 4d to 4a ...


... CITY, FRIDAY EvENINGo. The English Securities renmain very firrs. The Commiuioners for the.Savings' Banks were compelled to make their usual prirchase in the Reduced Annuities at , per cent. advance this morning, viz. 9i0. The Unfunded Debt ia rising still, from the abundance of money, and the scarcity of this investment. The premium hae been 5Ss. to 62s. East India Bonde participate in the ...


... The following is a general bhil of the Christenings and Burials at the' parish churches within the City of London and Bills of Mortality, from Christmas, 1811, to Christmas, 1842, according to the returns made by the Company of Parish Clerks:- IN TIE NINETY-SEVEN PARISHES WITHIN THE WALLS.. Christeniuigs .048.. * Burials.493 IN THE SEVENTEEN PARISHES WITHOUT THE WALLS. Christerinsi..2,q87 ...


... HAY MAIRKETS. SsTHwRziRLD.-Coarse meadow Hay, 31 to 32 lat. useful ditto 41 to 3d 4s,. fine apiand ditto 41 fis to 41 10, Clover Hay, 414 to 6z los, Oat Straw, 1i ISs to 21 2s, Wheat Straw, 2t 2s to 2l 4s per hlad. Moderate supply; trade throughout heavy, at barely late rates. CUlM3sIsaAND.-Coarsemeadow Hay, 8/5s to 41, usetul ditto 4Z4s to 41 So, fine upland ditto 41 li0 to i11 is, Clover Hay ...


... Ciry, THOuKBDAY EVENIWG. There have bean some rather large operations to-day in the English funds, which are still somewhat depressed. There has -been a'sale ef 70,0001. Consols, but the effect was rather coun- teracted by the Chancery broker coming forward to take 30,0001., which he got at 94*, the Government broker also taking his usual 5,0001. for the Comisnisioners of the Savings Banks, ...


... - .I -NIRKETS. CORN EXCHANGE. The supplies of Grain to this market during the past week was of most descriptions tolerably goad, the exception being English Wheat, which still comes to hand only in small quantities. Of Barley the local arrival from Great Britain. amounts to nearly 12,000 quarters, and of Oats the supply was equally good, rather exceeding 2,500. We have no arrival reported of ...


... FRIDAY. DECLARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY. John Dadley, Bedminster, Bristol, superintendent of Works under the Bristol Dock Company.-Nathaniel Barker, Dartmouth street, Westminster, plumber and water closet ?? Worsey, Forebridge, Castle Church, Staffordshire, out of business. -Obed Golds. Brighton, ?? Brewver, St. Mary de Lope, Gloucester, appraiser and ?? Douglas Hope, Southampton-row, Russell ...


... TEE FUNDS. CITY, THURSDAY EVENING. Consols for immediate transfer have realized 941 to 94, and for account 94j to 94*; Exchequer Bills have been marked 63 to 65 premium, being supported by the abundpnce of money; and East-India Bonds, have realised 58 premium ; Bank Stock has been done at 171* to 1724k; the New Three-and-a-Half per Cents. are worth I00j to 101 *; and the Reduced ]01j to 102. ...


... 1I ARKE TS. CORN EXCHANGE.-,MoaeD)AY. The supplies of Grain to this marke t during the past week were upon the whole tolerably good; Wheat forming the exception, the total supply of which, both English and Foreign, amounted to little over 6,000 quarters. Of Oats from Ireland the quantity reported amounts to 2,061 quarters, and from Scotland and the nortis to rather above 9,000 quarters. The ...


... 0 RAILWAYS Irf 1842.-The length of lines opened this year has been about 150 miles; of this the principal part is composed of the Edinburgh and Glasgow (throughout) 46 miles; South Eastern: Branding Junction, 10; Manchester and Birmingham (throughout), 26; Birmingham and Derby, 10; Northerta and Eastern, 10; Ulster 5. Bills have passed for three new lines, the Newcastle and Darlington Junction ...