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Reynolds's Newspaper


London, London, England

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Reynolds's Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTiSEMENTSM GOVERNMIIWT OF' SOUTH AUSTEAI EIIIGEATION IDEPARTWIMT. Fvessecs chartered prsty by H.M. E~rto om bricklyeM weehnq blacksmiths, sawyers, capenters, gardeners gloems, coor and harness makers, country shoe- makers, &o.; also to ?? female domestic servants. Further particulars ~d forms of application may be obtained at the office of the Emfgr~ton Agent. for the Government of South ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A. NIt was in March, 1802, that Trevithick end Vivian took one their patent for locomotion on railways; but their ideas were so impertect, that, to assure adhtesion, they advised that the periphery should be roughened, or armed with nuts, grooves, &c. 1ukinelsop varied this, by making toothed wheels rmn onl rack workL The fdrt Iron railroad was laid down at Colebrook Dale, in 1786, drmwn -by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENTS. DEBTS REGOVENRED A ND CLAIMS PROSEO'xTEI~by Pro'eeaional Geft1Ole2 of -M Practiseandzespeotastlty, ree of charges to the creditor, upon a commission of tell per c~ant on th'e amount recovrred. Aptly for address, or by letter, to A. Z., Mr. Jenkins, Okamnft, 78. od lAon-street, Hoiborn. O UI(PINAL Edition. Vary few optes left. AlIe, Ovid'a Art6f ol I~e, Is Gd; Don Jrann le 6d; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D~rTm &ANE THEATRE, NESAACOMs Itonui-a. £.. VDAioner anG IF. D. Chattart ttorusnesc ar id Satardy. !'Oth; and t'very Monday, dedaadStu. e'Ay, des tg the month of anuary. Taeprtri e il et '4245Vftevery eveninsa at eavek O'clock prcisly sr d teratlaisto A Ien 0 c ook. The Drury Lane AnelGr hirtutmass Psit~omlmot,writtenlhi H.1.Blanchard, Eq-,entitled LIT ILE UIhTG PI PPIN; or, Harlequin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENTS. AW~dEBCA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA. ClTEAXIESS to NEWf YORK and CANADA, ;£6 ts.; Sail- P) ing-ships to Newr York, &ca.. £8 lSs.* Australi&, Queens- hind, I!ew Zealand, &c.,frena £14. Brazils, £'5. For circulorn. passage, and all infermaztion, apply to the authorised agents, bartaon and Ce., 1, Easteheap, 3bondon-bridge. By Authority of the Queensland Government. XMIGEATIO2N TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADYERISBMrEMM& gahte eale of the wholie of the weeady newspapers, leaving eel SIZEDECWi DAMS. Zgtab~frhedlSSIT- 29 ci So kuisiiiapie-hirng, Chancery-ae X1'Vl!.6 Tesivd at ±I'i'TaeXh& repayuzil on ddead. hoitly blne.No charge made-fot keepihg aaiumsoncs th .ak unuertake abe onstadly of Sleurtieso U~~S andibe Collection of 3lls of Flachawej Diinadaj tsef. Oseeks and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A-DVET1TSlMZNT. TO - :*MZX V $ ASltud upwardis arc soldac y~wdek of flunNews. 300,000, Posper) beieg. almigsr lituber then the grh ga~te sale of the whole of the weekl3' noweliapers, lariog out- two, INSURkA~NUB utvfoiANY, LIMITED.' 1, Leseleoialt strest, Loudeou. CowTr11uuraeon-Maxiauiedecr kelacd thre' following dividends: - 2 per eot. in October, 1715; 0 gpei cet. in Februitry, -1'870 I- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRIDEY LANZ THEATRE. Sole Looses naid Mfanger, P. 13. C ssixva~roce. Last Six Nightis o~ tho piesenit Season. 1l Mou~lay, and during the week at U.45, the operetta, boaffe ofTNOF ?? At 7.50D, le rcmantic dralma, written by Henry Spicer, out~ltld II S'AA. &.eucry by William Bevrly A S 'clck Th COLEN BLAWN. Cha. rectrs b Si. Crswik-, r. i. Flcosr, r. Evans, Mr. ?? B. ?? Grinr, ir Iclad, r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tAD VERTLSEMIIENTJI ILXPORTA NT NOTICE, cRA-TD PREMITU GIFT |THE LONDON FINE ART ASSOCIATION. 317, STRAND, W.C., Iave concluded arrangementaby wbich each SnbscrTher of Eighteen Pence to the LONDON FINE ART ASSOS CIATION will be entitled to receive one Copy of a MAGIP!C}1T M2XGZAV-LN% By B]URNET, of the Celobrated Painting, by the LATE DAvrD WILKIE, R.A., entitled THE CHELSEA PENSIONERS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADYERTISEEM s. SOUTH WESTJRy UAILWL'T. CHEAP EXCUesSIOtqS. T°O PORTSMOUTH (Boat for DIse of Wight In. conneetion) rLudESV ANNT Every Sunday from Waterloo at 8.45, aud Vauxhall 8.50, Kensington 8.24, Ciapham Junction 8.57 a.m. Fares to H avant and Portsmoatb, sand bask, 75. 6d. second class; Ss. third olass.' RhB-etnnug from Pogtsmoat' 6.45 prm., end Havant 6.50p.m. ALDBRSEOT CAMP for Ss. and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADrVM~TISFE~N=S. I;= TO ADVfE 3l!RaS. AN IMIMRTANT FACT TO AI)VERTIBEI1S OPM oftfhe best mediums for Advertisements Is BEY- ?? DB'S NEaWSPAPER, the guaranteed eekly sle of which, is Gpwards of 300o1 This iPper, o aing a Poiye' authority, Is read by all classes, not only the intelligent working and middle claseS, but also the upper eCirBes. ESPATCUED by Royal Mai Steamships and irst-clafS D l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENTS. TO ADVERTISEJIS. RTHYNOLDS'S NEWSPAPER, which circulates upwards of 200,000 weekly amonost the most intelligent and en. lightened classes, is a medinm for advertisements second to none in England. NEW YORZ, KAX.PAX, AN1D BOSTON, £6 6s., Y2 the Tnmnn lvyal Mlail Steamners,i every weck,-Emi- B grants' Tickets to Liverpool, by quickest route, s. 6d. Through Tickets to all parts of ...