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London, England


London, London, England

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... OFFENCE S. INCENDIARY FiRES.-At Foston, near Grantham, Lin- colnshire, a wheat stack, containing the produce of eleven acres, the property of Mr J. Watkinson, has been mali- ciously ignited, and entirely ?? Essex two incendiary fires have taken place. One at Martell's hall, the residence of Mr John Lugar, where a haulm wall, surrounded by stacks and buildings, stood in great danger of being ...


... MURDER BY POISON AT PLUJISTFA P. INQUEST ON THE BODY. Oa Weduesday a JUY *asa summoned at the Pairmeof Fealtler, Plumsstend, to investigate the case. The Jury proceeded to view be body, which lay In the decesecoz's bed-room, and presented no other unoUsual appearance thbe b>ing much swollen sbaloit the ab. dcrnen, prbcee Ing frcta the Internal It flammation. One of the witnesses, Sophia Taylor ...

The Murder of John Bodle, Esq

... EXTRAORDINARY CONFESSION OF THE AQUITTED MUR- DERER. - During the last few days, considerable sensation has pervaded the town of Woolwich and its surrounding villages, owing to a rumour having gained circulation, that a convict calling himself John Smyth, now lying in New- gate, transported for twenty years, had confessed as being the murderer of his grandfather, John Bodle, Esq., of Plumstead ...

COURT KINO’S BENCH.— This Dat. BAIL COURT, the kino reeve. i,oss the eahl wemyss. This was brought up in custody

... of the lof Warwick Castle, for the purpose being ad. on (•elmlf the committing magistrates, ' l)r further lime to answer the allegations in the * f 'dsDi’* Hlfidavit, which reflected upon their conduct. v long antl uninteresting converution ensued, , , elll j fl i f,y Mr. Justice ordering the de. ~0 brought before him in Chambers this day and die mean time remain in Loudon, in ...

CEB. ’2i, 1844-

... CEB. - T(ie hoo. and learned gentle««po speech of Sir R. Peel the then Jw! f lLtion. Nations as well a* individuals they o'lghl learn wtsdora gj profit tro v compel them to take ,u redrew of wliith the, now ** The ftfit hou. baronet luut alre«iy y€ 10 Jor* t* . t0 Ireland, and he had ,n . Wl*Y uot so again 7 -ea Uri'ish and the Irish public would have baronet what was well capable of * * f n ...


... THB RYADERl BY POISON A' PLULSrETAD, ADJOURNED INQUEST ON lI-m BODY OP MR. G. BOilLE Yesterday rmorning the Coroter nn i Jury ressecrmhied as early as Idue o'click, at the Puu..e of rcai.hork, eJ; ,op lte Plnlnsteni Church, tn further !Ui~v atte iLtO ti'U coi.>uceo atteL'id the deawh of Mr. Geurge &dh!, vrtho) diu-d troli thIe cffccts o;f pgoi:ii being aduinistered to himo in Hia ct ffee at ...


... Example.— A, circumstance occurred at the Insolvent Debtors' Court few days since, which reflects the highest credit upon fellow townsman, Mr. Nokes, clerk to the police court. I* appears that officer and paymaster marines named William Gunn had presented Mr. Nokes with some jewels consideration of professional services rendered to him, Mr. Nokes having extricated hiru from difficulties and ...