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Lothian, Scotland


Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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PARIS—Jan. 25

... PARIS— Jan. 25. Letters from Genoa, ofthe 12.11 init. date, that the Aul-rians, after having aflembled a cosiidcrab'e force at Novi, made a freili attamtst to force she p if-ge of the Bochetta, but were lepsd'ed with lofs. The French have pulhed their advanced poft:. as far as lire heights of Novi. Bonaparte, fays the PuHufile, has written to the Emperor of Germany a letter limlar to thnt v. ...

efi Iffaat 8 ?? at ?? Wadaoday, D - ?? rs. ?? vehefi drawing the attention nf the' 1 rench

... to that point, he rale, c *lil ■ a-a ?? 11, slssS c *■■ ryav . ' .fi I , ?? a. The Joss of the enemy consisted of ?? French in killed, w-an 'ac, ai i prion* 1; In rowing to the attach, the scale.- -pa.c you particulil , bat you may o-peod that what i have ...


... MONDAY, MARCH 17. The following fubie-a, which was ihortiy mentioned in our London Correspondent's letter in our lalt, we nov/ give move folly : — The Houfe refclvc-d itfelf into a Committee on the Corn Importation Bill, Mr Wallace in the Chair. Mr Samuel Thornton moved, That, to encou- rage theimpoitatlon of wheat from the Baltic, when the average price as publiilied in tiie London Gazette ...

I i I' N A I'l C AS VI. CM

... -^^iTiitlimee' 1 .. r ?? I. iie.ti of the Royal College of ?? .f, linns .. the 1792. the Lord Provoft, 11. D . • „ ■ v, tivener nf the Trades 1 f the Cii . ?? ; ?? i.i' of the Co-.-rt or ?? .1-. I. Lord ?? the 1.0 i.l Advocate ol Scotland, the ?? I e\ Ivor .t- , ?? c Keeper r. : 1: i . .A 'A.c s ?? .A ?? I. uiveiiity. and the I'reli.. ?t. r.f ?? ?? hivi'ic, cii- and -Surgeon?!, ...

.a. ..I ac. ,unts relative to the latt ?? Lieut.-Geo. Efleo, in his. relation of tbe -iitrle-, on 19'h October,

... lias not named to Majefty :be- regiments which were then in . ii : i.iei..! E.i them of the grenadiers ?? driven them todefpair, I am induced tit 1 ?? lie- has charged a 1 e. fon fent . Petcrfb-rgh, verbally to inform your Ma- li 1 thai in tliofe reports all the regiments . without exeep-.ion are dated to have been laar.r-:: of them have made re nor,. nances ataccotmt, particularly Major ...

■'■*- :.ri

... - : *- ■- ' ■■' .- ?? I jof January, in the 6m - . I ' . ie o. -hid) i- ?? ichicli, ?? i•■ . ?? : ! . ■:. ?? to c. : . ate Vffts i tii. i.-a.t mole- thi French an theii i nit-niu-* of Marc':, ibt ?? ital, Cairo, ed to th: Torf_ OS ?? ?? . ?? ?? ?? ?? the ?? troops are, c-:mri,ia, thrte ?? wait the ariivn! c ; ?? •■ at-il ■ Ettj ri. : of war On the --i eirii,.,, at LamhcrhC: I. r 1 1 ran „ ...

j Teriririri

... ?? t re* a:a-:on, are mating a* the I Eon of tbe Marquis tj S.di.fout y, HmJ ral review by his Majefty, of afl the re_ I the county of lie-nerd. PflßTSMOUTii— jinl I Arrived this day Majeilv - Sup I Captain H. D. Darby, from the Mt-SO*. brought home Captain Granger of the ■** patches from Sir Roger Cuitis ar.d litatei Tudor, alfo ofthe navy, with difpatcl'.e::' Yonge, Governor of tiie ...