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Liverpool Mercury


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Liverpool Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2ja Notice of Brjztpb, iAaale, ors Deth an be inverted izlesa abeutca by the name ani addrss of the tender. The words Nocards, oranwyimilaraddition :o the simple anmounnemeat of a *mrge of last, ,bleat f ItIn pymenteasfor wnadvcsweiseet. - 8IBTHS. B. ?? 11, at St. Ann's Head, Dale, Pembroke. shire, the wito of G. Baker, of a son, DAnsor~xo-Aprl 8. at Rosemoont, Bentley-road, the wife of A, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Sirths, Wiarriant.2. anJ3 t *O. No Notice of Bir. Marriage, or f-!:a mm unleto afthera-,r'd ty the arme so tcdre ?? seader. --v rd c'ad. or a Kr ac to the ?? .e wr=,zzceme-t of a z.rrtja 7 abljeet It to nmttt as for an a'vemen:maez. BI6Tmrns~r~r 7 art 1!1. Rarry-str!-e, t0:% the 'ifeor hc:t{r BiZancs of c.- 'ctr BEASrVsS--Apri 22. at Warertree, *ca a .a Brrnigavn or a Bricoev- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Wifi~ arriages, and Veaths. ?? No Notsco of BIrth, Mararage, oC Death can he laige Unless authenticated by Sihe aM and4 Addila of the sender. Thewords No so aag silaradtlon to the simple annoement of a maage or dth, subleeiiso ?? as fr an sdwegtseeasa. BIRTHS. BAMFw-.Sept. 10, at School EHOuse, Dalton-lnFurnen, tbe wfe of William Bayliff, of a daughter. BZNcx3-Sept. 10, st Benthmn House, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... : irths, Warriages, and deaths. N No Notice of Birth, ai age, or Death ean teinserted onlees authenticated bv the name and addrea of the tender. The words No cards, or any elmla additirn ito the snple annou ment of a marriage or death. . ?? It tD naument as for ma advertisement. .BIRTHS. - BoYI.B-Aug. 28, at 24, Clifton-road, Tuebrook, the wife of Alexasider Boyle, of a daughter. CEVBCHLSND ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF A POLISH PATRIOT. A correspondent writes as follows:-. There passed away from this world in Royal-avenue, Chelsea, on the 19th instant, in the 74th year of her age, a Polish lady, Conegunda Gielgod, the widow of Major John Gielgud,a distinguished Pole, and a refugee in England in consequence of the Polish war of independence against Russia in 1830-31, who died in London in December ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~3rithz, Wjarriaqe, and Deaths. Ne- No Notice of Birth, Marriagt, or Death can be mleurted ?? aithenticatc:d by ther nr-a and addrerE ot :h1n reuder. The words No ceirde. 'r ant aiitlar a'hitit-ec to tbe simple aonounie aenr f a -_erris c or '.tt isubecot intatoatrslelt asfor an -; -t-eas'r:at. !rxx~scrSet BIRTHS. z BVICKiLEY-S.E-t. li, at Cathlrits -tc.-sie, S ?? ?? wxife of J. B-ickiley: ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE ML JAM} AIKNt, JP. n With a regret which will be participated in by all classes of the inhabitants of Liverpool we this morning announce the decease of Mr. James Aikin, which took place late on Friday evening at Swanage, Dorsetshire, he having attained the patriarchal age of 86 yearas Few men have passed through a long'period of 10 public and mercantile life with more honour, 4 and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *. No NotlceoBirthlS a or 2)Death can Se ne un83isexsu tlcatef. *o the rnam and adsdxee of the semder. The o Ns cards,or enulard lti: to -he shnple annommnent ot a rriage or ;d . subjectI to pament as for an adrvrnumeu:: CARLINS-AprI 30, at 8, Alma-vale, Great Crosby, the wife of Mr. Thonas COarline, of a daughter. CROEFIR L-Aprii 29. at Walton lea. near Warrigton, the wife of John Crosfield, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... |frths, tWarriagr, antd aths. *k No Notice of Birth, Marriage. or DeathC be inserted ?? authentieated by the name and address of the sender. The -ordo `No cards, ' or y aunular addition to the ?? annonnoement ot a marriae or death. ubect it to paeut as for an advertsewment. BIRTHS. UeoAnBENT-MEy 22, at 75, Cbathamn-street, the wife of J. W. Broadbent, of a son. BRowx-May 11, at 9, Bittern ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iuiths, ?? and airaths. *.-o Notice oi Birth. Marriage, or Death = be icoerted nrless autlicrtieated by the name and addrdes of tbe sedotlr `be so' rile o cards, or any shimiar adritin to tle -i5e. totnceeinst of a marriage en- ttiob out'.' ' r aanteric.asforanadvertiseinent. BIRTHS. p1 -,h 1x , l ?? 4S, Toweson-street, tlhe sift e I ird Bliecl, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Nirtfs, Warriags, and peaths. *a* No NPotce of Birtl, sne, or Death c be ei Unless 7re XAb th ?? E. of= t=d sender. The o s rorany si r ib to the mleaoneenofam iseo eh subje- It to Payment VAs for an edaamant, BIRTHS. BM~A7Y y 11, at 7, Hydo-street, the wife of Mr. James Thomas Baird, of a son. , BErwELa-bfay IS, at 43 Mostyn-atreet, Liandadno, the wife of Mr. James Burwell, of a son. DAV~s-My ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , iNrhs, Warriages, and Leaths. ?? No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be Inserted onless authenticated by the name and address of the sender. The words No cards, or any similar addition to the aimple announrement of a marriage or death. onbiect it to Dsament as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. ABBOTT-Aug. 17, at 71. Beaufort-street, the wife of Robert Abbott, of a daughter. AsTILL-Ang. ...