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North West, England


Manchester, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ~~uIS EVENING. ~~~SATUIOAY, Oct- 17tb, 192, the New Op AS AMBROSE, HERBE RT &CO. After wvhich, BRUCE~, THlE HERO OF SCOTLAND. Fie To conclude with, the BOTT~LE EIMP. v On2 MiONDAY, and thefo 7sudng N7,01t, TUFSD AY, Oct. i9thl1s and 9btlh isfesn il, clc ti ah of ZVOYADE U ~ ll O R, LOV1E, A ND G RATITUDE. After which, in consequence of the universal applause recelved, ndireedattraction, tihe N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Merket-s~s~4, wsdStoan-sfreet, respictfully-inform th sh~,taft tey hve c-o-nhantly on hand, a largelquantity &I ICKLED NZATS', TONGUES, on the princpe of the .ondhn93rueU; inbarrels: for exportation.: ?? it may hot be generally known', R. S. & Co. embrace psznt nopportunity of stating that they'continue to supply'. *.#m;lie asnd E parties any quantity, on the shortest ?? ?? a YOUNG MAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-s at cobrlti 88 Town Hall, Odctober 11th, IRS2 MtUSJIC!AL 2ESTI2VAL. IHE Committee beg to inform the Publicthat they have DISPOSED of the TICKETS of ADMISSION-of ] the late FESTIVAL to Messrs ATKlNsoN land BARKER, Druggists, Market-place, from whlom alone complete: stts u can be obtained. ATriseoss and BARKER having purchased the TICKETSC of the FESTIVAL beg to announce thattney are now on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, jA YOUNG FEMALE, of respectable connections, good ,C3. education, and cheerful disposition, to be Co0npzn on 'to a Young Lady, wio is almost alone in her family. The sostunexceptiosiable references will be required. Apply by, etttr, address E. D. at the TiMEs OFFICE. WILT1MDY A N ASSISTANT in a ScssooL.-Apply to Mr. Hucoas, Irwell-street Academy, Gartside-street, Mauchester, (if by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *J. PRATT c CO. M/AISS iTANE PRATT respectfuily informs her Fr ends and Patrons, that she' has taken a PARTNER for the better conducting her bus'ness, and that the firm will in future be carried on on the name of Pratt, and Co. as finally arranged and s'gned, on the 21st of October, 1S28. Mcss. PRATT an1 Co. beg leave to inform their friends, tliat'they are declining the Fur Trade, -Stock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONs =fONO AND ECON~OMY O:P :PUzz In Srn~ssE~cssesbs B wnas,M DYERS', DITILrtLERS, aild ohrFUR NAaCES,~in bye JAJVS GILBERTSON'S Patent Furnace, h e st simliple and-1 el'ectuA a nersn of oln apum ingo tese smoke of furnaces, asd converting it into fp der tto e biler, yet offered to the Public. ° AMESO GILB°ntTS pledges himself, by the intro- dcion of h~s Furnace to any Steam, E ng'nc, to make ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F POUNDER SPINNE=S ~~ SUES, CINDERSR, &C dSoES, CINDR br DRY-RUBBISH, may be laid dO\V in BROWN'S FIEID LEECHI-STREET, and LHES'- :uT, by application to Mr. 'EECI, AnCOatSCreSCCnt. 1 BELU SOCtITY. tE EIGH TTE:ENTHX ANNIVERSARY of theMAN- .ll:ST.R and SALEORD AUXILIARY BIBLE i5,TY will bef held' in the ne-w MAI-NOR COURT vM, Brown street, next Wednesday, Nov. ?? ?? , 4 BIA.NDRAM, A. M. one of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, JOJRNEY'YAN. GROCER and TALLOW-C{,AfND A ; LE'. -App y to PARIS ScnoL9.s, Greenacres O .. 0 WANZrTMD, N APPRENTICE to the GROCE RY TRADE' A 4 A stout lad from the country would be ?? to Cft. TaomAs GAssibl, 47, Chapei-street, S. .ford S3!31k~oi w y,, lt:)AD ^A S.;y, t 3iTear 1lanelrestar. DIXON iiost Iresp~etfullY juforats the Public, that >.tuati 6 l~~s sw li be enabled to re-t *after ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROWLAND AND CO. WEST OF ENGLAND CLOTH MART, No. 13, AIARKET.STREETr, MANCHESTER, tESPECFULLY announce to their Friends and the Pablic in general, that they, have to offer them, at the most reasoiable prices, articles of the best and finest texture; and from their extensive connection with the London and Wirest of England markets, thley feel assured that, for fine- ness and durability, they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; P;URNISEED APARTMENTS N &de.ightful Situat'on, Abouta mile from the Exchlinge. Inquire at the Tibrs' Oice. WINER FaSHIONVS. 1 RIS r ?? to inforr i her Friends, the Eu Laes ot' Manichester, and its v cillity, that herl .FASHIONS for the WINTER SEASON are now ready *'tor inspect, on, consisting of Vrelvet Hats and Bonnets, Tur- badls, Benrvs, Furs, Cioaks, Dresses, Stays, Feathers, F~ov- err ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED,, ?? and experienced YOUNG blAN, who writes -Va good hand, as ?? to the LINEN and WooL- L12S D'tAPERY BUSINESS. Letters (post paid) addressed P. siet at the Peinter'S, wit1 meet attention. - fto GENTLEMEN WANTING SUPEllIOR APART- iL }eILNTS. Two or three gentlemein may be acColno- dated with SUrrnyZop ATA1RTMITS, and Board, if required, by application to 29, Mosley- .street. D.IgXO2X ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W JON~ES, (late of -the Courier Oflc, PRIN- EaRk., STATIONER, and BINDER, arnow's.. court, aret-street, oppoisite Pall al MancPhesters pt~lestfull aet knowni that lie. has begun business in the above situation, and that he prints in the most correct man- ner, Literary Works in all languages, Reports of Institu- tions, Prices Current, Cards, Circulars, Hand Bills, Freight Notes, Invoices,0 &c. ...