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North West, England


Preston, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... / LEYLAND SUNDAY SCHOOLS. N Sand1ay, Sept. 26, 1841, TWQ SERMONS will be 0 preacheilnd i tho Parish Church of Leyland, by the pv. THOMAS CLARK, M.A., Incumbent of Christ Ch.rcl, Preston, after which collections will ho made for the ,1peort and nmintonatice of the Sunday Schools connected ,tl, the Parish C1111rcih. Service to commnnence at half-past ton and at three. ~) TrlHE ELECTrORS OF THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. PETER'SSUNDAY SCHOOP.S | THREE SERMONS 3l p Prvalied (D. V.) on SuI):;AY, sthe 2tid of 1rlk 2 ~il ST. PETEI'S CIIUIRCHI, Preston, and it, made for tile support of the Sunday Sehools con- v'ljd, ?? that Yliurch. 'nfj seritn llw ill be, in) tile Morning, by thlo Rev. IV. M. rvtiiisi, M.A., lncuilnent of St. Poter's, and in the ?? t and Evening, by the ltev. T. G. FEARNE, Curate of St. ...


... 50DAV, thie 27th instant, TWO SERMONS vill )toe preached in St. j)r11RY'S CCUnCii; that.'in the )1ornhig by the AI CAR OF PRESTON, and that jin tie F'51 1. iby the Rlev. OSWALD SERGEANT, M.A., non m f the Collegiate Church, Manchester, when collec. (j, avil tie inado to defray thie current expenses of the said ,jilir Service will commence at half-past Ten in the ;ad at-half-past Six in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON THE SEA COAST. V 'To be Let, Furnished, for the season, with immerdiate possession, A N EXCELLENT FAMILY RESIDENCE, in cam Aplete repair, situate at Norbreek, between the Marine Villages of Blackpool and Fleetwood, comprising good Drawing and Dining Rooms, and several commodious Bed Rooms, with Stables, Coach Houses, and other suitable and necessary Offices, attached recently, occupied by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RORGE BATEMAN, Bliam ANcon, Mlarket Place, Preston. Splendid A L E; best London PORTER, draught and bottled ; choice WINES and SPIRITS. 47 I ._Investuent. S SALE, SHARES in the CHOliLEY GAS WORES, paybig Seven per Cent.; BLACKBURtN WATERWOIRKS SHARES; a Freehold DWELLING HOUSE and GARDEN, now let at £18 per annum. Apply to Mr. W. K. JACKSON, Share Brokor and Agent to the Union Plate Glass ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. AND1REW'S CATHOLIC CHAPEL, LEYLAND. I muE Catholic Poblie are respectfully informed that tbis VJ'hap'el 'was Opened for Divine Service Oil Sunday last ; bat, tile Chapel bcing sasall, no Public Subscription was made. it~ therefuor, proposed that the Iucumbent, the Rev. Thtelsas Shepherd, personally solicit the charitable assistance ,fas marry of the Catholic Community as bie can visit. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTH UNVIONq RAIL JAY. TOT IC E is hereby girl ?? a SPECIAlIGENERAL I E 'rNG of tile North Union Ratiawiy Company soiul he held It the Cotton Sales-roon in the Exchango Duililiogs, in Itivtr()ool onl Thursday thle tfi'i day of Julo next, ,t Ono o'c]lock i the afternoon, for tile purposo of cooliderieg and ?? as to thie Diraft of th e several Bills for 3'1visure0 Prolposed to be ntliorised by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N qaaeday tbe 4th of Jan , 1846,>TW>3 SHW li 1 wvill be prenched in ST. GEORGE'6 'Piittoe 'that- in the Morning by the Rev. WILLIAM HARRISON, M4A., > Assistant Minister, and that in the Evening, by the Rev. WILLIAM SKIRROW, M.A., of University College, Oxford, when collections will be made in aid of a fund for maintaining the efficiency of the Choir, which, will be aug- viented as usual on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? cont 01IN TAYLOR STOREY, of Garat(ag, in the county of ancstr, raprhaving, this 1-5th dayofay t!of Lancnster, Drall~rpd wthiogole of lhis Estate and 1845, conveyed and assigned the rual bonefit of such f his Effects, unto Trustees, firt'the orualdeei of A s uchme oithin Creditors as shall execate the Deed A t two months from tho date hereof. 1',CBO IS HIEREBY GIVEN, ThtsuhDed110 is ourOfice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I#Ibe V.bJ Irvat Tr at, L tliati old ;and wweli-acrustomed INN or ,PUBLIC HOUISE, kpn.wn by the ign of. tbe ;JO11x EsSeto;', 'situate in (Jhtrch-street,in 1n'reston, in the County-of Lar- onsterV: togethef wSiI the'Stables, Brewhoiuse, and Premises thereunto belonging, now in the possession'of Mr. Thdnias Hall, as Tenant,rPosasnion mayi:bes;had oa the let day of Pon further particulars, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nectv C1ha1tPel. T UE Friends of Religion are respectfully informed that T the NEW INDEPENDENT CHAPEL, in Chipping, will be opened for Divine Service on Wednesday, Septem ber 2 bth, when TWO SERMONS will be Preached on the occasion. One in the Morning, by the Rev. R. SLATE I of Preston; Service to commence at half after Ton :and one in the Afternoon, by the Rev. T. GREENALL, of BurUley; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. CLLARITYSBE:RMON-S' ISundaY. the loth DecombeF, 1843, a, BiGH MXSS' . 7 will be celebrated in tho Catbolie Chapel of S4Ut' l'ilfrid, in this town, and a SERMON Preached by 'the e Ri3 Y WALMSLEY, of the Church of St. Igeaius. The Service will commettce at Eleveta o'clock. , In the Evening, a DISCOURSE will be deliveredbythe 5leerend itICHARD NOR]RIS, at the same Chapyel, .whn ...