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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... G L - ?? of' In our Paper of the 12th inst. wve inserted a brief sketch Ie of the proceedings at this Ploughling Match, and at the re- er quest of a respectable correspondent wve give the following niore ample detail: - b- The twelfth annual match of the Bangor Ploughing Society was held onl Wednesday, the Gth inst. In a field of C., Mr. Jackson,'s, at Ballywooly. Soon after tots o'clock, the ...


... On Thursday, the 3d day, the Derby stakes of 50 sove- reigns each, was runlfor. The owner of the 2d horse to re- eeive 100 sovereigns out of the stakes. Eigbty-nine subscribers.Fifteen horses started. Duke of Rutland's Cadland ?? 0 1 Hon. 1E. Petre's The ?? 0 2 After -two false starts off went Cadland at a good bat, with The Colonel, Zingimee, Alcaston, and Omen closely laid il, and the others ...


... BELFAST REGATTA. The competition having heen appointed to commence yesterday, a rowing match pulled in four-oared yawls took place. First boat to receive six guineas and the second three. Qommodore Sir James Stewart, Bart. ordered by te- -legraph thatithe yachts should dress at one o'clock.- Theuicktpeas -with which the order was obeyed was surprising. The first match started at two o'clock.- ...


... BELFAST REGATTA. In Tuesday's Newas-Letter we gave the particulars of the sailing matches which took place on Monday. TUESDAY. P Te match for a Piece of Plate was sailed for by yachts of thefirst class; which was won with great facility by the n Thetis, - George, Esq. of DIblin, beating her compe- es, titors upwards of a mile. nt3WEDNESDAY. ig- Seven boats (not belonging to Gentlemen of the ...


... BELFAST REGATTA. . FRIDAY. There was as fine a race as we ever witnessed, ran by the yachts under 15 tons. The breeze continued uncommonly favourable for thecontest, during the eitie day. Oupassing Gray-point, their order was.-Nancy, Anglesea, Clarence, Gypsey, Jane, and Frolic. Ths buoy off the Briggs was rounded by the Nancy and Anglesea elmost at the same mo. ment; the Gypsey was next in ...


... BELFAST REGATTA.' We endeavoured last week to give our readers an ac- count of each 'day's rabes, and we believe our report was tolerably correct, although our information was procured iil a very hurried manner. Many of our friends having expressed a wish to see an account of the entire week's proceedings, we hasten to oblige them; and have taken every precaution in our power to prevent any ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENCE, NEWMARKET JULY MEETING. The sale of Lord H. Fit7rov's stud excited a very lively Interest. The following lots were sold without reserve and with their engagements:- Lancastrian, 3 years old, by Merlin, out of Monf. En- gaged In the Goodwood St. Leger5 25 each, 15 ft. (nine subscribers), 1828-Sold to Mr Molony for 450 guineas. Chesnut colt, 2 years, by Woful, olt of ...


... DUBLrN. REGATTA; E DUET, JuT ?? fist diy's exhibitlon took place yesterday, Ia the Bay, at Kingstown, This' fete wai given In eompilment to his. Excellency the Marquis of Anglesey.- At half past ten o'clock the Marquis of Anglesey, aecom- panied by hi twtoyouugers~'na arrivedln abphsaton andpair. mmnediately after his lsceiecy, ,carme the Marchioness of Anglesey and. lse Ladies. Paget in an ...


... NOftTHERN YACHT CLUB MELTING ON THE CLYDE. THURSDAY', JuLY31-FiFaST DAY.-The first prize :n the sailing match by wherries, was won by the Marion and Janet, of Greettock; a boat belonging to Rosneath gained the second ?? the rowing match for the cup, gained by Mr. J. H. Robertson's gig, the rowers were Messrs Robert- son, Oughterson, Hunter, and Forrest: the boat wvas steered, by Mr. Olar. ...


... LONDONDERRY RACES-188. WID)NrElDav, A11u64T 6.-King's Plawt-1g0 guineas- Weight for ?? mile heats. Mr Blake's b. c. Napoleon, 4, years old . ?? I I Mr Ruthven's c. c. Stanley, 4 years old ?? 2 2 Mr Wolftincroft's Emperor, 4 years old ?? 3 3 Betting 3 to I on Napoleon, who won easily. SAME DAY.-Antrim Hunt Stakes, 50 sovereigns each, £50 added-Lhdies' Course ?? by Gentlemen. Mr M'Cance's I. c. ...


... The Lough Erne Regetta commenced on Saturday the .IfthIrisnt. At lto'c1ock, the foilowing ves.elswere moored off' Inisdoney, and entered for the first cup The Lady Erne-Horn. John Creighton. The Blue Stocking-Alexander Saunderson, Esq. Dr. P. County Cavan. The Pheenix-Jobn Tredennick, Esq. of Camlin. Soon after they eprung forth form their stations, the winil blowing at S.W. a stiff breeze-the ...


... FacnAY.-The Hillsbarough Cup was ran for by bunters, &c. not thorough bhed. Three horses started. Alr. Watson'ls b. g. Meteor, rode by Mr. Watson ?? I I Mr. M'Cance's gr. g. Sir Robert, rode by Mr. Joyce.. 2 2 Lord Donegall's b.m. Modish, rode by Capt. M 'Dermott 3 3 HANDICAP RACE. Mr. M'Cance's ?? I I Mr. M'Gouran's Dash ?? ?? 2 4 -Mr. Watson's Sheelads ?? ?? 3 2 VI. Smyth'H Johnny.. ?? 4 3 ...