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... POR'TSr3{OUTI¶H LICEN NSIYG SESSIONS. The adjourned Licensing Sessions werc held at 01B3 th1, i'ortfimouth l'olice-couten onl Wedueiday, the 7 tiaisthra) vr.CT 15eiur tile Mtayor ('11r. H. rH ,~im~bcr), ;ir. ?? COsills. ,Ir. 'Wilbaliln1 Payn1e, SIC- Alderional 'tl. Scott toster, (.oYnmauder M -. L. Blamber, and the e .--layor (Jlir. (G. Ei. liouzc'I). 4 S'(ue sit alilmlici tioi5 ±L r transfers ...


... 1: N-OB~ ROBBERY. 'NtE -I, OBE RO~tB1ERY. A hys'jE RIOU AFFAIR. OVER t OO MISSING. A sys-terious robb,^r oel board the cruiser t ti ?? rei-tly C-lissloned for service with . ?? Ilhr .Lngascd utl hc o by Uartaia A. L. Winsloe, is l Iiioitiurtedy.t lkvunort ou Mlonday by a nroi jjjquirn. 'XiLeLunoant missing io over £ 110O lilyetill gold, lie loss 'Was diicovered ] Ts ?? week by Eleet-Paymaster ...


... CURIOSITY COR'NER. IL ASlang Terms inl a Law Case. Els IDurxng a rprobate case recently tried in Me&. a bounre, acue ot tile witnesises usedl a number of 2s -clang cspresrcions which the Jddge had to have Li tran~slat ed to him. Amion~g theswords and phrases e. whicis called forth inoatring lnterjectiotis from ,y Mr. Jusltice Holtayd werel a deteetivo'o ehp~irzrig, aL bloaasor (meanting an ...


... STEALING A BICYCLE- 'ED. PECULIAR BUIRGLARY AT SOUTHSP2A day., A case of burglary, which presented one or two .r, J. unuslual features, was heard by the Ilagistrates the dicer at the Portslnoath Poliee Court on Saturday, ccll ; 44, ' Jammes Daeitt, 25, a stoker in the Navy, was T for charged writh burglary.-Mr. E. J. T. Webb bero nuer appeared for the prosecution, and said that the resal n ...


... PORTSMOU'TrH POLICE. !r, M SONDAY.-feforo J. 0. Travers and W. Thompson, Eoqrs. 1i) As INCORRInIBLoE Ber-Lewis Sopor, aged 12 years, was us charged situb being found in an inclosed yard, in lte occupatioa rio of Sir. Robert, Gardiner, of the Lord John Stuseell, beerhousen, to Lendpert, on Saturday night, for an unlawful purpose. is, This youth has been twice convicted of felony and loft the ...


... iloi, MONDAY.-Before J. 0. Travels and WT Thompson, Eogre. iots There were only Iss' cas'es before the Bench to-day, nacsiety,. tise Ellen Ale. Clean, adisoreleely wostan in Queeo'strest, en Sunday: ?? evening, wise seas diseltargr wil nadmonition ;and John 'out found a diseherced soldier frees the 4th Regiment, who was an~u leer, druisk and locapable of takcina care sf himself, at Land- an ...


... .y SATURDAY LAST.-Before the Mayor, W. Jones, e J. 0. Travers, T. E. Owen, and J. F. Pratt, Esqrs. . a TiLE Sicom RoBBnaY.-Tha two marines and the - three womon,romanded ysterday, were brought up for if further examination on the charge. Mr. G. Greetham, d appeared for the prosecution, instituted by the Admi- s ralty. It appeared three bales of seamen's jackets had o been received on board, ...


... THlE LIVERPOOL COUNTS COURT JUDGE. craii Liverpool lies bheni kept in a state of excitement hove during tire week, through the conduct of its County court then judge, Mr. Renrolicy, a gentleman who unfortunately ap- may pears to ba bereft ef lils senses. Tire Lifei>:oof Journla/ with ale a placard containing the lice iu large letters, 4 Mr. scourt tRrrcslrcfs, opinion of thle people of ...


... Ass1d Fs. kV At TLarcaftcr Assizes,,the great causelient from Ikte Cour LE. oit Chancery, to, try the validity of the will of the late~ Mr. Perrin, oS Warrigot am nbfreM.Jsice Le Blanc.I' r I wil h e rernern he red,t ch At the i es tator, w liose p roperty i S3 and said to armount to more than too~oool.,disinhi~ritcd his only, St. daughter, if she ahould marry a Scotehman; she did'marry Oi' la ...


... * . ONTU TinI PdOi: LAWS. Aq en coneileralsie son-;etios itas 1en teciteil in thc Conity by the late dacisinn ot the Court. of ';ing' ai BIon;ch in refilsin- to ali!s' the Acrnesite of tilC Over _ ceers&L tlie Poor to be pmls:l, if' work was net imoudl those ))csones whio clainmd reel ie from the parish, and F and its a 31esting of thc AIaI.gietrates, mad principal Gentlemenl and Landholders ...


... (T1- 1 :0 , ,I . V1 O SIRS .1. tlhRlY. Is Oil SMUINIRV, ',IiI-JO1!JJ 111111'1-?]?-JTOCTEIh.(j II' ol his Ilavill., ?? (N-lailIA fviig1hot tile rmqn, lie shold mm I C(III) V ill II IC CIQI,? 11, Fill I OI I 'If I II t' 1`0 I CC a [ILI I (II I i I 111144 II I the mIIIN Illatur IJ, orders. lteuims Ilhd alreadv brell lwcsnt?d to the Olarf, wl'ich gn-ally vxaggcn?ted II;, Io., ?? illc4liing ?,Iuw ...


... NAVAL COURT MARTIAL, PORTSMOU!TH, Alanch li5h, 1881. A Court Martial assembled this day on board H.M.S. E Tl'elleauey, and continued by adjourniment to Friday, to try Capt. LI e isil.Buargess, ?? 'thetis, 46, for the loss of that sihip on Cape Frio, two days after a leaving hio ?? for l'nglasd, with upwards oftii0,iiBJ dol-A e las on board the particulars of which were made 'known to tI r the ...