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South Wales, Wales


Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... THE BATTLE OF MONTEBELLO. r THE first account of the engagement atMonte- bello, having any pretentions to completeness, is now before ùs; It is from the pen of one of'the Paris journalists selected by the Emperor to accompany the army, and records for the glory of France and the delectation of tife French people the brilliant feats of arms which it is part of the Imperial programme to per form ...

[No title]

... same at Newport; and even at Brecon, where local prejudice is aristocratically in- timed, a clerk has been equally successful. The time is now at hand when a beginning must be made. A curse, said a German writer, is attached to standing still; be it manor mankind, an association or an Empire. If we prefer the motto of supineness, with us the penalty, the misfortune of such a resolve but do ...


... EMGLTSTC BAPTIST CHAPEL.—The re-opening of this place of worship i& announced for cLy and Monday next, when special services wiu be held, which wlÍl be conducted by the R v. T. Thomas, D.D., Pontypool, assisted by several eminent ministers of the baptist and other de- nominations, in the neighbourhood. Collection* are announced to ...

[No title]

... we learn that the harvest, should this weather con- tinue, will be nearly equal to that of last year, which was said to be one of the finest on record; but when it is remembered, that a larger breadth of land was sown with wheat this year than last, we may infer that the yield will be equal. THE WR AR. —Elsewhere we publish an account of the fall of Sweaborg, which was considered as a link in ...


... TO CORRESPONDENTS. T.R,That portion of (fur paper where we visually insert poetry was made up for press when your communica- tion was received. It shall appear in our nest, NOTICE,-As this paper is Registered at the General Post Office tor transmission abroad, according to the reent postal regulations, it may be sent to the United States of Ame- rica., the Canatlaf. India, Australia, or to ...


... lie evinced great incapacity and great inability, uttering .strong opinions, always supported by weak arguments, damaging, every cause, and doing mischief even to truth, if, by any strange accident, lie was on the side of it. t*ucli a person looking on me with suspicion is, I think, a eircurnstance rather in my favour. Harvest prospects, not only in this country, but in tlie quarters whence ...


... MERTHYR POLICE COURTS. MONDAY, August 21st, 1855, Before WM. THOMAS, Esq., and the Rev. C. MAYBERY. DESERTING A FAMILY.—Evan Evans, who made a humble apology for having neglected his toilet, was charged with absconding from his family, leaving them, thereby, chargeable to the parish of Aberdare. Allowed to settle with the Relieving Officer. LOVELY INNOCENCE.—Daniel Donovan, charged by! John ...

INDIA. * .

... INDIA. MUTINIES OF EUROPEAN TROOPS.. J'. From India we haveners which is certainly of i a very startling character, no other than the threat of mutiny on the part of Lhe European v, troops hitherto under the service of the hast India Company. In fact, the despatches speak as if mutiny had already broken out, and the dreaded Vieerufc is named as the place where it was first seen. It has also ...


... GENERAL IN TELL! GENCE. EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF HOPS.—Mr. Ellis, the large planter in West Kent, bag sold. his ■whole produce to an American'hotise, realising in one payment upwards of £ 20.000. PKOBOGATION OF PARLIAMENT.—It is expectsd that on the formal assembling of Parliament, on Tuesday next, it will be prorogued until the first week in December, aud that then it will be sum- moned for ...


... GREAT MEETING ON SUNDAY LAST IN HYDE-PARK, ON THE HIGH PRICE OF BREAD. On Sunday afternoon last an immense assem- blage of people took place in Hyde-park, as an- nounced the previous Sunday, to discuss the dear-bread question, and to consider what measures should be adopted to procure a cheap loaf for the working man, which he had an un- doubted right to expect after the recent abundant ...

[No title]

... WEATHER WISDOM OF A. NEW KIND.-An American paper aays: Before you ask a man a favour, consult the weather,. The same person that is as ugly as sin while a cold rain is rattling against the window panes, will no sooner feel the gladdening influence of a little quiet sunshine than his heart will expand like a rosebud. ...