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Hull Packet



Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Hull Packet


... voetip. A CHRISTMAS HYMN. Uav sv. a; :. Dvalcnfl. Whet Christ from Heaven, his pure abode. Descended to our sinful clime. It was IoI in the summer Imontlis, But in the dreary winter time. No silken coush recelved him then, In a rude manger low he IYa,- 8nt seraph guardians stood around, And angels hymn d his natal day. O'er Bethlehem's delds a lambent light . Ere morning dawned vras seen to ...


... I 1poetrtv. THE OTHER DAY. Upon the meadows spread below, Full softly fall the flakes of Enow, Yet choke they up the way That lately wound along the scene, 'Mid fields of gold and swards of green, Ay, but the other day. The sun bath shrunk into the soutb, And every bird hath shut its mouth, And broken off its lay; And yet with sultry beams the air, And yet with songs the woodlands fair, Were ...


... varietiesz. -I Want of sense makes people obstinate, while principle makes thenm firm, since that which would be obsti- nacy in a wrong cause becomes firmness in a right one. To discriminate betaweca the two is often difficult. It is a fair step towards happiness aad virtue to delight in ithe company and conversation of good men, and where these cannot be hadl it is better to Ikeep no company ...


... _ _ ottrp. SONNET. Love, dearest lady, such as I would speak, Lives not within the humour of the eye; Not being but an outward phantasy, That skims the surface of a tinted check, Else it would wane with beauty, and grow weak,- A-s i the Rose mado sumsner,-and so lie Amongst the perishable things that die, Unlike the love which I would give and seek Whose health is of no hue to feel decay, ...


... PsoGnESS OF TMlE ARPLANG;EEYTS.-The hoardings and plain fittings on the eastern side of the building are norr nearly complete, anti an opportunity is affarded of forming an apptoti- mate ?? ate of the amonnt of the contributions received from foreign countries. Many of the compartments are, as Yet, quite empty. No arrivals from the United States have taken place up to the present time; and ...


... THE ANSWER OF SPRING. I come, I come I I heard the call Of earth, on every side; I saw the tears which the sky lot fall, And I'd fain those tears were dried I've struggled, and burst from the icy bond Which winter had o'er me cast; 1 hear sweet greetings, all loud and fond, And I come o'er the world at last I I smile, and the sunbeam broke forth, to shed A brighter and warmer ray; I smile, and ...


... ho( A fight between a bull and a bear took place near Ncw De Oleans, on Sunday, the 27th ilt , and is chronicled as follows by the New OtleansaCrescent of the 28th of March -. Yesterday, pursuant to public notice, came off at Gretna, opposite the Fourth District, the long-heralded fight between the famous grisly bear, General Jackson (victor in fifty battles), and the Atlakapas bull Santa Anna ...


... [The following songs have been set downi Ot- paper, in a fine running hand, by Sergeant X.Y.Z. ; and have been composed chiefly during the happy ten mhiute intervals allowed by the Commissioners for luncheon. They have been read with approval by the Bishop.lane Central Committee, with the exception of the Chairman, %%ho sternly refused to see or hear any thing. On being blindotlded, ...


... I ;- ; A ?? P: 1. &961AAhe;gor- of In ) 6 wtk # eifi, the~ AW. If hew, o a how~ in . omina L, Vee{. -Rdredmirsie-Wi&d #~jib a? )~biwil 4ol.dyealiton 4.-Mi.,NK0 4u1tv6f4erIS youesee dat thehm~iau wI~ 3~s x6~ w'aturt aud ver fat One':asy,, 'bojagasrlne 116 l iattirblt *daai CrOUaEW, U p pls u 1 0~rher ai mdade to rise. Te Abas e4hiarqusi&lun ?? gqlouV', C Mfdain, filtaered'the the 4ell apd ...


... VARIETI ES. Flattery is like champagne, it soon gets into the b head. t, A miusieal composer having been asked whether he had r done anything lately, said that his last work was a n composition-with his creditors. v Patrick O'Flaherty said that his wife was very ungrate. W fal, for whin I married her sioe hadn't a rag to her w back, and now she's covered with 'em. e Somlebody having asked ...


... THE NEW TOWN 13ALL. ! . ' ?? IT; is a fortunate circumstance that our Town Council, before committing itself to an absolute and final selection of the best of the competitive plans for a new Town Hall resolved upon eonsulting an architect of Mr TITErS eminence., Mr TiTE, as will be seen from his letters read at the council meeting yesterday, will pronounce no hasty or ill-considered opinion, ...


... V A R I E T I E S. th Why should physicians have a greater horror of the gt sea than anybody else? Because they are more liable to to iev sicknesj! lit illustrated with cuts,' said a young urchin, '1 as he drew his pen-knife across tihe leases of his b g ramtilar. a] I Jack, your wife is not so pensive as she used to ir be s'-No, she has left that off, and turned ex- t} pensive. at 'Now, ...