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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... vat*- THE CHARTER. The Chartlsts when they first began To advocate the rights Of man, The, factions all like tigers ran To crush 0ur infant Charter. But to its rescil thousands flew, Whilst bold O'Connor did pursue, Who from the fangs of faction drew The bantliag from this murderous crew. The nation with one mighty voice With gratitude did then rejoice, Aud hail'd this champion as their choice ...


... VeWWO. LUTHER, A PoaM, by RoJIRsT MONTGOMERY, M.A. Author of the Omnipresence of the Deity, the Messiah, Satan, &c. London: Frances Baisler, 124, Oxford-street ; Hamilton, Adams, and Co., 33, Paternoster Row; Tilt and Bogue, 86, Fleet- street. it is seldom that we have risen from the perusal of any work with more pain or more pleasure than we have experienced from this. Knowing the author's ...


... ?? I SONGS FOR TIIE PEOPLEJ.. NO, xi. [In announcing our recent Feast of the Poets , promised to give a notice of the poems and songs of ROBURT NICOLL, and that promise we had intended to have performed this week: certain cireumstances hasve, howev~er, so occupied our time asb to prevent us fel Ilisig our intentious. The promisied notice okaU ate e* shortly. In the mteantime wve give ...


... NnebteW, 11- ?? ?? dEMOIRS OF A PHYSICIAN. By Alexander is- Dumas. London: Simms and M 'Intyre 1, Pa1S. froP ternoster-row, and 26, Donegal-street, Belfast. not Every one has heard of the 'Author of .Mmni are 3irisso, the gentleman who makes books by steam- edl nd books, too, that aretmore widely roadl than the Thb roductions of any other author of the present day, ?? ot excepting even Eugene ...


... poetry. -. ?? TO THE QUEEN. h VY ZENEST JONi28. VI your palfries are prancing, your people are piaing, i The Palace aud Bastlle in rivalry tower : a Remember ! the greatest gold crown ever shining The breath of a people can blight in an hour. Your sycophants ringed round the foot of the throne May call you the Queen of the deep sounding sea, ThQhigh-bounding billowe would break at the tone. ...


... LAMENT FOR MI rHEL. ?? q~ .Floweraof tlebareat.' 0, Erin, thy sons and thy daughters ii anguish * May weep, far their dearest and bravest is gone; Exiledi o'er thy wrongsand thy sorrows to languish, Far, far,' from the friends of his heart and bhi Bright gem of thy green isle-fair freedom's de- voted- Tbh terror'of tyrants-the friend of the slave- Whose patriotbosom, all pure and unspotted, ...


... - oetr--. TO THE PEOPLE. Isjewind that shekfi the trembling leaf, Givesb *ud vlgprichb~e~t ; -- - The reign of tyrants must be brief, And right tho' cruahed, Sbhll come egain, The thunder eloud, with darkened look, May hang suspended fof a time; The lightning's flash, who would not brook, And after meet the bright sunshine. So freedom's onward courue may seem To wear the low'ring aspect dim, ...


... - m;aR a- 4 ?? V90- a, .- a A-FLOVS.-- - leaven bath its crown of setrs the Earth ier glory robe of flowers;4 ,Ibe grand old woods hiave mfus~ic,. CGreen leaves ad howers blooms 11he birds have homes where hnydbom In beauty smile above ; high learning hearts their rainbow dreams;- And we, sweet, we have love . There's suffering for the toiling poor on Misery's bosom nurs'd; Rih robes for ...


... Wi1itwo. The Girlhood qf Shakspeare's Heroines. Tale 1. Portia, the Heiress of Belmoat. By MARY COWDEN CLARKE. Novello, Dean- street, Soho. Who that knows anything of Shakspeare does not know that there is in him a rich mine of intellectual wealth-but half worked out and promising inexhaustible mental riches to those who explore it. Minute as he some- times is, when it suits his purposes, ...


... agortry. LOVE HER STILL. Love her still ! She bath fallen very low- Thou who knew'st her long ago, Little, little canst thou see of her girlbood's putity;- But, though sin hath left its trace On her once sweet happy face, And that innocent maiden brow Droopeth in dark shadow now- Though life's glory all bath fled, And life's shame in ber's instead. Love her still ! Love her ! let no harsh cold ...

Public Amusements

... - ' ubtic mlhuoemtiio. SADLER'S WELLS THEATRE. 'The play of ?? has been revived at this house, and Miss Glyn, in the charaoter of Isabella,' has tan opportunity of displaying her power of sustained and impressive declamation, while the few bursts of grief which. interrupt the j generally bvert deportment of the stately maiden are given with great force. Mr. Marston, as the l Duke, gives a very ...


... This important meeting came off on Tuesday evening, October 22nd, with an eclat not possible to overate; never in the history of labour did its champions assume and maintain a higher and more honourable ground. The Central Committee had determined to submit the Wolverhampton Tin Plate Workers' case to the verdict of the inhabitants of the town, believing-indeed, knowing-that it in- volved a ...