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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... OPERA .PALMERSTOXII, QuE SUPSRSUNT (i) OMru. (From a Germcnoo The rumoured intention of the British Government to protest against the aid afforded ?? to the amen. cipated Lombardo-V.netlaf5. ofers a good opportuanty for Oeeseinag qhortly the opara of the above noble diplo. matet.. Well Way; we think, r I sa to this protest what ietteruth is reported to have aild to that entered by Bngland ...

Literary Extracts

... 3Literavp ?? WINDSOR CASTLL-When we arrived at the Castle of Windsor we were ushered into the presence chamber by the master of the ceremonies, who in- structs in etiquette and compliment. In this chamber the mind is utterly lost, so beautiful and extravagain t are the decorations-all paid for by the people, as everything is, their liberality being be- yond all reason. The walls are hung with ...


... Z?-? 3pottrip). SCRAPS FOR RADICALS. L. T. CLAtNCT. no. Y. Whig pay, and patriotic perfidy! Ohl blame not the bard, if he fly to the bowers, Where pleasure lies carelessly smiling at fame; ge was born for much more, and in happier hours fis soul might have burned with a holier flame. The string that now languishes loose on the lyre Might have bent a proud bow to the warrior's dart, And the ...


... utbicbv. THE FLEET PAPERS. By RICHARD OSTLER. t No. XL. pi We love to see native kindness and benevolence B breaking out through the cloud of a good man's ti prejudices and party preferences. This is preisely d the difference between the patriot and the political c partisan; and hence we have unmitigated pleasure In in observing that, in his Fleet Papers Mr Oaetler hesitates not to tell ...


... 33rb iduS. T11E~ LU RGATORY 0, IIIL.APIO RuyME pN TEN BooKS . ' 3 Y Tos CooPrln toe ChAartist. Lond on: j. flow, 13-2, Fleet-street. (Couitinved from the Star of October ldth.) The Sixth Book is a wonderful and perfect per-I The Si~thBfoot j aptgoniously-incliried critio to formance; wsedefY the ?? Can it be trqe? IWje find the folloigialt i- her of the Fwmiy ifrat '-Laay'LovIie'd,~i ...

Cit Bits

... Ed - it + PUNCH'S XIEG3N CY. IN RBODI:CTIM1. TinE only man of any narlk in all the town rCenainiltg, I sausntcred in St. Janies's rark, And watched the deyligllt wanting. The Speakelr's lips, I said, are scaled, They 've shut ui) bolls tihe ouses; Sir Robert's g*onc to Turnabout field, Sir James to shoot the grouses. The Quseen and alI the Court olre out In Glermany and Flanders, And, ...


... poets_ 1- OUR CHEER. By N33XST JOSE8, Mty countrymen I why languish Like outcasts of the earth, And drown in tears of anguish The glory of your birth ? Ye were a free-born people, And heroes were your race The dead, they are our freemen, The living-our disgrace I You bead beneath your fetters, You fear your foes to spurn: larch! when you meet your betters, 'Tis time enough to turn! Undamn the ...


... 41parp, , . BEAUTIES OF BYRON. NO. V. MMISH1 BARDS SAND SCOTCH RVIEViERS. It is matter of notoriety to all men that BYaoNi's first work, the flours of Idleness, was mercilessly criticised in the pages of the Btalinburgh Review, at that time (1808) the censor-in-chief of the literary world, and the most dreaded, as the most powerful of the critical jnuraals. In criticising the Hours of ...

The Theatres

... MN teveatreo. I ree COVENT GARDEN. pu A new candidate for histrionic honeurs-i. e.. new to the Fa metropolis, made his debut in the character of Ilorslet, cla on Saturday evening. The gentleman is Mr. Henry Betty,ra son of the celebrated Young Roscius, as his father was surnamed, at the time when the precocity of his talents crc for the stage excited so extraordinary an interest. The ...


... A BBO IV OF PUNCH, FRESHE BRWEWD. THE POPE. F The Pope he leads a happy life, So contradiction knows, nor strifse; He rules the roast by Right Divine, h I would the Papal chair were mine! But happy, now, I fear he's not, Those Irish are a noisy lot; And as with DAN he has to cope, I think I'd rather not be PoPe. O'CoNNsEs better pleases me, b 'With all he ?? he maketh free; o He raises iejt ...


... iotitrp. A RURAL HOME FOR ME. (From the December number of the Dcmocratic Review.) Away with your steeples, streets and towers, Your towns and cities vast; Whore disease on extended pinions lowers, And the shadows of death are cast. Where the alley, dark as December's gloom, Never shelters a ray of light; Where the fever's flush, not the rose's bloom, Is ever bright in that living tomb, And ...