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Irish Society (Dublin)


... CORK. A most snoeessfol concert was held in Corkbea Parootiil Schools. The programme was excellently arranged with a pleasing varietv thoroughly well performed. Min Marks gave Happy Days in her usual finished style, and Neatn Skiesof.Sonny Spain” (with ...

Published: Saturday 23 June 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 468 | Page: 25 | Tags: none


... CORK. Colonel Sir Augustus Warren gave home,” at his residence, Warren’s Court, on the afternoon of Friday, the 24th ult. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, which prevented a numher from heing present, the enteitainment was a most pleasant ...

Published: Saturday 08 September 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1237 | Page: 25 | Tags: none


... held at Ballsbridge, Cork was well to the fore, and in the classes in which it competed the measure was exceptionally large. Mrs Druig, of Bock Grove, Little Island, Cork, and Mr Richard Barter, of St- Anne’s Hill, Blarney, Co. Cork, being especially successful ...

Published: Saturday 28 April 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1136 | Page: 25 | Tags: none


... CORK. Mrs Tonson-Rye’s garden party took place at her residence, Rye Court, last Tuesday, the Bth inst. A concert in aid of a charitable object connected with the Killorglin Church, and promoted by the energetic curate, the Rev. P. Courtenay, was held ...

Published: Saturday 13 October 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 982 | Page: 25 | Tags: none


... CORK. Forty members of the Royal Cork Yacht Club dined a* the Club on Thursday evening, bringing the yachting season to a close. Amongst those present were—Mr Arthur Hugh Smith Barry, M.P., Admiral of the Club, and Mr Penrose hit/gerald, M.P. Allusion ...

Published: Saturday 20 October 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 877 | Page: 25 | Tags: none


... CORK. military service rf an exceptionally brilliant character was conducted on Sunday morning, the 6th inst., at ten o'clock, at St. Fin Barren Cathedral. A special order ol service was arranged and song bv the Cathedral Choir. The massed bands ol the ...

Published: Saturday 26 May 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 752 | Page: 27 | Tags: none


... CORK A private subscription dance was held the Crosshaven Hotel on theevening of Friday the 17th ult. Dancing, which commenced at nine o'clock, and was kept up until early hour Saturday morning, took place in the drawingroom the hotel, which was decorated ...

Published: Saturday 01 September 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 833 | Page: 34 | Tags: none


... CORK. On Friday night me* ting was held the h .11 of the Cork Yoon* Men’s Sooiety f>r the pnrpose of inaugurating St. Palriok’a Biman L'gion, for tbe oil o'.La of foods low ...

Published: Saturday 16 June 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1517 | Page: 27 | Tags: none


... CORK. The Royal Munster Yacht Club Cup, the con test for which in Cork Harlrour between the crack yachts, Brittania and Vigilant, the 23rd of July last, created such an amount of interest and resulted in a win for the British yacht, is present on view ...

Published: Saturday 29 September 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1165 | Page: 25 | Tags: none


... CORK. ...

Published: Saturday 25 January 1919
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1 | Page: 20 | Tags: none


... CORK. ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1924
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1 | Page: 17 | Tags: none


... CORK. The eoneert given by Mlm Eva Byan Sobolar) in the Assembly Booms ol the Queen's Hotel was most enjoyable and snooessfol. A large and appreeiative andienoe filled the hall. The programme which was varied and atlrao live, flftntainlng voeal instrnmental ...

Published: Saturday 19 May 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 563 | Page: 29 | Tags: none