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Irish Society (Dublin)


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Irish Society (Dublin)

August 27, 1892.] latest fashions. (Special to Irish Society.) The summer or after season sales being over _and ..

... August 27, 1892.] latest fashions. (Special to Irish Society.) The summer or after season sales being over _and, owing to the bad and short eason, some really wonderful bargains have been disposed of in them—space is ruade for the autumn novelties, and ...

Published: Saturday 27 August 1892
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 253 | Page: 25 | Tags: none

November 25, 1898 latest fashions. (Special to Irish Society. OQUES are much in vogue just now, the younger ..

... November 25, 1898 latest fashions. (Special to Irish Society. OQUES are much in vogue just now, the younger examples of headgear alternating between very small toques and very large flop, or picture” hats, the millinery “happy medium” being conspicuous ...

Published: Saturday 25 November 1893
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 226 | Page: 23 | Tags: none

July 8, 1888. ttbc latest fashions. Special to Ibish Society. The low, flat bonnets that came in early this season

... July 8, 1888. ttbc latest fashions. Special to Ibish Society. The low, flat bonnets that came in early this season are now less often seen than those which have a little height beyond that of the indispensable feather or flower that forms the aigrette ...

Published: Saturday 08 July 1893
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 123 | Page: 23 | Tags: none

December 1, 1894. latest fashions. I Special to Irish Sooibtt.l YN the matter of com—bination for millinery, J ..

... December 1, 1894. latest fashions. I Special to Irish Sooibtt.l YN the matter of com—bination for millinery, J that way madness 1 lies’’ just now; \ nothing seeming too i incongruous to put / either as to J 'MX? / materials or colours. sable toque, with ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 279 | Page: 23 | Tags: none

latest fashions. Special to Irish Society. „ can at least begin to form a safe estimate about some of -.he

... latest fashions. Special to Irish Society. „ can at least begin to form a safe estimate about some of -.he “fall” fashions, probably to the unusual prolongation 'if summer weather, ;he manufacturers are much later than usual 'ith their autumn which they ...

Published: Saturday 02 September 1893
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 235 | Page: 24 | Tags: none

Janaary 13, 1894 latest fashions. [Special to Ibish Society.] DAINTY little toque , the subject of our ..

... Janaary 13, 1894 latest fashions. [Special to Ibish Society.] DAINTY little toque , the subject of our millinery sketch this eek. The crown is irmed of folds of iale biscuit-coloured elvet placed in circle •rm one within the ,her; the brim is covered ...

Published: Saturday 13 January 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 240 | Page: 23 | Tags: none

December 1893. latest fashions. (Special to Ibish Society. F the many picturesque hat shapes now in vogue, the ..

... December 1893. latest fashions. (Special to Ibish Society. F the many picturesque hat shapes now in vogue, the model which forms the sub- Iject of our first sketch this week is one of the most becoming, besides giving an immense -amount of style to • ...

Published: Saturday 02 December 1893
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 251 | Page: 23 | Tags: none

May 12. 1894 latest fashions. [Special to Ibibh Society.] TROLLING down any of onx principal streets at the ..

... May 12. 1894 latest fashions. [Special to Ibibh Society.] TROLLING down any of onx principal streets at the present moment fixes one’s impression of there being very little that is really novel as to gowns and coats; and also that in the matter of millinery ...

Published: Saturday 12 May 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 236 | Page: 23 | Tags: none

October 13, 1894. latest fashions. [Special to Irish Society. 1 N dress, as in general decoration or design, ..

... October 13, 1894. latest fashions. [Special to Irish Society. 1 N dress, as in general decoration or design, most powerfult id to good effect is limplicity Keep a imple scheme in ither one or the ,her well in view iroughout, and the effect of the most ...

Published: Saturday 13 October 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 264 | Page: 23 | Tags: none

Jane 10. 1893,] latest fashions. Special to Irish Society. Almost any shape in bonnets that can be devised may now

... Jane 10. 1893,] latest fashions. Special to Irish Society. Almost any shape in bonnets that can be devised may now be worn on the fashionable head. The one shown in our sketch is a compromise between hat and bonnet, and is worn on the hair rather than ...

Published: Saturday 10 June 1893
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 101 | Page: 23 | Tags: none

January 6, 1894 latest fashions. Spboial to Ibish Society.] N an age so teeming with new departures of every sort

... January 6, 1894 latest fashions. Spboial to Ibish Society.] N an age so teeming with new departures of every sort and kind, one ceases to be familiar any longer with the sensation of surprise, otherwise it might be aroused in millinery matters by the ...

Published: Saturday 06 January 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 243 | Page: 19 | Tags: none