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Morning Chronicle


... LONDON: - MONDAr, YULr 6. We yesterday received Paris Journals up to the ifl inclufive. They contain very few articles of intelligence, and afford us no new information on thofe fubjeds which at prefent occupy the greateft portion of the public in- tereft. In a letter' from Madrid, the conclufion of a peace with Portugal is announced, and in the fame article is contained a letter from the ...


... , Anra ffls gbe /sfaf &fO~itRVZG in to Cern t rade in a dk or tw. ] PCTER PROJRCT arfoon iipofibek. I J LONDON: TUESDAr2, OCTOBER lo. Thofe men who have carried on and have fup- ported the War to reffore the Houfe of Bourbon, orto procure fuch equivalents to this country for the territorial aggraiidifement of France, mufft con- fief that the War has been unfuccefsful, and that the Peace is ...


... ?? MO R - I THE MORIV NG CHRONICLE. I _I LONDON: MtoNDar, S IPTrBMBER 2r. On Saturday we received Patis Journals to the i6th inclufive, and yefterday we received thofe of the Ith. They contaiii nothing that de{erves par- ticular remark. The ratification of the Treaty of the ELECTOR of BAVALiA have been exchanged. The funds keep pretty fleady.' They were on the 16th 48i. Yefterday arrived in ...


... TH1E MORNINDG . ?? . kd. A-. i: .: - 'IOCNDON) 0D i -: - . sTUESDAr, ~yuzry; 0 -'eyWeferWay received another day's Paris Journals,. thofe of the ?? They furnifli.h s with' no farther in- refoiring the ?? .C ertgal, or in rlwhit manner the eneniy-intend ito occupy this-polt during the retnainder of the 'war. 'We have no doubt. ' that it is left 'comp-etel!y'at ihe mercy oi France. Ac., cording ...


... L ?? AiORINiG CHf]WNlULE I .. I LONDON: - ATUAiD1)2, OC7'OBER 17. We yeflerday received Paris Journals -to the 12th inclusive. The principal article of news they contain is an account of the ?? of Peace between the EMPEROR Of RUSSIA and the French Republic. The ratifications were exchanged on the X ith, and the news publifhed at Paris with great eclat. A Tre aty with the Porte is flid to be go ...


... THE MORNING cIRONWLE. L 0 N-D 0 N: FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1824. The Constitutionnel contains an article on the French Budget for 1825, which is not undeserving of attention. The BOURBONS arc hastening to obtain that security for loyalty which has long been enjoyed in this coun- try-a respectable national debt. We have, however, got so much the start of them, that it will be long ere they can overtake ...


... LONDON: - FRID.4k, NO VESB.ER 5, 1824. We received at a late hour last night the Etoie of Tuesday and Wednesday's date. It contains little intel. ligence of any importance. We have extracted part of an article on a subject which is now exciting so much agitation in this country, namely, the controversy re- specting Bible Reading:- PARIS, Nov. 2.-M. CAuctoisLEMAINE has written to the ...


... THUE MIORNING CHRONICLE. LONDON: S4T URDdY, OCTOBER 29, 1825. Lettrrs from Asturias, received by the last Mail, mention, that the usual severity aainsg the Constitutionalists bad mate- rially relexed. Tle reveral INembers of the Junta of Govern. meat in oviodo, the capital of the above province, named at the time of the re.establishment of the Constitution, and who bad been confined in prison ...

Published: Saturday 29 October 1825
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Miscellaneous | Words: 4873 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Editorial/Comment 


... THEf MORNING CHRONICLE. LONDON: 2'UESDAY, NOVisNBBA 20a lS25. A Lisbon packet was reported yesterday as having ar. rived, which left the Tagus on the 15th. Letters brought by this conveyance state, that the British man of war, Spartiate, arrived from Rio de Janeiro, with the Brazilian 'Treaty, on the 9th; but the Government had not published it in the Gazettes, altbough a Proclasnation had ...


... - TIE moRNiGc/ ullS.'lQJu-4LLf. LONDON: TUESDAY;, f/L7N 9. We yeflerday received Paris Journals to the 5th inclufive. They announce, on official authority, that the left wing of the Spanifll army under the PRIacs of PEACE has entered the Portugueze territory Nvirliot experiencing any confiderable rfiftance. The Spa4i ards have made thenifelves mafters of Gliv;ewfa 5id MoMne HIavor, two ...


... THE MORNING CHRONLILE. -LONDON: TUSDbr,,M M12 26. Yeflerday arrived, the Haamburgh Mail due on Sun- day laft. 'The letters from Vienna, are full of re. ports reflpeling Egypt, but none of them deferve any attention. Our own official accounts having ctae down near three weeks after the ?eat-bittle of the 2Lft without mnentioning.any important occurrence; in the interval we are fully authorifed ...


... THE MORNIA'IVG CHROATICLE. L.ONDON: SATURDAr, AUGUST 29. Letters from Paris account for the fudden and extraordinary rife of their funds in a different way thaq by 'rurnours of peace. We learn that the Ch.EIF CONSUL has declared that the money to be received from Portugal, as the price of peace, fball be employed in paying the arrear of dividends due on that fund, and that an arrangement has ...