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Sphere, The


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The Sphere

FORTUNINO MATANIA: A noted contributor to The Sphere

... scenes in the First World War. Chevalier Fortunino Matania was born in Naples in 1881 and, according to his own account, was ed ucated in the studio of his father, an Art Professor. The drawing by Fortunino Matania is of the occasion in Guildhall, London ...

Published: Saturday 23 February 1963
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 324 | Page: 23 | Tags: Photographs 

The Recognition: The Third Phase of the Service Recorded for The Sphere by Fortunino Matania, R.I

... The Recognition The Third Phase of the Service Recorded for The Sphere by Fortunino Matania, R.I. The Recognition, the third phase of the Coronation, is described in the book of the service in the following manner. The King and Queen being so placed ...

Published: Saturday 15 May 1937
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 270 | Page: 41 | Tags: Illustrations 

THE KING AND HIS BROTHERS KEEP VIGIL IN WESTMINSTER HALL: A Special Sphere Drawing by Fortunino Matania Showing ..

... THE KING AND HIS BROTHERS KEEP VIGIL IN WESTMINSTER HALL A Special /y Sphere J/ Drawing hy Fortunino Matania Showing the Dramatic Scene During the Last Hours of the Lying=in=State of George V H.M. the King H.R.H. the Duke ot Kent H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester ...

Published: Saturday 08 February 1936
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 282 | Page: 9 | Tags: Photographs 


... Present from _ Cccsar by Fortunino Matania, ■Eg# K.I. Nefertiti by Fortunino Matania, R.I. Cleopatra, by Fortunino Matania, R.I. Refer ences, by Charles E. Brock. A Christinas Incident in a S urre y a r in h o ...

Published: Saturday 18 February 1939
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 162 | Page: 48 | Tags: Illustrations 


... A Present from Ccesar, by Fortunino Matania, R.I. Nefertiti, by Fortunino Matania, R.I. Cleopatra, by Fortunino Matania, R.I. Refer- ences by Charles E. Brock. A Christmas Incident in a Surrey Farmhouse, by ...

Published: Saturday 18 May 1940
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 148 | Page: 36 | Tags: Illustrations 


... rga ret Rose A Present from Ccesar, by Fortunino Matania, R I. David Copperficld's Journey from Yarmouth to Nefertiti, by Fortunino Matania. R.I. London, by Fortunino Matania. R.I. Cleopatra, by ...

Published: Saturday 07 January 1939
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 272 | Page: 38 | Tags: Illustrations 


... 316 each (postage abroad 2/6 extra are now available A Present from Ccesar by Fortunino Matania, R I. Nefertiti by Fortunino Matania, R.I. t4 Cleopatra. by Fortunino Matania, R.I. H.M. The King riding in ...

Published: Saturday 15 April 1939
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 206 | Page: 41 | Tags: Illustrations 


... London, by Fortunino Matania, R.I. References, by Charles E. Brock. A Present from Cccsar, by Fortunino Matania, R.I. The Apple of His Majesty's Eye, by William Ncfertiti, by Fortunino Matania. R.I. Van de ...

Published: Saturday 30 December 1939
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 686 | Page: 2 | Tags: Illustrations 


... Margaret Rose I A Present from Ccesar, bv Fortunino Matania, R.I. David Copper field' s Journey from Yarmouth to Nefertiti, by Fortunino Matania, R.I. London, by Fortunino Matania, R.I. Cleopatra, by ...

Published: Saturday 20 May 1939
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 552 | Page: 43 | Tags: Illustrations 


... 3l6 each postage abroad 2/6 extra) are now available A Present from Ccesar by Fortunino Matania, R.I. Nefcrtiti by Fortunino Matania, R.I. Cleopatra by Fortunino Matania, R.I. H.M. The King riding in Windsor ...

Published: Saturday 11 March 1939
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 210 | Page: 44 | Tags: Illustrations 

IN GOOD QUEEN MARY'S DAYS: A Six-page Section Showing Aspects of Her Public Life as Recorded by Special Sphere ..

... drawings made specially for the occasions by SPHERE artists, most notable among them being Fortunino Matania and Eduardo Matania. On behalf of The Sphere Fortunino Matania travelled far and wide recording his vivid impressions. The greater ...

Published: Saturday 04 April 1953
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 587 | Page: 39 | Tags: Illustrations 


... Present from Ccesar, by Fortunino Matania, R.I. Xefertiti, by Fortunino Matania, R.I. Cleopatra by Fortunino Matania. R.I. Refer ences, by Charles E. Brock. A Christmas Incident in a Su r re y F a r m h o u s e ...

Published: Saturday 25 May 1940
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 484 | Page: 33 | Tags: Illustrations