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The Champion


... I . There is such 'a str'n, ruiour .of Parliament meet- ng nearly a ?? usual next Sersion, that cvejral of the nobility's Christmas parties are now asseta- )ling; while many famnilies, are staying ,teiporarily at the ?? of.keeping house in the cQuptry. t'or. a 8hort ,period.-~ -HEerald. . ?? . ' Tlie Sri~.s'aEhas issue,4' hi&s,wri('for' the. election of. Member ,fioi the'county ofLongford, in ...

Published: Monday 28 November 1836
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 671 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... 'ILAwjqT t J3RIG 1#eWa - . , - ->rc1vE-D 1Sts MOQaeUNG.], . :- *, TheParis Papers of Tuesday; are still engage;3 in drawing'the- most invidious o6 mparhons between the 'con- duet of their Adinital'and ,that' of ?? dr`ig the.' late abortive ittempt to change the form of Governinentit Lisbon-the one 'being as' they. ny, an linoffensivemimni- festationr of anxiety for' the safity of , l Frincfie ...

Published: Monday 28 November 1836
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1474 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... As far as we have been able to observe, this law works well. A remarkable instance of its effect occurred last week, at the Quarter Sessions at Pres- ton, in Lancashire. Richard Challinor, aged sixteen, was indicted for stealing a mare, the property of Mr. James Read, of Burnley. It appeared that the mare was taken from a field near Burnley. The prisoner was a tra- velling potter; and on the ...

Published: Monday 31 October 1836
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1238 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... OPPO$1TION TO CHURCHIRATES. Mr. Waymouthl Mr. Wilks, M.P., Dr. Brown, and Ir. Robert Fletcher; waited on Lord John Russell Tees- day, as a deputation froin The United Cominittee ap- .poitted to ?? inder' which Dissenters bvow;labonr, with~i view to their redres:, and'had an inter- view with his ?? atthe Home Office. On Tuesday evening ?? was held at the Town Hall, Brightou,' Mr.' KeMiP, M.P. ...

Published: Sunday 25 December 1836
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1151 | Page: Page 21 | Tags: News 


... koOR- ?? 9: - - 41 Wl. 4 - [The follo~ii0'ae . -~aupt R qthat we IjaveY be6p able ?? rspe ~ n hjs tF Mr. Pow'd th ?? $hasbe o his round, tfuh~ Qidha , raplacegoing the ag 13ury, Olhm.Rochdalej and ?? dth reception h~le s 11 twtimy ~jigdo in soe measure from what we publish below.- The stalking- horse (te~i ati'o6i of* bjrths, 6.(h 1 a~t )tiwages. anad deaths) maade' uT46 of at 'ibe ...

Published: Sunday 22 January 1837
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4550 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... I-.XSCELxAcW1A. MATRIMONIAL LoTnay.-A recent traveller in the United States gives an account of a matrimonial lottery ?? was' f6rmnd -there with beneficial - effects. At a wedding in Soutb'Carolina a young lawyer moved, That 'one mau'id the cotiiany :should be selected as president; that this president should'be duly sworn to keep secret all communications in his official department that ...

Published: Sunday 27 November 1836
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1610 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... There is but one bulwark behind which mechanics and labourers mst safely rally to oppose a common enemy, who, if they ventured singlyv inA the field against hiin, would cut them to pieeii that buiwark is the Principle of Combinamiss . We would advise them to take refuge behind it only in extreme caes, because in their collisions with their employers, as in those between nations, the manifold ...

Published: Monday 06 February 1837
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1496 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... 'FusUc - xr~m'ZWG IMN! KAUTIJDOIN bit I .: BWJE VOILf-L A8 I - ; I . ?? . . ' I On Wednesday a numerous and highly respectable meeting of the electors of Marvlebo6e. was held: in the largeq room of the Queen's Head, Great Titchfield-street; for the purpote' of taking in to consideration the propiletyk of petitioning the Legislature for a total repeal of the .cotdils .. Mr., Copy was called to ...

Published: Sunday 09 September 1838
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 878 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... THE PARuIAMENT. HOUSE OF LORDS, JAN. 31. OPrENING OF THE SESSION. It being pretty generally understood that his Ma- jesty would not open the Session in person, the num- *ber of persons collected round the avenues to the Houses of ParliamentIwas unusually scanty, and com- rparatively little excitement appeared to prevail About trio o'clock the Lord Chancellor and the other Conmissi ners, in ...

Published: Sunday 05 February 1837
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 23860 | Page: Page 27, 28, 29 | Tags: News 


... (FRoM TUB cORnEfiPONDENT OF THR CHAMPiON.) NA w YORK, JANUaRy 1, 1837.-Mr. VAN 13UREN is, as I said he would be, elected successor to General JACKsON; and this gentleman stands pledged to op- pose the re-establishing of a Federal Bark, His op- position to such an establishment is founded, not only upon its tendency to mischief, but also. upon the rounds of its being vsnconstitutional. What ...

Published: Sunday 05 February 1837
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2206 | Page: Page 31 | Tags: News 


... LORD ALTHORP'S FACTORY. A . ,. THE EF'ECTS OF-PUTTING LAW-MAKING INO I a,, ?? :, - ?? V- CGMMISSION. . TO TUE EDITOhS OF THE CHAMPION A1ND WfrlLT 1E1RALD. DEAR SIRs,-1 , request your insertion in THB CHAMPION of proceedings takeai before the Magis- trates at Bolton, and at Middleton, oninformations under the Factory 'Act. The firt is, given in the Bol- ton Chronicle of the 12th' November last, ...

Published: Sunday 01 January 1837
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2359 | Page: Page 25 | Tags: News 


... ' ' 1VS 1 ' A l ?? ~ -~mgwxs ?? _:LJIOe ' 23. t A 8S~ Pl~~$l DIS - W. rt(i ad eIns-:.G. Goad,. - rk-1a.-, C, Braline anli T.1 ygQs,, Canntme~wsi ;Pen. i i , Uhe, .ljr~e~y: staW ?? - ut,,4S B rttoutz~and A.. Piekes, | .rers s R-:ekieafi4, ttenvosiR ihix z ltnci cofton. I !B~oniejC,::6nW4 i xid6 Wi RM't ntt, PFore, s lribk taLttkr~ cJJ Bo o, Maird ge. -Manchest 'l Iter rebadiknakera-9. ...

Published: Sunday 01 January 1837
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1092 | Page: Page 37 | Tags: News