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The Principality


... TALLOW. LONDON, MONDAY, SEPT. 4.—This market, notwithstandingr the weather has set in warm, is very steady, and a good business is doing, at our advanced quotations. P.Y.C. on the spot is selling at 45s. 3d. to 4os. 6d., and for forward delivery, 44s. 6d. to 44s 9t1, per cwt. Town Tallow, 46s. per cwt. net cash; rou^L^'at 2s. 7 d. per 8 lbs. o ...


... iMIL HUDSON'S DEFICIENCIES. The second report of the committee of investigation into the affairs of the York, Newcastle, ;in I Berwick Railway has been published. The great length of the document precludes tis rom giving its entire contents but that Mr. Hucbun's conduct is more deeply involved than ever will be apparent from the fallowing extract:—The evidence before your com nittee ...


... BRECON. This town has just been visited by a deputation from the general committee of the Normal College for Wales, consist- ing of the Rev. Edward Roberts, the agent of the institution, and the Revs. E. Davies, of Haverfordwest, and D. Evans, of Swansea. Considerable anxiety was felt respecting the result of this visit, as it was the first of an extensive series of meetings to be held in ...


... CARDIGAN. Nov. 6.—Wheat, new, 6s. 9d. to 7s. 3d. per win.; old, ditt. 7s. 9d. to 8s. 3d. Barley, new, 4s. Od. to is, 3d.; old, 4s. 6d. to 5s.; Oats, 28.9 ...

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... HIDES. LEADENHALL.—Market hides, 561b. to 641b., lfd. to 2d per lb | ditto, 641b. to 721b., 2d. to 2|d.: ditto, 721b. to fiOib., 2 £ d. to 2Jd. ditto, 801b. to 88ib., 3d. to 3jd. ditto, 881b. to 961b 3,id to 3¿d.; ditto, 961b. to 1041b 3) ...

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... WOOL MARKET. CITY, DEC. 25.-The wool market has been steady. The imports into London last week were more limited comprising bales from Germany, 271 from Egypt, 171 from South Australia, and 1^0 from Odessa. There are fair orders for fabrics to hand by the last steamers from North and South America and India. ...


... SMITHFIELD. MONDAY.—Our market to-day was very moderately-supplied with each kind of fat stock but from the various home-grazing districts the fresh receipts of beasts were seasonably large, and in excess of those noticed on this day se'nnight, both as to number and quality. The dead markets being heavily supplied with their last week's arrivals, and the attendance of both town and country ...


... PROM 1,2 1,2 1, 2 Exp 123 Mail am. a.m. a.m. pin. p.m p.m. Bristol 8 0 11 03 155 0 6 35 Man.got6field 8 12 11 11 5 15 Tate 8 21 11 23 3 33 5 27 7 0 Wiekwar 8 33 5 39 Ctiarlield S 38 11 38 3 46 5-45 7 19 Berkeley-lload 8 50 11 49 3 56 5'57 7 32 I'rocester 9 0 H 58 6 ? Stonehouse 9 3 12 2 4 8 6 13 7 50 Gloucester 7 0 9 38 12 35 4 41 6 5-1 8 30 Gloucester 7 0 9 38 12 35 4 41 6 51 8 30 Cheltenham ...


... COMBINATION OUTRAGE.—We regret extremely to state that' upon Saturday evening last, when the railway waggon con- taining parcels was within two miles and a quarter of Sligo, at about five o'clock in the afternoon, it was attacked by a party. of men, who, having felled the driver, a man named William Walsh, with a blow over the temple, shot one of the horses' that were drawing the waggon. 'A ...


... CARDIGAN. SEPT. 23.-Wheat, 7s. to 7s. 6d. per win.; Barley, 4s. to 4S. 6d.; Oats, 2s. to Os. Od. Beef, 4d. to 5d. Mutton, 4kl. tootd.; Veal, 4d. ^0' 5d. Lamb, 4id. to 5d. Fresh butter, lOd. to Is.; Salt, 8 £ d. ta 0d. Cheese, new, 18s. to 20s. per ewt. ...