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Caledonian Mercury

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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... A N EVANGELISTIC MEETING will be A held TIllS EVENiNGN in ST LUaE'5 Ce, QuEEN SsTrIET (Rov. A. Moody Stuart's), at Fight o'clock. N AT IO N AL E D UJCATION. THE LORD ADVOCATE'S BILL. At the instance of the GrxI:rAL COMMITTEE on NATIONAL EDucAviow, a PUBLIOt MEET1NG vill be bold in the QUEiN STREEI:rT IrALL on MIONDAY the 21ST INSTANT (To-DAY), at Two o'clok;, for the purpose of considering ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , tltit) I i zs1 i Itt,t. Now Rcadly, Nos. ?? priee (f1 sael!, of XToIT NC'S NEWI T:RANc1SL.zTIN of tldc IL IHLY 1: ll-E. To be cosnplete in Twenty N. t., ?? Hg 760 pp. (cowns 0Ct0-o. SlIeCiL ns sci- f£12, and Subsallierto Mullces reccivcd, ]3v Al~l. ]DX.FU;(l 01201 ;u20lt~lc'.!X. G OD'8 (JI[OSEN liAST; on, IIAT 1rSHALL GJI WF; DO FOR ORIL 001POORER ]ititIIIIEu Y ? Isaiah Iviii. 6, 7 ; Luke ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEFTINGS, A.MUSEM.ENTS, ho. XMosnhD, APRIL 6. Asnual Meeting of th ethe ?? Chamn- bers-2 P.Y. Opening of tbe Female Protestant Association School- Prooms-Adress by Dr Guthrie-2 yir W. S. Woodins Entertainment-Waterloo Rooms oF d Scottish Academy's Exhibition-National Gallery -9 A m. till 5 P.m., and from 7 P.m. till 10 p.m. Be4al .00een's Theatre-7.30 P.m. 11sgler'o Circus-Nicolson ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETIN~GS, AM~~USEMENiTS, &O. MONDAY, AUGUST 18. ,Ieetilg of Governois of George Heriot's Hospital- 1210011- 1cetiDl of Edinburgh City Trust-12 noon. Q00'lls Theatre-Payable on Demand, A Smack fora Smack, nd Anvlphide-7.30P.M X oard'5 Operetta-House- An Alarming Sacrifice, Where's Pattie, and IMedea-s PrM. it T'lf Silver Cord Loosed-Oii view at Hill's Galleries, VilreWC Street-10 A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Virg *O1a 6gbIiro. MEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &P. WEnDESDnA, MARCH 4. Beeting of the Commission of the Establisbed Church Gemcral Asemlbly-12 noon. Mcetingt of the Commission of the Free Church Gene- ral A-semtbly-12G noon. Cobeer.aldone of the Town Council in the Industrial Mttsiam-8 P. M. Gsrris'n Amateur Theatricals - Queen's Theatre- The Galrne of Speculation and Samuel in S-areh of Ilims 1f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISH EPISCOPA5 CHURCH SOCIETY. ! Thltr will be MOR.ISG rPRAYER in ST JO0N'SI EpIScos AL Cl2S!{1CIT, 00 EDO;ESDAY, 29)T11 SE1'TEIrnETO, at | half-fast Tea o'clock .t., at which an O;iertory will be made in aid of the Fnuds of the Society. The ST-ATED ANNUAL MEETING of the GENERAL COMMIPITEE for receiving Claims, making Grants, and transacting tho otler business of the Society, will be held ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEINEAIL NOTICES. CODS1ERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. A QUAR1TERLY GENERAL: COURT of PRO- PRiETORS of the CQ .^31MERCIAL BANK of *SACOTLAN D will be held in the Bank's Offlee here, ,on TUESDAY, the 10T}I MARCH; NExT, at Two o'clock Afternoon, pursuant to the Charter. JAs. REID, Secy. Edinburgh, 15th February 1860. POLICE, PRISON, & REGISTRATION .1.. AS$ESSMIENTS. The Public is again reminded that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... art,4i, slid ?? BLACK SILK BLACK SILKi MERCERS. hlERCERS. 1 oAANS & GOODLET'S Prico List of G BLACK SILK 24 Inlich Wiie Ducapc,4, os 9d, 4s, 4s 3d, 4s 6d, 4s 3d, !s. ?? Itj, GJ 0.1, Gs, ,, oyal, ?? (is il, Cs d, 7s, , . zemneis, 5s 9di 7i;, 9d, liit~sD ., liii.S iIilOA*O uiACTEIS. ?? , Gila'ie , -s 3. I ti 'id,3s (i, , ,, ,, ,, Foreigu, 4s, 1s Gd1, 4s 9d, $s, d,5 too. Lyons,1. C.s d.!, 7ss 8d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L Y O N . Tr -R'N BO -aL L (Partners of the late Firm of Dowells & Lyon), AUCTIn)NRl?,RR AND VALUATORS, 61 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGU. AUCTION DIARY. THIS DAY.-EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TUBE, French-Wardrobe, Capital &ight-day Clock, by Paterson, Barometer, Grand Piano- forte, by Broadwood, Grates, Gas Lustres, &c. &c., in No. 11 LAURISTON PARK, at Eleven. To-11oRROW AND SATURDAYiFIRCT. -The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GR ,lBMIELL '2 F IL\ iCV Tt!S. CCIT AND BAY OF Eir N 1'LE, S, 5\l) S-fl'lTM(NDl(; (O NTRY, rCINNING rON ROAD. rE I)PiTETlS Alessrs J. ATKINS, ci th ierpioi olodoniel Gardens, and 1 T ltA\ ..O\ tile (Celebrated Artist wvho sl iotir ' of liet i'liltrodnleed to (anid highly ,Ji t1 j r Majity the Queen D)owager, irr v Lo' lic~s G (A arden s, London, Gr al, _I) 41 L TUS AND IIECIA, ti ril tile \ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ICALIMOIAN IINTr, rN - AND l~r T'CO~t'tNCE' ON r'lrlE ! OF OCTOB1 ER. B ac, ith 100 Sove'reigns n ! lb.; ' Fi ie, St 3 1li, 1 e utile and 1swteSecretary of thle Royal G AMI l' e bu 1, on or before the lt 81 *, bv tbe 1)ule of Burricucb, , dill 1 II I.C crhallengeld for on ~ f Janle. lr'eyear ohld-, 70t. I1t IJ'io 8lt.l lb. Six land - ' Mnar'ei (rlIGillog4 allovived 31b. ?? thle ltime of chat- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIIILD. }Y I ?? Ci ic tho tbolber Fi. - ( ?? . ?? - tdnhaitttiflce. Onc Slhil. th l S . Ci f thesea 8IIOOLS i4 to auppiy a m n.i1. 10,,td. ?? ins tle mernq~l of 1 li t, ?? l'aoclial System, by ;*taf ile 4liitr Nd iiirk Stative of * t- ( ?? bare evhned M. ! te ?? ,it mjluA rtaicA oif the obhect, tli - !n i, l~re is riqilirl't belfore the .1 i . .1n- ' 81 1 Iiis fiarther suit i n * ..4.1 ?? h ...