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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register

Advertisements & Notices

... On the preparing of ground for planting; On the p1-a~ti~g; tZ Qak 5b: -g~gy3Sl~Kig[>R-g ^the pr~uning; and on the cutting dowl of Forest 'Irees ?? erwoods, _ DE:SCR Z3WDGr TheusuaLgrow :n4 sizevauviithe uses of each sort'of -treethe eb' s ee a o . :e sea- son and m neior cofcting the seed;tbhe nanersif pe~ei~shand ,ofZsowingifi, ahdt also the naigr,:f ?? the young Being a drr ,1e t b rica as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ti oD- thbe Situatiof, Sufil, Eniibsig,- 0al|; ,. layiug-outs, f KitchedlGa-rd u ath tinaing~and- ?? fi-r e£ ' E~d Green--Hotsest, andabn t;6 ?? gti4nil .iFtivation~of ail sorts itche rden Plants, sd~ Fruit Trees, wlbetbier>6f the dens; and 'on the Propagan ao4 Cultia * -i oign of tlie-sevei-sof ShrndFI:. ers ; concldig wit bled ?? inst~UiifS reclative to: te SwingsSTlan1 - ings, tlrulnim~ngss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THZ W~bon-flrns: oR, On the preparing of ?? ?? 'I the planting on the _hltWbiT- bun thie prtaing enid on the ?? ?? 3Ifoet 'lree6 and UtderwnoAs,;.. , ; The usual gntxh carnd' sW anr --ltie Isi 6 each sort of tree, the seed of eahch,; tlie sea-' son and nafinde of coleathit the-seed, ie -mattnner ?? aof sdtdnitit, 'a also the manner of managing ihe'yotws ?? u ril fioto mlanaging t,., - i ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, price is. 4d. neatly bound in leather, COBBET1S ZEGACT TO iASO7SrBS OR, What is the Right which the Lords, Baronets, and 'Squires have to the Lands of ]England? CONTENTS. Dedication to Sir RoBEar PEEL; stating the reasons for writing the book, and also the reasons for dedicating it to him. Letter I. How came some men to have a greaterright to parcels of land than any other men ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'CORBUTT4Ajp-d.y. Fortl& )gidUb i - h Containing, besides al the usual mater of such alwvak, a clear and ?? I u ,INTRODUCTION TO gNGLIS8 GRAMMAR. This I have written'by way of A Stepping-Stonei to Dey own Grammar; such a thing having been frequently sug.- Ar ested to sne by Teachers as necessary. 1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR.-Of this work one hbudred thousand copies have now been published. This isa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , DVICE .10 lA . Y. Wrl ?? ompiete-ieleirset5 mutet them quickly, for he s4gle Numbers uisoom; be gone. The~work, now freed frovn the ex- pense of wrapperadud tke- loss and inconve- nience attending ona publication.iiiNumbers, mill, bound lutoards, he sold ait 6s. Just puhlished, P-ice 4s. 6d., extra how ds,. JOURNAL OF A TOUR IN ITALY, AND AkSO IN PART OF FRANCE AND SWITZERLAND; T7e route ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEA-A SAVING TO FAMILIES OF 2s. IN 7s., UPWARDS OF 30 PER CENT; FELIX and CO., 106, Tottenham-court- road, three doors from London-street, near the New-road, have just OPENED a WARE- HOUSE for the SALE of TEAS, FREE from ADULTERATION, and served fromnthe chest pure as received from China. As a saving of 30 per cent. in an article of such universal consumption as Tea, implies the saving olf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COBBETT-LIBRARY. I Ne-w Edition. C*@333MTTS BSpe1lng-3|iook; (P*ice 2s.) Containing, besides all the usual matter of auch a book, a clear and concise INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH GRAMMIAR. This I have written by way of A Steppii-fitone to my own rammar; such a ting havin- been frequently sug- gested to me by Teachers as necessary. 1. ENGLISEHGRAMMAR-Of this work sixty thousand copies have now been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COBBE TT-LIBR.AY. New Edielon.- COB:B3:TTr'S Spelling-Book (Price 2s.) Containing, besides all the usual matter of such a book, a clear and concise INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH GRAMMAR. This I have written by way of A Stepping.-Stone to my own suchea thing having been frequently sug- gested to me by Teachers as necessary. 1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR.-Of this work sixty thousand copies have now been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | A:ANOTHEER SERMkON.' ON theI l th of May will be publish- ed, at iny shop,:No. 18.3, Fleet Street, London, and 't be 4ad oF all booksel- lers in town and countrv, PRICE SIx. PENCE, a Sermon, entitle, ?? (Ot)D FRIDXY -or, TH-IE MURDER- OF IESUS:(cHRIST BY THE JEWS,: addressed- to 'lMri6tians of all denomi- ?? other Sermons, tivelve in aznniber, may be had in one volume, price 3s. 6d.: Wu. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - AD ERTISEMNENTS. l -% -, .; , _- One, thousand new facts in Science and Art In a few days, 'in'a cluseijspwiited volume, * . . with engravings. ARCANA of SCIENCE and the USEFUL ARTS; or; One Thousand Popular Discove. ries and Inventions in Mechanical and Che- mical Science, Natural History, Rural Eco. nomy, Manufactures and Commerce, Domres tic Economy. the Fine Arts, &c., with Phe- nomena ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATENT BRANDY versus PREJUDGE. T. BETTS and Co. had flattered Them- SJ . selves that the unprecedented extent of sale and admitted superiority in the quality of their PATENT FRENCH DISTILLED BRANDY would, ere now, have wholly dissipated. the prejudice which have been known to exist in the minds of many persons against Brandy manufactured in ibis country, and which, before the introduction of ...