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Daily News (London)


... The time is now approaching when the consular returns of trade at the different ports may be expected to be laid before the public. It generally believed that, though the amount for Canton will probably show an actual well comparative decrease, the difference will be more than compensated by the trade at Shanghae. There can no doubt, however, that the market there has been greatly overdone; ...


... Death of Mons. Virey.—At the last meeting of the Royal Academy of Medicine, Paris, the president reported the death of Virey, one of its most distinguished mem bers. M. Soubeiran, principal pharmacien of the hospitals, and member of the pharmaceutical section of the Royal Academy of Medicine, pronounced his funeral oration on the 11th instant, from which it appeared that this distinguished ...


... It ,'would appear, according to the latest accounts from Brussels, that the Ministerial crisis at length at an end. The following is the list of the Ministry formed Rogier, all the'mcnibers of whichjire of liberal opinions : M. Rogicr, Minister of the Interior. „ De Brouckere, Foreign Affairs. „ De Bavay, Justice. „ Deltosse, Finance. ~ D'Hoffschniidt, Public Works, and Chazel, War Department. ...


... HOUSE OF COMMONS, M\rch 25. The Speaker took the chair at twelve o'clock. THE EDINBURGH AND GLASGOW AND SCOTTISH CENTRAL RAILWAYS JUNCTION. Lord DUNCAN the second reading of this bill. Mr. F. MAT. LE hoped his noble friend would consent to postpone the second reading until the committee, which the hon. member for North Lancashire (Mr. Wilson Patten) had moved for, to consider the amalgamation ...


... We announced on Wednesday last, on the authority of a letter from Naples, the speedy issue of new tariff, by which the duties on English manufactures would de considerably reduced, and the commercial intercourse between the two countries greatly extended. We have now the satisfaction of stating, that this first step by any foreign power, in imitation of the course pursued by the British ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS.—Mabch 26. The Earl of Shaftesbury took the woolsack a few minutes before 5 o'clock, but was shortly afterwards succeeded by the Lord Chancellor. THE EASTER RECESS. The Duke of RICHMOND inquired from his noble friend, the noble duke on the ministerial bench (the Duke of Wellington), when it was intended to move the adjournment of the house for the usual recess. The Duke of ...


... Since our last publication, we have received further intelligence from Rangoon of a character and tendency as unexpected as it is most gratifying. There is an apparent disposition on the part of the Burmese Government to renew its intercourse with the British Government, and we understand that one of the Ministers of the Court assured the rest of his colleagues that it was the only measure now ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS.—March 27. The Earl of SHAFTESBURY presented a petition from the corporation of the City of London against certain provisions the Charitable Trust's Bill. Lord COTTENHAM presented a petition from Gloucester, praying the house to pass law for the prevention of the sale of spirituous liquors on the Sabbath day. The Earl of YARBOROUGH presented petitions from Yarborough and other ...

French Free-trade League. The BordawJ Association for the liberty of exchanges is makine ronsiderable progress. ..

... amoun to 70,000 francs, very large sum when we consider habits of the people with regard subscription, and the iy respect which they entertain for francs and centime*. association reckons among its members the most opulent respectable merchants and proprietors of Bordeaux, brancn association about to be established in Paris, the sanction of the Political Economy Society ofthat capita*- M. ...

We have received Madrid correspondence and the journals of the 22nd instant. We have but little to add to the

... news already received. The principal fact worthy of notice is a royal decree, replacing General Balbao, as political chief of Madrid, by Sabater, a change which has given mnch satisfaction. Yet, to giatify his brutal friend, the Duke Valencia has nominated him (Balboa) Captain-general of Burgos. Francisco Marin, whom Sartorius has replaced (as we stated on Saturday), goes as Ambassador ...


... NOTICES OF MOTIONS AND ORDERS OF THF. DAT, TOHI NOW STAND IN TIIE ORDKR-BOOK OF THE HOUSE COMMONS FOR THE ENSUING WEEK. MONDAY, MARCH 30. Orders of the Day.—Poor Removal Bill, —second reading; Coal-whippcrs (Port of London) Bill, —Committee; ' Art Unions Bill, —second reading; Corn Importation Bill, ! Committee; Supply,—Committee; Ways and Means, Committee; Indemnity Bill, —third reading. Sir ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS.—MARCH 27. The Belfast aud County Down Railway Bill was referred a u to the Standing Orders Committee (on Thursday next), under the standing orders 219, amended. Leave given to proceed with the Wexford, Water ford, and Valencia Railway Bill, confining the bill to the work between Killarney and Valencia. The Manchester, Midland, and Great Grimsby Junction Railway Bill, and the ...