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Derby Mercury



Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Derby Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .y ie MARRIAGES. i At St. Alkmund's, Derby, on the I st inst., by the Rev. B. 11. Abney, vicar, and Rural Dean, father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. Wm. Bury. father of the bridegroom, the Rev. es Thomas William Bury, vicar of Bramcote, to Catherine Mary, h second daughter of the Rev. E. H. Abney, B.A., of the Firs, Derby. On Monday, the 24th ult., at St. Alkimund's, Derby, by nt the Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. July 21st, in Bruton-street, the Countess of Carnarvon,of t a stillborn son. . MARRIAGES. On the 22nd Instant, at St. James's Church, by theLord Auckland, Bishop of Bath and Wells, assisted by the Rev. George Arkwright, Richard Arkwright, Esq., second son of the late John Arkwright, Esq., of Hampton Court, Hereford- ashire, to the Lady Mary Byng, second daughter of the Earl t of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On the 4th inst., at 7, Upper Belgrave-street, Londear Lady Harriet Vernon, of a daughter. .i MARRIAGES. On the 30th ult., at Staveley, by the Rev. D. M'Farlane, W. Lloyd Poundall, Derby, to Frances, eldest daughterof Mr. Walker Handley. On the 6th inst., at the Register Office, Becket-street, Derby, Mr. Joseph Beeson, of the Midland Railway, to Elizabeth, only daughter of the late Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - Pt ;DE RBY, ZFednesday, Amugust3. -. :e te-, IUMARRIED. a Yfedyfe'pnight-I at 'q.ueenrlquare chapel, BPatb, c TSeatenatJ*, of iowii'hall, 60. C] xtlto Alils Browne, youngeft daughter oftheJate - n.Colonel Brewne; 2d toh fsohd latNlof'Altamolit;. tr .youiag ladyju11ty admired for thcelegatice of her peru .C Xweii as hergeeoamplifliments -, Afe* day1Thee1 atBEIewell, ...

DERBY, J1ednesdqy, A

... ugust 14. .IIIARRIED. Oa Tuelday fe'nnight, at Church Sterndale, in this county, te Rell. Richard Bentley, vicar of Leek, Sta1- e fordthire, to ui'ls Lomas, daughter ol Mr. Lomas, of I Ulutton, near BuxtonI Lately, at Doucalter, the Rev. Peter Lowe, of Oxton, t Nottinghamulhire, to 1116 Ellci Pyrndar, fecond daughter o1 tile ilev. Reginald 'yndidr, of Hadfor-1{oufe, Yor- S cetterlhire, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On iatnrday, b M'ili4,, Mr. ol te 1.iit ilo n Sir W lliafi Seott, to th& ?? Sigi. Ua 'silueny se'ntlai t at St. (urge's Hatirtee-sR!iaet ('napt. F'el'at-es. ?? to Miisq. JIenyvit. tildt'st ?? a thle late -U. Btnyeti; iis pIi'. for Pi rtororrh.j A ilidte.6th'illstane, MI. -ai~sl bDojinsoi. Wunvlltt-tI of iMtelbixete, in * AIIry, 'to Miss Melville, .oIf rhe _htier - Yestei-dayat St.t ?? chuls, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DERB17i Jf~edhesdayl Aunc '20. ' bI~~ARRIED. On Monday te'niliiht at Radcfife-oii-Trent, lyi'tle tFev. Ialr. Allten, Mrl. `ielfkiln If -NOttilt~igti'i, -to Alit's r. 't'aylor, elsdelt da~ughter of Iothis Tayslor, E~iu. of 'the former place. On Taefday fe'mtight, by 1te Rev. John Durhanti, M. Wito'. z4tIfn, to Dliis Keene, both of' iansfield. On 'uet'day le'ninigltt, at Brauinfion, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n W6 3arch Q6. P li06t, at !M't. J i d Iivu, ile : 5 ollct. ACUI twi; l;, of a run,n -:- - :. lARfIED. . A few days iitner, iit Heiii} ir Jul,11 1 rrtor,, Lfq. Cap- Bt * itol il. thir. Eatt i3erbylhire Battalion of Volanteers, to h, MrtY Mii rd, 'only daughmr, of 5lr Milws;rd, of Hil thi - o 1 o i ltmearCodihol, iti bitiiouuty.-. - butrrdrsy lirt, Mr. Natlraniel Horfeley, jttn. plnmber Myr ard ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DJA URIAC^.TS. and Oil te oI 0le 1, Esq orfiis ltivn, seconid - son l~. 1 Newvton, 1Csqs oiadtl tofleurivittiscconddaugh. ter off Ite lw Iobn hI it e, Lsq oi Devoilshire place. to Y Rev. Robert Fuster lectir olf Siltton Boalliiton. Neit3, to .oaw~nnti voi enst il udtlter oftie late JreluiahBaker, Esq.uf I'edlhtid{'oklrt, ntilr Brisol. -. Tlitirsday last, at Wesinti iiiot ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On tWstlnetsty lat, theDucheas of Dedfurd, at biGrace's liase, i1aruitot pilucv, of a son. On Ssntlrday last, at bt. George's Clurcli, tbe Hoen. Orlando Blidgemas, thirdt Suf the Eadl of liradlord. to SWlina, Cburth daster t o the 1lcin. Gunemald Needhams, of Wareslej NPIt, hlulti~lgdsellslkire Oil Wednesuaty. Mt St. MJartin's Cliireb,- 3irininglaru, tile Rle. C. . Uifl, of this toan to Sarah ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Bhlu,Il'lS. Is At flilge Tofwn, Parbmdoues, un the 24th of Novenibcr, Ladv Cirirher mere, n siii-. (0iI tve it71ii list Ille Lady of 11. U'illuugllby, Esq. Al. p. a As Aapley Hall, Notis, ol aeastI. 11iilt [ 1 1' 1- i Oll Satirday, M1r. IIaalritroi Litle C hester, to 31isa DorotiI a Tahior, (I! this place. i tthi ridral t'uii iristaiit, at 1Ba-toll oi:reiit, bv the PeV. R 'ilaoii as Niltowre, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... The G rand Dochess .3Alep bIt(I) ia. consort of the Grand 'Dou4e N;id It1laf o1 P1ibia, Val stfi;r deliverqd of a WI,,* on tJC 29th, Alillrd ein lie County of Stalford, Lad¢y Harriet Deat, .t Fe ',1 G. straii, S.itgiYoridslire., p W dneadnp last, the lady ol L. .tiffiord, I uq. ol a In Oil bIQIlla(I i ?nlJIi)L;th Ludy of wtu. Crosg, Esq. oftile I9 nofr prusioii, ot a ;i;,I and heir. ',llj4ilty ...