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Freeman's Journal


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS - S~pectd3 wtitZ *: Dpublisknsd, ?? - au tbre lutnes l2mo.. prltet 2al. bordS ,; GLENFERGUS , £. - : ?? NtOVnL. 'x Iob-oo'k' of tales nd adventures tlsdte is threa.}old lcnow. Xledg~. First, of the Sill and capeeity of the autbor; se. oondiy, o thie ziathev wboeof~ be treats dnd'shirdly, of the. eudesi, who, accordig es there is in himself will '5ind more or 2effs in the book, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES ORANGES, LEMONS, AND, CHESNUTS. O'BRIEN, MEADE On TUESDAY, the 4th JANUARY, oN T~H CUSTOM-I(OUSE 4UAT,2 :- At One o'Clouk- 2AS cwleset. ' 2o;fets}Sweet Oi~agebs 0 V 26 (,i.'let -Sour, Di . : 19 Dilto, leono6rs, 27 Boxes Chesnuts, . Just Arrived, per ths ifigltn, Captain AMY , froum Seville -. W-. oNE, Brkert:. .THEY HA^VE ON SA. HO-SE, . Afiw Butts remarklyfine Shoery, per ths ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. ZANr CTRRAANTS. C. MAC LOUGHLIN WILL SELL BY AUCTION, THIS DAY, THURSDAY, the6th JANUAR17 At One o'Clock, AT SANDERS'S STORES, JEaViS-STRRET, IS Butt, and 27 Caretel; new Currants, Just landed from the NAUT= us, from Patrnas. WILLIAM HONR, Brokser. SPERIIACET-f OIL -IHENRY RATHBORNE AND CO. Beg leave to inform their Friends anti the Public, THAT TREY HAVE RECEIVED, Pet the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Re.ains M:lhamberlzin's Office, JTiituAey 6T. The Remains hof tier late lExcelleuci' the Countess Talbot will lie in State in the Lastl sisa-pel, on Friday, the 7th instant. The Nordh Door of the Chiapel4 in the Lower Castle Yard, will be open to the Publi from Ten ?? in the Morning till ?? ur i -1he Afternoon. h . Suci Persons as purpose attenidirng the Ie- *mains of her late Excellency to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUdPOINT AVENUEs ?? BLACKRoCr.. - .A.T theNE xawin lions helc on'the 16th, 1,th, A and tth ult. tle following yonig Gentlemeh obta' Premiumsand Certificates- GREEK. Love lmusa 'Brady~ k Hemmlngs. LA TIN. Bradyca Lowe I nusi Costigan, Uewrninsa Erown~i I~ratt,a Carpenter, .Greerie, I mu$. LATIN GRAMMAR. Massey,a %Mridge,a Pratt,a Phibbs,h Carpenter, Norman, Greene, Lowe 2dus. ANCTIENT GEOGRAPHY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -MERCANTILE' SA-LE. NEW LUCCA , :bY AUCTION. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At R. FRANKLIN'S Office. Commereial B-uildings, On TUESDAY next, llth Jan. at Two oCilock, 50 H-alf Cbes!is finest New Lucca Oil, Now landing from Lagfeorn, via London. IL FRANKLIN, Broker. Stb la. 18-20._ SAMUELL I'MCNEELY,-. 10 ANt) 11, ARRAN-iQUAY, DbTBLl1) MANUIF'ACTURING FURRIER, Imflporter of Foreig~t Skins, EQOST resp; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tlERCA NA E x ?? YAL~S.- - V NEW I4LCCA OIL, BY AUCTION. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At IL FRANKLIV'S Office. Commercial Buildings, To-morrow, TUESDAY, 11th Jan. at Two o'Clock, so Half Chests fines. New Lucca Oil, Now landing from Leghorn, via London. P. FRANKLIN, Broker. 7th jan. 1820. Pl9E TIMBER, HARDWOOD, &01), BY AUCTJON. BARBER AND PURDY,- Will ofir for Sale, BY AUCJJ10A- On THURSDAY. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - SUANl OV At gUSftMENT. - Py Permiss'on of the Right Hon. the Lwrd Mayor OLYMPIC CIRCIS, LOWER SACKVILLEISTREEt, Next to the New Post Office. 'BANNISTER AND PETERS' Cttmpany of E quesftians from Astley's Royal AmphithdAfre, London, under the Patronage of their Royal Highhesses the Prince Regent and Duke of 'ork. This PRESENT EVENING (MONDAY), JAN. 10, and every Evening till further Notice. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYALD' This present TUESAY, JANM. 11, 1820, 'li$ Majestys S int will perform (never acted here) a new Play (founded odn the Dramia of Tun D*s5aerD b.kuoursa) called, THE STEWARD; - Or FASHtON. AND FEELIN`G; (As now performing at the Thatre-Royal Coveat-Garden, with unbounded applause.) Mordent, Mr. Yolsger tbCheieril, Mr. St. George Gregg; tLennox. Mr. Armstrong; ftem, Mr. Fullamn, ...


... NEW:LUtCCA pOI4,.BYAUCTJON. - TO B7 SOLD 4bY AUCTION, LAt TU. PFRi(~LIN'S Ofgce. Comrnsrcial Buildingff2 '1his Day, TUESDAY, ;ftli Jan. at Ttwo o'Clock. 51J Half .ChesI finest New Lucca Oil, Nlow landing froni Leghort, *na London. R. FRANKLIN. Broker. 'th San. . gO. PJNE TIMBEII, HARDWOOD, &c. BY AUCTION. BARBER AND PURDY, -Wili ore for Sale, * ~BY'AUMJON,v On TtIURSDAT' the 13th Instant, Lt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrEATRE-ROYALa Thisp:5presentFRIIDAY, JAN. 14, 1820, His Mseaty's Srvants will perform the New Diemrntic no. maiice dF THE HEART OF MID-LOTHIAN, OR THE LILLY OF ST. LEONARDS. The Overture and Missi. by Mr. James Bartown. John(Duke of Argyle) Mr. Younger; Geordie ?? son, (the Outlaw) Mr. St. George Gregg; the laird of Dambiedikeq Mr. Johnson; Satidletree; Mr. Lynch; David Dvarns, Mr. Williams; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8 ALE,& :S. t CONSIDERABLE REDUCTIONS.- fl AVE been made sfice thle cbttencement of the New Year, at ROBERT SMYT'S - Groce'y, Tee, WFine, and Spirit Fstablishmeit, 68, GtA]'TON-STREET. : The Stock is.. as usual, exteiusive -and .well selected, viz. WINES., Very old, in Wood and Bottle, of prime quality. SP-IRITS. foreign and Home mide. higbly meliorated by age 'particu- larly JAMTsoNW' rutS ...