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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

Grand National Hazards

... A LEADING newspaper published a semi-scientific article on the morning of the great race, in which the writer, very properly, pointed out that the two mares in the race Sheila's Cottage and Zahia were the least likely to succeed. No mare had won the race since Shannon Lass triumphed in 1902. Yet, such are the hazards of the steeplechase, Sheila's Cottage won and Zahia very nearly won, her ...

Aintree Drama

... A FEW of the many incidents in the Grand National are pictured on these pages but for practically every horse and rider the race was packed with adventure from start to finish. Mr. F. N. Gee's marc, Zahia (E. Rcavey), was perhaps the unluckiest of all the candidates. Approaching the last fence she was close on the heels of First of the Dandies and apparently going the more j strongly of the ...

The Rival Crews

... THE University Boat Race, one of the great national sporting events, will be rowed on Saturday, March 27. The crews appeared on the tideway nearly three weeks ago and attracted a critical crowd of rowing men anxious to estimate the relative form of the rival Universities. Oxford have three old Blues, and A. J. R. Purssell occupies his last year's position as stroke. Cambridge also have three ...

H.I.S. Stallion Show At Derby

... DERBY RACECOURSE was the scene of the fifly-seventh Spring Stallion Show of the Hunters'' Improvement and National Light Ilorse Breeding Society, at which H.I.S. Premiums and Super Premiums were awarded for the 1948 season. The judges were Mr. Adrian Scrope and Mr. Noel A. Wenman. HENRY TUDOR was awarded the King George V Champion Challenge Cup for the best thoroughbred stallion and H.I.S. and ...

The Dublin Bull Show

... The Dublin I Bull Show I ENTRIES at the Royal Dublin Society's Show and Sale of pure-bred bulls at Ballsbridge showed a decrease in all breeds by comparison with last year's figures, the total being 743 against 921, but the general standard, particularly in the Dairy Short horn section, was high. The thirty-three animals exhibited in the class for Dairy Shorthorn bulls calved between September ...

Members' Day at East Malling: Demonstrations on Fruit Propagation and Compost Making

... Members' Day at East Mailing Demonstrations 011 Fruit Propagation and Compost Making THE East Mailing Research Station held one of its Members' Days on March it, when more than three hundred farmers and fruit growers attended the demonstration. The more important items were those con cerned with the propagation of rootstocks and the raising of young trees. During the morning Mr. R. J. Garner ...

The Point-to-Point Season

... AS a contrast to last year, when weather conditions caused many postpone ments and some cancellations, and despite difficulties arising from petrol restrictions, the majority of hunts are satisfactorily up to date with their point-to-point fixtures this season, There is every indication that public support, which developed to a surprising degree immediately after the war, is again being given ...

Farming's Strong Man

... MR. James Turner, nominated by the unanimous vote of County Branches to serve for another year as President of the National Farmers' Union, has held office in one of the most momentous periods in the history of British farming. The remarkable growth to power of the N.F.U. may safely be regarded as a power for the good of the country as a whole, inasmuch as it does not represent a sectional ...

Kent Training Centre: Land Girls at Swanley Horticultural College

... Kent Training Centre Land Girls al Swanley Horticultural College THE Kent W.A.E.C. I are using the Swanley Horticultural College as a special training centre for their land girls. Work covers general farming, horticulture and private gardens, the courses being from six months to a year. The Swanley College buildings were rather badly damaged by enemy action, but the green-houses and market ...

Prizewinners at the Dairy Show

... SO great were the crowds at the Dairy Show at Olympia the total attendance was nearly 90,000 that only a com paratively few visitors were able to obtain more than a glimpse of the cattle entries. Visitors who arrived early or took up positions at the ringside an hour or two before judging began generally agreed that the standard was notably high. On these pages we provide an opportunity to ...

Oxford Ram Fair

... /\NE of Earl St. Aldwyn's flock of Oxford Downs was sold for the top price of /150 at , where the same owner received the cup for the most successful exhibitor and also won the special prize presented by the President of the Oxford Down Sheep Breeders' Association, Mr. W. Trevethan, for the best single shearling or ram lamb. Up to 70 guineas was made by others of Earl St. Aldwyn's rams Messrs. ...

Diet Changes the Standard Pig

... Proof that great changes can be made in the actual shape, general confirmation, type and quality of farm livestock by feeding methods is given in these photographs. They are of the same four pigs bom on the same day from the strain of Uniform Large Whites at the Cambridge University Experimental Station. The four were killed on reaching the bacon weight of 200 lb. Had all been fed on the same ...