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Ipswich Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ADVOWSON E~ftbe vfearoje oftUttoutntIsuffolk. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. COLCHESTER & SON, At the GreatWhite Horse, Ipswich, On Tuesday, August 12, 184I At Four o'clock in the Afternoon for Five punctually ,HE PERPETUAL ADVOWSON and NEXT Ph'E- T sENTATION to the VICARAGE of SUTTON, situate within four miles of the pleasant and populous Market-town of Woodbridge, and four miles from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAAL OF SHORTHORINS. Messrs. ISAACSON and TATTERSALL Be to 5niioiifcC that Mir. JOHN CLOVER'S nextbiesn- 111rd Sale of PURE SHORTHORNS take place upon t he Premises, c * KI tliasti, smea l lew rket, e On Friday, the 25th April, at Twelve. Ie tl omu p rise 53 Head of Improved LIOWSR STEER, c and two-year old HEIERSand TB~rSBUL an ndO CALVES, XS the celebrated B OUNT CONRCAN, and several O T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A New and Important Edition of1the Silent Friend. JUST PUBLISHED, TShe ?? 3.. Ed., THE SILENT FRIEND, on NERVOUS DEBILITY, TCONSTITUTIONAL WEAKNESS, excessive Indul- gence, &c. With Observations on Marriage, &c. By R. and L. Pasny and Co., Surgeons, London, Published by the Authors, and sold at their Residence; also, by Strange. 21, Paternoster.row; Noble, 109,Chaneery lane; Hannayand Co., 63, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To MR. PROUT, 229, STRAND, LONDON, ,Donueaster, September 26th, 1844. SIR -_ihe following particulars have been handed to its with a re- qoest that they might he forworded to you, with permission for tbeir publication, it you should deem them worthy of such, J. BIOOKE & Co.. Doncaster. E9LzAnrul EnBoARtay, residing in )auke street, Doncaster, aged bet eel iO and IS0, wos eriodly afflicted ; i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I #e##Ibhw JepIu, r. Stozwmarleet. To belSOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. COLCliESTER and SON, Early in ?? of August next, (unless an acceptable offer e 1previously made by Private Contract,) A DESI3RABLE FREEHOELD J FARM; tOMPRISING about 90 Acres of excellent LAND, J in the Parish of Stonham Aspal. in the occupation of ir. W. Mulliner. For price and parttculars apply to the Auctioneers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .T.lONAL EDUCATION. ¾ IL'E IS III'R EI1Y GIVEN, thatthe nextQ aartcrly 1 *,x ti .of the Gencral Committee of the Diocesan ?? ce Socict), for the Archdeaconry of Suffolk, V: ,vro ?? Lord 31ishop of the Dioceae, cield at the Archdeacon's Registry, St. Matthew's. i: 9 'Inrvs:lay, the 15th day of June instant, at 12 ,ne ?? for receiving applications for Grants, ;1ira . Business. ?? tI.IANI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? : FOU I0 Dl (Widow of lhe late Mr. W4r. FoDrin), PrA3 XniflER, .0 AZWER, AC l ! INTER, l EGS to returaher m0ost sincere thanks to the Inhabi. 3E3 tants of Peasenhall.arid its neighbourhood, for the very kind and liberal patronage bestowed on herlaselHus- band ,(during upwards of twentyUir' years residence amongat them), and most respectlally sollcits the conitli nuance of their favours for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROPAGATION OFT TIIE t111 Annual Public Meeting of the A TDcnnerie5 of Colchester and ?? wil, Le I the Town Hall, Colehester, on Friday, JQY7 , ,at Two o'clock precisely- i B o af The Right Rev. the Lor R d H. J. Vernon, one of the Secretaries, ill alted eeftev, of the Parent Society. e bref A Young Lady is desirous of a rej7ne- . .CI'mediately, as Governess in a I tent to teach l:'renclt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONSOLATION FOR THE AFFLICTED. TIhe Lord hath created medicines out of the earth, and mw he that is woise wilt not abhor diem.--EccLEs. xxxviii, 4. le IMPORTANT CAUTION. is Whereas, certain unprincipled persons, envious of the wonderful success which attends Mr. SMITH & SON'S practice, have circulated a Report, that when consulted they ex ect a Fee of One Guinea, they wish to guard l the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cough, Cold, Whoopiug-Colgh, Influenza, Broncitis, Consumption, Spitting of Blood. Night Sweats, & Fevers. MMEDIATE Relief, and an ultimate Cure, is effected i1 by Dr. PASCOES'S CONCENTRATED COUGH and COiSUMP'VIos MIXTURE fl all Afflkctioni of the Threat, Chest Hat. it all cases ofCosuh, Trtlluenza. Hoarse- necss, Difficult Brdeathing. lbeenitg Forcing of tihe mladder &e., howevevr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NAILT TWIM 1MAY. TO THE ADMIRERS OF PUREBIRED SUFFOLK HOBSES. Messrs. COOK Are honoured with directions from W. FISH1Et oBlas, ]E5, To SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, in the Three Cups Hotel Yard, Colchester, THIS DAY, Saturday, April 2adkjf373 at Half-past One o'clock, the following VALKAIBLE HORSE STOCK. .I.- aaON, ' a full-sized powerful Chesnut CLUBX an active and compact ditto. 31 A wuperior 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Page Woosicoch's Whin Pills I S thec most cffeetutil Remiedy for \VLND IN' THlE STOMACH rd Bowvels, Windiy Spasms, Costiveness, if Chbilliesq, And tickIetdielaeji, 0irthtriloti, Iitli1gl2tmlil DIitUoilet SireSp, Pailditatttofl ai tile Ueiatr, Colie, ,Jscic , lmi, nioiy, e Astbila, Sore Threat, Agiue, Biinisiinm ss, Eryolpelsa, Flenlsi (Jels- y plaitits, Liver Coipilaiiis, Lulbaolo , Pliles, ...