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Morning Chronicle


... I [Before Mr. Sergeant ADAMS.] t EXTRAORDINARY CASE. us WHITE V. NEWMAN. It will be recoldected that in November, 1837, Mr. John H Newman, a barrister, was indicted at these sessions for oz hersewhipping Mr. White, a solicitor in Lincolans-innufleids, oi to whose daughter be had some time before been paying bir st addresses. Thle trial lasted from an early hour uutil one at o'clock the ...


... LAW INrbLI(}'AVle-TuesDAY. HOUSi OF LOIRDS-APPE ALS. '5H1 rKIOSIiYTMrT OF AVcHCURAfDRAI0g t. TUX HARlt OiF ESINOUL ArND sTlOUN. Too bearing of tials case was resumed this rnmoing; the LoAn CHAN CLLOR, Lord IIROuVuA/t, arid several Scotch lay lords being lit attendance, as they wvre yesterdrVy. ir. PKlI'IseITON flolmveii Sir F. Pollock, on behalf of the appel- lnt is, He contended that tile ...


... POLICE iN TBLLlGBNUR-FtiDAY. BOW.STIiEET. Thomeca Duin lVe6,b, tile young lman who Is charged ?? setl. log reveral letters containing money and bills, while employedi ia a clerk Ic tile Pust.otffco at Birmingham, was brought up for ieal exarnenation. Mr. Peicovk, the solicitor for the Post.oflice, conducted (he pre. aecutilon. Th'e ueere tbreo charges against the prleoner, but the evidence ...


... LAW TVNOTIcES-TwI DAY. The Lord and VIce Chencellers vill not attend Court OLL~S COt(UR, CHANCERY-LANE-At ten. Canses and pelitioals by consent. blOnrT CACORO AFTER THE O ~NSENTS-Bastard v Baoiley- Tinkler v Hindmniora, further directiors, costs, and petitions- ?? v Larob-Nash v Bentoe, further directions arid coats- Smyth Y shiooilred. UthgFRAt, PAreo,-Folilkes V Jones. ?? v Wondford, ...


... IVIGWE''7-S iIWLVCliuPTCY. IlOIiTirooc, MAY :1-Thie being the dii rappointcd for tlic cljeourneld meiti g under this fiat, the ul ruptc were presenloi the puirpose of undergoing a turther exuamination. Comnilssioners Merrifield Attree, acid Cooper, took their belts at eleven o'clocii, at which hour Mr. James, barrister, eppeared tir the eseignees, Mr. E. S. Creally for the defendaute, and tile ...


... POLIUCB JNTELLIGBNC-IVEDNESDAY. MANSION HOUSE.- Thomas Wade and James Mezs-.ay, porters, in the employment of Messrs. Welsh and Ofarget- son, of Cheapside, warehousemen, were brought before the Lord Mayor, in the custody of Thain and Hayden, of the City police, charged with having plundered the house of considerable property. Mr. Swan appeared as solicitor for tbe prosecution, and stated that ...


... POLICE hVITELLIGEN CE-FRIDAY. o0w STREET.-Richard Wilsden Morris, of 44, Park- place, de Beauvoir-square, Klngslanw, and late secretary and actuary of the Medical, Legal, and Mutual Lite Assurance, in the Straud, was brought up on a warrant by sergeant Thompson. a detective officer, charged with having committed several forgeries. Mr. Hurnphriee,who conducted the prosecution, stated that ...


... LA W P OTJ7'S-TiMrs DAY. P . bACE Crwr Wr ESrT NSTr, :¢t ?? 9.-Defended Cau ies: Theobolil v Illh.-S, niuiAI4: l N Tregilis-Loiiata v 1t-er. 'There &irc tilirtyrlloie ndoelled causmc. SOCeNDAMiS' COURTe, BAKiXIAtLT,-8TRFT at 1I.-.-3ifere Mr. Secondary Jotter )-6aenes WValker v (!ox-trowni v Row. COURT OF BAMe ulttic Bil, f 1 i av ecr..-(htefrt Mr. Comn- niolneifcr ra'ne.}-r. Firl, Castle ...


... LA TV INTELLIGENCEI-WEDNESDAY. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. [Sittings at Westminster, before Mr. Justic Erile and Com- 11on Juries]. OSTEWVM2N V. HIENRUY BATEMAN. The hearing of this case, which had been part tried yes- terday, was resumed and concluded this daly. Mr. E. James, with wihom was Mir. lawkins, stated that this was asn action in which the plaintiff sought to recover frens the defendant ...


... IRE LAND. DUBLIN, SATURDAY MoNst-NO. [PloM 0ou1 CORRESPONDENT.] The arguments oil the writy of error in the cases of the four prisoners convicted of high trea- son at Clonnmel were brought to a close yesterday afternoon. If the case of Mr. Smith O'Brien had been disposed of separately, judgmnent would have been pronounced this term ; but the argument of the three other cases has rendered a ...


... CORONEERS' INQ UESTS. Last evening an inquest was held before Mr W. Payne, at tho Crown, Blackfriars-road, on the body of Edsard Nash, aged 57, a horse-dealer, of No. 23, Martin-strect. The deceased, it appeared, was a man of very dissipated blabits, and was often iatoxicated fromu morning till night, Onl Wednesday evening last he told his nepho ?? M 'sMa- nard, of Shepherd's-buslh, that he ...


... TEEA TALEXT OF SICK POOR IN SF. I PA*. NCR. s. LateeigMr. T. WakiY, II.P., and a jury erlpa- nielled onl Monday last, Ito inquire into the death of George Davis, aged 30, late ain inmate of St. Panceras Workhomse, alleged to have died froin exposure, want, and ill-treatment, resumed their investigation at thle Elephant and Castle, Kings-road,, Camtuden-townl. lohe impct aa dore o h ttendanece ...