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Morning Chronicle


... LA Wtt JNTELLP. EA CE'-TIILRSI'AY. JLDICIAL COIMMITI'EE OF THE PnIVY COUNCIL. Present; Lord CarI )bell. Mr Justice Erakine, the Judge of thi Preregatlve Couirt, and the Judge of trie Admiralty Court. This was an aoplicatlon fur ., a rearwal of a pateot for an im oored IMnsuoact nre of ladles' bitqv. Ne. tt 111U. C r 110 ?,U r. W\eb.ler e ppenred In support of the pa. .nt~ee Site sulltrsor ...


... LAW INTRFLLIGBNCE-SArURD&Y. COURT OF CHANCFERY, The( sittings after Term) commenced this morning ' 'run QUEEN V. VISCOUNT CAtfTBRI~tlia. Thti' wits a proeretlini; arising out of thu acgidetatill destruction of tifs' Housses of Parliament by lire. Lord Canterbury, whol was at that tier Speaker of the House of Conitons, and permitted, toi right of Itie iffive, to occupty apartmieltS in ...


... LAW 1A'TELLIGBENCE-FRID&Y. COURT OF CHANCERY. ANDERSON V. WALLIS. The Lord Chancellor gave judgment in this matter, which was argued before the vacation. The bill was filed by Mrs. Hannah Anderson on the partofherself endthe intfant children of the defendant Mrs. Wallis, and it prayed payment of ala nnuity of *L& bequeathed to her by her brother, and also that the executors might be compelled ...


... LAW NOTCOBS-Tnis DAY. 8HERtIFFS' COURT, RED LION-SQUARE-Sit at Eleven. Harvey v lotliblall-Grcen v Senior-Brown v illinton-Caufor v Mlltish,-H1rviuit v Beva,-AM'Geoeti v Gibblugs-Whitelook v Tink- ler-3foore ilsNor-Captiit v Crawoty-Wallis v Hlodd-Ben- neft v .vnes-Gatvin ' Junmes-Wilson and another v Byron- Purnell v Syvmpsomi-Halliweell v Podimore-Burks v French. Short Unudefiended Causes ...


... LAW INTBLLIGRNCE.r,% xDAY. PRIEROG0ATIVE COU:RT. (ltefore Sir II. Joannr Fitst.J t Ttl asa DUMM0ONsD V. I'AnI6Iit--juu outrt'a'. iI T Ilewa aqestionl as to the( admnissibility oif an) allegation pro- s Oil lndg its the Will of Mil nor. Getisrol 1erev Dtrummnond faipper d1ated fill 161t of Ju01w, 1642-n hollograph- by which lhoIfl i ole C piersonail property,innoultiiiig to nearly £05000, wits ...


... |EETING OF XEIDDLSEX. I TRAI2'rS- Yesterday a meetin of th Justicea °hecUktwefllgreen dlesex took place at the Sessions House, C`.K -salt Adams for the transaction of county business. Mr. :e2` in the chair. t on After some routine busiuses of the House of Corfeb. was brought up, *t The CHAIRMAN intimated that a memorial from the 8d Marylebone vestry, on the increase of expenditure ° the county ...


... T/e LONDON G AZETTlA'of 2'TTESDAIY, ,Ja., IC. ADMIRIIALTY, JANt. S. This day, in pursuance of her riajosty's pleasure, Sir James Hawk ins Whlitsbed, Bart., G.C.13., Admuiral of the Risti, has bWen promoted to the rank of Admiral of' the [Thes Lord Chancellor has appointed George&1Hamilton Verity, of Bridgend, in the county of Gilamuorgan, Geont,, tn be a Master Extraordinary in the High Court ...


... SIATUITE ANVD COMMON LAW. The follwing iS tOn Commi'sion TbWch ha been itsued by bMs Maljet7 for tte purpose of atcertalring to what exVOteIt II prac- ilchble to re~uce to a systematic code che statute and commou lawy of this country William IV., by 1the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Irelard King, Deiender of the Faith. To our trusty and wvell-beloved Thomas Siar ...


... IRELAND, DUBLIN, SErP. 1l.-The Inquiry Into the Irish Municipal Corpo- rations, now in progress, will lay the foundetion of a most whole- some reformation in those monittrous]y corrupt institutious. The accounts from Drogheda, Youghsll, Navat, and other placet, which the Commiseioners have already visited, mention that the Investigation is of a most rizid and searchiag nature. This in- quiry, ...


... PWUlCE. MANSION-HOUSE.-0oaGtY.-Yesterday, an elderly womar, whose appearance was exremely fautastical, wag put to the bat upon a charge of forgery. When the LotD MAYOR asked he, what her name Was, she curtsied several times, aud said that she Was the Hon. Mils PONSONBY, asid that rhe lived In Wales at a place where a hill went UD to her bouse. It was evideout, from hr conduct, that her object ...


... 2I1DDtESEX SESSMONS.-TUEsDxv. [Before B. ROTCH, E:q. Chir main, atrI Comtmuon Juries.] JOHN DAV'IS wtas charged w!r'h stealing a cilk bandkerchlef fro:als Everett. Tire prolt, cittr atated, tihat WI:le walking along Whitechapel be f ,t 4 org ; 0: p ,ck-t, a.d tirrir'g rou. d., saw th, pris uer rrsrrrig7 of*. A j ursu'. enri u, aid iltb prirtier' was takln Into cust ody a.Itg~ ,t'ltro sBifl., ...


... cOURr OP CMAN,1ERY.-MovDi'. IN RI MAZrRLY, A BANERUIPT, EXPARTH CUNNINGRAM.-Sir EDwARnD S]UGoN (w1th wh-'i A ai Mr. 8waustco and Mr. Moonta. gnt) was heard lit an appeal on a special f`om the judgment of the Commissioners of the Court of Rlevie n to the matter of this Bankruptcy. Mr. Mabe ly was a banker in London, and bad Alto various establishments fit some of the principaltowns of Scot ...