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Morning Chronicle


... THEATRE ROYAL DRUBY-LANE. Oa Saturday night Mr. WEISTLAND MARSTON'S tragedy of The Patrician's Daugyhter was produced with decisive and triumphant success. A great and bold experiment has thus been made- Mr. ASIRSTON'S play is a tragedy of the passing time; there is no remoteness either of age or locality. Its passions, interests, and collisions may even now be the living drama of abodes in ...


... Lll'IE'RAIURE. Ercwurions along the Banksofs the Rhine. By VICTOR H utto. The Rhbine is the imperial river of Western Europe, flow- ing through its central land, where the civiliostion of the north had its earliest birth, whoem rich surfaer is dirersifled by charming scenery, combining every attraction for the lovers of thle beautiful in nature, and studded with fair cities, whose ancient ...


... The performances of last night, for the benefit of Signor| MARIO, as usual on benefit nightrwere of excessive length, and detained us in the theatre till so late an hour that we ran only mention them slightly. The first piece was the Puritani, an opera which, though more frequently per- formed than any other in the repertoire, seems never to pall upon the public taste. The efe~ct of its swest ...


... PVBLic AMUSEMENTS. The KING'S THEATRE.-This Evening will be performed, Doaltetti's Opera Seria, in two acts. entitled ANNA ROLENA. eprincipa Caraer i Tn byi Mdasdiagmne rPastalgiBliss B. Cawse. and Madame De Plsecl ignr Tmbinin an SinerRubni-fte whch will be presented the favourite elallee (for the last time) of NATHAIt~lE. Principal Dancele, ile. Taylionl, it'tesdlles. Fanny and Treresa ...


... PUBLIC tiUSEBMENTS. NovHalBnt Ist, 1833. Mr. MATHEWS'S GALLERY of TRlEATRICAL PORTRAITS, NOW OPEN at the QUEEN'S BAZAAR, Oxfoyd street.-It hav- ing been represented that the intended Close of this Exhibition rdqIlred a LONGER NOTICE than the time speciflied last Week. it Is respectfully an- nounced to the Public, that. In congequence of the above Intimation, and the continued great nttraction, ...


... ,UeLIC AY, SMPA'TSo DRURY-LANE THEATRE.-Thia- Evening will be pregratel, ILord Byron' TrogedyofWERN ER. Werner, Air. Mfacreadri Ulric, Dir. S ling (his 3d appearance at tbis Theatre); Gabor, Sir. Cooper; Josephinrc. IMSr;. Lovei,1 Ida, Miss E. P'hillips. After WhiChi, OLD AND YOUNG. The four Mowbrsys by MlsorroOle. To concl de with (for the 7th time) a Grand Slelo dramraic Romance, oailed ...


... LRio THE COURT ClRCULAR.l Their Majesties arrived in town about half-past one o'clock, yesterday afternoon, from Windsor Castle. The King held a Court at two o'clock, which was at- tended by the Lord Chancellor, the Lord President, the First Lord of the Treasury, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, the President of the Board of Control, the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Lord Steward, ...


... St'. PANCRAS LITERARY 4ANI) SCEN- TIFIC LN'STITLUT1ON. A public Ilietiug was held yest erday evening at tile (oimisslioners' Ronos lEdivtrd.strect, llamipsteadlroad. for the purpose of firming a Literary and Scientiftic Ilsti tlttinII bor the populous parish of St. Ilancias; Benjamnini , Bhljl tCiabbill, :sq. \ice. resident of t he Ii oal Institu- tionl, iii thle Chii. ! Tlhe CHIA IR.\M AN ...


... HA YMARKET THEATTRE. -4 Af.e- a meritorious native production like BUCKrTONE's Single Life (played lost night for the second time with quite as much ;ppiause as on its first representation), a clever adaptation may very well bW accepted. 2 he Village Doctor is of the latter description: the translator, for we apprehend lie Is little more, has done his work judiciously atd' accordlrgly we havc ...


... PUBLIC AMUSUI.BNTS. THE SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the NEW SOCIETY of I'AINTERS IN WATER COLOURS Is nou, OPEN. Nit their ejalfery.5, Pall-,nall, ?? the Brifisl InsLila- sice, fronts Nine o'clock till duak.-AdssisoSnlf, Is. CataloueaOd. JAM ES 'AH HEY. Hen. ~rtary. BRILLIANT ILLUMINATION of the MODEL of ST. PXETER'S, ROME, in ;iitaliOn of tho lighting up by cousntleOl; lapsop of tsc grand ...


... ROYAL ACADEMY, TRArALGARL-SQUARE.- NOTICE to ARTISTS.-All works of Painting Sculptore, or Archl- tecture, intended for the eisnuing EXHIBlllION at the ROYAL ACADEMY. rtust be sont in on Mforudny, the 9th, or by six o'clock in tie evening oI Tlvesday, the 10th of April next, after whicb Lime nos e call posibly be received. The regulations necessary to be ob- serveod may be obtained at the Royal ...


... LAlWRCE GALLERY.-Messrs. WOOD L.4 i'tu ?? that o1l EXHIBITION of DRAWi'- V ie\ l. r;PtN . all,1 is OPEN D)AllY. lntil the iooth April. ,ig ' bseC nt teen exhibited before r aprice hI t k'il1 l Adisittalcev. ?? of a work in s-il''a'lltotirlic ...