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North & South Shields Gazette and Northumberland and Durham Advertiser


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North & South Shields Gazette and Northumberland and Durham Advertiser

STEAM BETW aye ie CASTLE AND TWICE-A-WEREK. HE New fron Screw Steamers VOLUNTEER (Capt. Cracknell,) and ..

... Intended to Sail (Weather Permitting) from Newcastle, EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, SATU RDAY Returning From Irongate Wharf, London, every WED- 6 ONS. NESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERN These first-class Vessels have been built on the Mo: DERA ress'y for the London Goods Tr E RATES OF FREIGHT. le, and carry at UNCAN ROBERTSON, Agent, Trongat ew Laas London; LAING & CO., Newcactic. October 16th. 1! General ...


... LONDON SPIRIT MARKET. Jaw. 20 Since our last there bas been only a moderate demand for are an Rum, the ‘The Brandy market inactive, yet we have no +! Geneve aud corn spirits without alt amy in the quotations. md. a 4 East India, proof WO nn nnn gal. 3 ae 33 10 te 20 over proof. 34 a. Demerara ..----30 to 34 35 to 40 ditto Jamaica to 29 2 to 36 ditte 32 0 36 82 to 40 Shipped Shipped by | Vinyd. ...


... ZETTE, FEBRUARY 2, 1855 ouse on Tuesday night, as the leader on behalf of Go- vernment, and leaving the Hoose in the same evening, he revives the subject of the War administration by sending in his resignation ! The question had before that day arisen out of the division amongst the underlings. How could the Peelites ® Thesame motives that hadinduced them to form thecoalition ald make them ...

Number of Policiet Issued

... ‘umber of Policies From 15 Dec., 1835, to 20 Nov., 1842 (7 ) -- 3,216 From 20 Nov., 1842, to 20 Nov., 1847 (5 ) From 20 Nov., 1847, to 20 Nov., 1862 (5 “ 1,066 From 20 Nov., 1852, to 20 Nov., 1853 (1 “ ) from 20 Nov., 1853, to 20 Noyv., 1854 (1 ) ) 1,302 7,336 Tetal number issued 17,494 Amount of Income £ s. d. 20 Nov., 1842 .. “- -- 39 9 20 Nov., 1847 -- - = == 13 0 20 Nov,, 1852 = =. 206,700 ...


... Lit WOOL Maacu 38. It is diffienlt to give any accurate account of the English wool the past mouth. Never was it more xing. Except it be for low wool for blankets, and a ji ittle for 1 poses, to coi lete contracts tor government, there is but little wanted, es; a], depressed state. for combing purposes, which is in @ very The awful tailares in jonies and America have thrown such a shade over ...

WORC KL, PRESERVES, &e WATERS, L VIS co ESPECTFULLY call the attention of the Heads of Families to their genuine

... and carefull bottled fresh Summer WORCESTERSHIRE FRUITS, for Puddings, Pies, &c.,and which, with their PICKLES, PRESERVES, MARMALADES, and celebrated WORCESTERSHIRE SEASONING, may be ob- tained from all respectable Grocers, Confectioners, Drug- gists, Oilmen, and others, throughout the Kingdom, Worcester, Mareh, 1855, ...


... MERIC The Louis (s), with the French and English mails arrived off Cowes on Saturday morning en route from New and York to Havre, She brings for Havre 31 310 000 dola. in specie, ot which 213,000 dols. is for Eng fend. Tie St Louss left New York on the 10th inst. dvices from Mexico represent Santa Anna as daily losing, and Alvarez gaining ground, Rivas said that Santa Anna held several ready ...


... OTLAND Tue Duke or as Rector or Guas- cow University.—The installation of the Duke of Argyll took place on the 29th ult. The Duke delivered his inaugural address. The greater portion of his speech was taken up with the subjects of academic interest, and par- ticularly with the new echeme for regulating the patronage of the East India civil vervice. Some allusions, how- ever, were made to the ...


... THe atic’ AND WOUND T SCUTA Scotari, March 26.— Tbe following is the pominal re- turn of deaths at the hospital at Scatari, &c., as reported from the 19th tothe 23th of March:— to the commandant’s office, by the medical authorities, T’'wo officers 110 non-commissioned officers and privates. The burials were—on the 19th of March, 11; none, 2)th, 18; Bist, 10; 2nd, 17; Wrd 11; 10; Beh, MORNING ...