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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... THE ADDRESS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF THE NATIONAL CHAR- TER ASSOCIATION TO THE PEOPLE. BROTHEIR C HARTIsrs.-It has been our customr, from tine to ticue, to report to our constituents the progrtfs which ha' been tffeoted in the movement, and to lay btfare themn a plain scateuient of facts, which stall ueirher deceive thtir expectations, nor ores to f'u se and uufounded impressious. Uuliki ...


... LETTER XVII. TO THE EDITOR OF TIE NORTHERN STAR. Sm.-To assist in precuring that Unity for which I Om so strong an advocate, seeing that I did not coincide in practical operations with Mr. Owen, the president of the Rational Society, I have resigned the office of General Secretary of that Society, and retired from Harmony Hall; conoequently my letters cannot bear their usual heading. As ...


... ,E51O A SERIES OF LETTERS FROM AN OLD MIAN IN THlE COUNTRY, TO A I OUNG MAN IN DUBLIN. ti rrro -Te, Beauties of the 'Press: U selectiea Of JIE orignal ~lices, ssay, 4,., WichOriginlly/4 ir ap.Veared in the 1 PRESS newsparpep, esatblished B in Ireland by Arthur' O'Connor, after tile forcible fe oauppressiofl of the Northern Star. by ilia Govern-- pi mfent.] a LETTER Ill. o Ml DEAR FRiEND ...


... NEW MAGISTRATES. The Lord Chancellor, upon the recommendation of the Earl of Donoughmore, has appointed Mr. R, W. White a magistrate for the county of Tipperary. The Chancellor has also appointed Mr. J. S. Barry to be a magistrate for the same county. Warrants havo, in addition, been signed for the appointment of the following gentlemen to the snagistracy: Sir R. J. Paul, for Waterford, Mir. C ...

Chartist Intelligence

... 6bart~it Entelliacme. -Call TOUR OF MR. DAVIES IN SCOTLAND. toye JOHNSIIAYEN.-Wednestdsy, Jan. 5thl, Mr. Davies, peel returning froum his tour of the North, arrived here are again the previous evening. A pusblic meeting of the and Inhabitants was Consvened by the voluntary and gratui. coot tons service of a few members of an Arbroath band, and attending an abstinence festival, In the open air. ...


... THE RIVAL DISSENTERS AND THE RIVAL EDITORS. A very edifying squabble has, for the last few weeks, been raging between those two organs of Dissenters, Mr. EDWVARD BArNES, of the Leeds Mercury, and Dr. SAMUEL SasIIEe, of the Leeds wimnes, It is not our purpose to interfere in the quarrel. God forbid IThe two may belabour one another as often and as hard as they like; and no interference ...


... UNITED STATES, The New York papers to the 23d ult. have been s brought by the packet-ship New York, Captain Cropper, in nineteen days. This arrival furnishes papers seven days later than those brought by the slear-ship Acadia. The news by this arrival is R not of great importance. Several incendiary fires s had taken place on the border. Some American 0 rebels had destroyed tome barns and ...

Chartist Intelligence

... ?? Nntellisme. SHEFFIELD. (From our own Correswondent.J SUNDAY EVENING LEcxuaRi.-Mr. Harney lee-. tured in tho National Charter Association room, Fig Tree-lane, on Sunday evening last. Subject, the NeW Poor Law. The room was well fulled by a respootable and attentive audience. At the close of the lecture, a gentleman from Sntton-in-Ashfield addressed the assembly, in stirring and'bold lan. ...

Local and General Intelligence

... Koral aim Seiaeral 3EttelXienc LEEDS.-RIOT AT A FUNEZRAL.-On Saturday last, John Wood, Mary Best, and Ruth Byron ap- peared, by warrant, before the sitting magistrates at the Court House, charged with having created a riot in High-street, on Wednesday afternoon week, and committed an assault upon Richard Stockhill, by pelting him with stones and rubbish. The com- plainant stated that the two ...

Chartist Intelligence

... -dnavliot 11*11igefe. TO FEARGUTS O'GONNOR, ESQ., A'ie jderess of the CGartists 7n~sg at All Sahna's Opee, in the Borouoh oJ Lefcester. PATRIOT AIND BRoTHER;1r-Amouget the. many cuses ?? joy. whiol your present visit to the ancient town of Leicester lis createdi, thee are none w hich we g) highly value as the opportunity it has afforded u, of' testifying to you personally the measure of ...

Chartist Intelligence

... Ctartiot KatelliOuce- BELTAST--The membersand friends of the Befaste Universal Suffrage Association held their weekly meet- Ing in their room in North-street, on Tuesday, the, 18th instant, for the purpose of adopting the Nationrl Petition, and Mr. Jaseeg Forbes was appointedto -the chair. After the preliminary business of the meeting Was.gone through, Mr. Francis Mellon rose and showed in a ...


... A crowded and most respectably composed _ weeting-, convened by public advertisement, was held oi last MAouday evening, in the spacious and elegant U batl of ths National or Complete Saffrage Associa- e tion, High Holborn, for the purposo of nearingg Miss b: Mary Ann Walker deliver a lecture on the social 1c evils which affliot the State, and on the People's of Charter, as the remedy, and the ...