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Reynolds's Newspaper



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Reynolds's Newspaper


... HUNTING THI ARISTOCRACY. On Sunday last, there was a glorious manifestation of public feeling against Lord Robert Grosvenors arbitrary, tyrannical measure for the suppression of metropolitan Sunday trading. In consequence of numerous placards being isued, and an advertisement appearing in Reeynoldss Newspaper, inviting the public to meet in Hyale-park, on the north side of the Sqrpentine, ...


... SPORTInG _DNELLIGENCE. TATTERSALL'S. 'BONDA-i. :: ?? STAKES.-9 to 1 agst. Lord Eglinton's Corcebus (t3; 9 to 1 aget- Mr. Bickhama'e Phar- salu3 (10 to It) 1 12 to 1 agpt Lord Zetland's Fandango (t) . to 1 agat Mr. T. V. Tcrner's Redlands (t). NORTHAXRTONRzri STAxEs. -7 to I agat Lord Derby's *Meteora (t); 10 to 1 agst Mr. H. ill'a Ireland's Eye (t). GRAT XN6THERN HArNDIC.-6 to 1 agt Sir C. ...


... THE AZL-ENGLAND GcrICFE ELrM3 AUSTRaLtA. _ The All-England ElevcL1 oln tbe 211, nefw. I for Sydny, atad arrived ou the ?? h, a most ?? welcome from npr,.- Ppeople. They were at onestiavillto I., and also to a dinner in the evenihg, a, tl r T'wo days after their arrival the matcb two of New South Wales was phaijd. l ?? Wales team were Clark, Browsr, CartkG G,; Gregory, Thompson, Myrtle, Deatne ...


... GH=PIONNSHP CHALLENGE CUP SWIM- MCING NATCH It is a matter of surprise no lear than of reproach that Englishmen, though carrying on the largeet maritime trade in the world, should, as swinners, be far behind other nations of Europe. For many years the art of natation haa been taught as a part of the military drill of several of the Continental nations. If necessary for soldiers, surely ...


... WTILD SPORTS IN ALGERIA. -r M. Jules Gerardi the well-known lion killer of Algeria, has just sent the following account of a recent exploit to the editor of the Journal des Chasseszrs.- ma I knew of a large old lion in the Smauls country and be- took myself in that direction. On arriving I heard that he was in the Bonarit near Batnah. My tent was not yet pitched at the foot of the mountain ...


... SPORTZxG ?? 5mGlCXL TATTERSALL'S. tMONDAX. The room this afternoon ?? most numerously attended, but the business transaoted was of the mest limited description. Chere Arnie, who was made first favourite ia the publication of the weights, at 25 to 1, was Saupported for money at three points lese. 30 to 1, to i, small eaun, wao taken about Iniustrions, 405. to 10 once against Umpire, 50 to 1 ...


... SPORTZNQ INTELLIGUNCIL TATTERSALL'S. MONDAY. Nething shows the great change that has come over the spirit of Fpeculation more than the aspect of Tatter. sall's on a Monday afternoon. For the last five or six weeks we have had but to repeat the almost stereotyped pbrase, 'very little business done. Tbe room is gene- rally well attended but nearly the whole of the timue is taken up with the ...


... AriuL.. Newmarket Craven .. 11 JLewes Spring ?? .. 19 Llanboldy . ?? 12 Cardiff ?? .. ?? 19 Liverpool Hunt Club .. 15 Newmarket First Spring 25 MAY. Chester ?? York Spring Salisbury .. Bath ?? ?? Maidstone Ascot ?? Hampton Newton ?? ?? Oldham ?? Bibury Club .. Stockbridge .. Carlisle ?? ?? Newmarket July Pontefract .. Abingdon ?? Liverpool ?? Stamford ?? Brighton ?? Brighton Club Lewes. ...


... E I'S a v Al O z VI',j Ii .i E X c E. 'PATTELL>C. L The Derby betting prseeeu>c n, tostures. 6 to I was the Current price of tl'2 5vY -cS-a. an-i there wao aa evidenly growing disposim ito im;ur of Ecepoiar, about whom 1200 to ilO; wv, Ixtad once. Nsiioual Guard san Anomnaton were baat- d o: 2.5 to I each. ard although 28 to 1 was ai2_ cocs o. ticeo absur Wart's horse, the quotation gi-ca ...


... BOUTMG DITELLMMUU TATTERBAILL. IOzstnwrcAr.-11 toil eg t Slse off); 1,000 to 45 agat Dlcbel& (t); 25 bii at e alrVt); Sbtolagat Catch'em Alive (t); 83 to 1 agpt Chewr Amrie lt); 85 to 1 apt Heosham Lass t(); 40 to 1 apt ?; 40 t 1 aot Audrey (t); 2,000 to025 at Brown Stout C(); 60 to 1 aptCorona(t); 0 ?? (t); 1,000tou16 pt Flrtatioli (I- OCAaGrsEuatz-40 to 1 api Alveiftd(t); .40 o I not ...


... SPORTING nTTELLIGENT TATTERISALL'S. IKOSDAY. Tan NonRTitAMroTsnSiRn STAnss.-8 to 1 agst Mr. Merry's Lioness (off); 11 to 1 agst Mr. Hunt's Blith- field (t); 100 to ?? Baron Bothschild's Wingrave (t). Timt CHSTErR Cup.-500 to 40 agst Mr. C. Reynard's Golden Pledge (off); 20 to 1 agat Mr. R. Drewitt's Black- down (off); 30 to i agst Mr. R. Drewitt's Accident (t); 40 to 1 aget Mr. R. Drewitt's ...


... SPoiRTUNG IWNTBLLTIGCEC fln are wormA r UOODWVOoD BACES. The or- eu Stake of 6 BoVa fach, with 50 8 ed Won by The Gunner; baeting Watorwiltc( t ?? The A iai Stakes of 100 ,ayv each- )bb Saunterer, out of Alastissima beating Iniak Watn (2); Mirage (8) k ton (2)t The Grativicke Stakes of 10 vd ech- Clarion; beetirg ZDpaheado (2);L Cure (3). by The Stewgardi' Cu1p. Value 300 movVA (haudi,,pj_, ...