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... LAW1 INT'ELLZIGPiNP. COURT OF KING'S BENCH, JAN. 8.1 e31 rTHE KING, ?? WADDINGTO4N. at A few minbtes after the Judges hads taken their feats be th the Bench, Lord kcenyon fdid!., that as lie undcr- o- 3t.lod AMr. WeVddington was in CQo:urt, it wouil be as wll that he l.otlid receive judgment immediaeelyl 'x thougli his cafe fi'ood laft in the pap-er. Mir. WADnI oG-ros4 imnmediately ftept ...


... LAWY INTL IGEN-CE. COURT OF KING's BaNCr, JA$x. 2,. ELOPEMEN'I . Mr. Percival tioved that the writ of habeas corpus, dircted to Mr. Howes ofNorthampton, mtlling upon him to produce the body of Letitia Fletcher, be imme- diately qnafhed. The fi'ends ofthis lady, he faid, had behaved with the ftriieft propriety, and i'c her'elfwas perfefly fiatisfied with their condofh There had ex- iffed a moft ...


... .COURT OF KING5'S BENCTI, JAN. 3t. ?? El ?? . - .Sr- hf tr. EasxiCiia and Mr.GARaQV/ Ifewedcaufeagainft Ie obtained by Mr. Laxw, for arrefling judgment a t;:e cafe of r tRuy, convicted of Regrating Oats in r-;n Exchange; contending that Regrating was - at Coimrion Law, prior to the flatutes of tbe IIId, and that its operation was revived ..crpeal of thofe ftatutes. Mr. Law and Mr. crrclant ...


... .,LASW 7MLLIGENCEM ACof OURT OF KlNG'S BiE'L H Fsa . laft: ; Mr.. Waddingto was tnis day-brouoht w to receive t-on jn(igrient on hiis conrvia'onii Middlqfei. Aftwr te Lord ow- 'Chief Julfice had repolted the evidence adduced on th, ?? trial, Mr. Law, Mr. Bond, Mr; Wood, P¢ Danfify P1- M/r. Cliffor~d, 11r. I'eake, and tue Defendant hlirnfclf els, were heard jn mitig;aiiion oflpuf ent; anti Mr? ...


... . GUJLDZALL. Yefterday the Right tiorabc the *t'ord Msyor helei a Court of Common Cyuncil fprefent 7 Aldersen, the Sheriffs, and upwasds Of 5o'Cdnsmoners. The Proceedings of the ?? was read and confirmed. Mr. Deputy Bsircrn; after a, psbfatory- fpeeclh; moved,, That an humnble and dutiful Addrefs, be presented to his Majeftyby. this Court, expreilingltheir congratulations on the important and ...


... LAW IN'TELLIGENCE. COUPJT OF KING'S -BENCH, FEB. . Scarcely any thing came on this day, but arguments on demntrrers, cafes, and fpecial verdidts. After thefe papers had been gone through, M1r. GARPROtV prayed the judgment of the Court un Emerton,' con- vifed at the fittings after Iaft iterm of having. hanged a refpcctable clergyman in efigy on a high gibbit; einded in his nurfery grounds, near ...


... LAY INZTE-LLICENCE. COURT OF KXIG'S BENCI-t, FE 9. WINDHAtM V. LORD WYCOMDLs Mr. GARtOW moved to put offthe trialdf this cauf6 till netxt term. The anion was brought f6r cim. con. The caufe of a6tion was laid in Italy, and all the wit- neffes were to be brought from that cmt'stry The Noble Defendant had been excrting hirnfelt to the ut- roofi' to get over his witneIfes; and had lrone to Flo- ...


... i ;4 ~vIAT ii LLIG!ZN~A;C i COtIRT 'OF K!N6'S; : Ws ' Fee. I-T. Mre Wadlincgton -was this d6y br'oiagh.t up in cUiRL- ! jdy of the Marfha!, for the fi'fthl 'rd it ii tq be h6ped, ? thle laf time. As foon as .he ildlgcs had takenl their feats on the Bench, Mr. jjflice Gdkogi defired him to to receive 'the jud'gitncrt of the Court. , is t LYrSordflitp then'addreffed hinm at gu'at leigth,.nd . ...


... LAM' INTELLIGeNCE. - I . . I . h COURT OF KIlN'S BENCH, EzB. rs. the This being the laft day of term, ncthing very inte- men redingto the public came before the COL-rt. n Lord Itenyon fits at N1ft Prius on Saturday. Yelterday MDr. PfkCEVAL moved for the anfwer of in Mr. Denton, an attorney,- and two other perfons to e, the matters of an affida-it filed in the courfe of thie vwho term refpeding ...


... LAW INTBtLLGWrcrg. . COURT OE IKING's BENCH, SATURDAY, 1t^ t4. Sitings ?? L ord' KENYot. A CAWTHORN t.MURPHY. This caufe, though not- very important, excited a Co. confideraLle- degree of intereft. Thie plaintiff is Mr. Cawthorn, the bookfeller,-in the Strand, and the De- fendant Mr. Murphy; th e celebrated biographer and apL dramnatii. ' The aalion was brought to recover the sig. film of ...


... LAWZ !NrLLMEGNCJ?. COURT OF KING's 1EENCH, MONDAY, FEB. x6. WFTALlY, Efq. Ev. Sir THtiaMAS SOUTHCOT, Bart. The tranfaaions which gave, rife to this caufe have made a very great noifeinthe gay world, and an aflbnifh-: ing number of young men of'faiifon were thi4 day' ire- fent at the trial of it. It-will be recolleded.that in Mi chaelrias Term laft; an application was made to the Coort of ...


... LA?/ !NThLLfGEZVZ'E? COUPRT o8 KENG'9 BENCH, SATtJItD-A, F-rPZ Trkd befirr LoHd K Fts oi4 aed i . CalM. ¢'lNt Pbaasr~b- At[;ltff This very irnerefting caufe to-day again cane before the Courtf We fhgl how give fiat a very 6hort 4ate^ hiaent of it, however, as we detailed. all its circurnfanceg at great length when it4was firft tried, ariH as the refult of the tiro trials is exacily the fame. ...