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Advertisements & Notices

... S' Pri [zes of Twenty Thoufand Pounds each, -bl THE ENGLISH STATE LOTTERY, 'I'iat b'gins Diawing the 26th of February, next, viz. SCHEME. sn Priz eS. Value of each. Total value. 4 of £2o,000 is 80,000 10,000 30,000 - 5,000 20,000 2,000 - 10,000 3 - . ,000 - 0,000 o 500 - 10,000 50 - 100 - 5,000 ICO - 50 .- 5000 16- a6 - i64,o0 6,6).6 Prizes £434,000 tft drawn Blank, Af day 1,000 ditto, 4th day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WORD to the WISE, as a ferious caution to A all who, from the nature of their complaints, are obliged to have recourfe to that dangerous prepa. ration, Mercury.-Mercury is certainly, if taken with difcretion, a moft noble and ?? cure for every fpecics of Veneral Infeaion; but, on the other hand, there is not an artcle in the whole Materia Medical fo replete with danger. And, if a cold oc. curs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... et. Clubs, Societies, and individnal purchafers in 'he Lottery, are requefted to compare the prefent r ?cheme with any that has gone before, and they vill find it unqueftionably far tbperior: notwith. h Janding which, the tickets and Ibares are fold at o a much lower rate than they have been for thefe ti twenty years pall. a -7- a ENGLISH STATE-LOTTERY, 1797. t1 Begins Drawing FEBRUARY 26, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Adyk;e o ?? is -0t:tW i at the Dottors houfe; -aSabore. A propet allowance to Merchants and Captains of Nhip5, giving three days notice. Juit lPniblilhed, A GUIDE TO OLfD AGE; Or, a Core fai the Indifiretions of Youth Will prevent the horrors attendant, and neither young ptifois, sion thofe of matuler years, Ihould be a moment without having it in their pofieffion, par- ticularly feafaring men ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'rO DiR. BRODIJW. ry 5 ONSIDERING the variety of cafes publiffied in it varlious Prints, proving the ef .acious virtucs lit of your XvIcd.icines, it way be efleemed unneceflry rn for us to fay any thing in its favour; btut fhom the le purcft motives, se are induced to affert, that ih the courfe of all our trade, no Miedicine has eyer gained 3e equal refpeat, and had fo rapid a fale as your ...

a - To the Noblemen

... ana Gentlemen, CL'om-n071fourl of al Svpplyfor the County of Aberdeenl. rt : My Lords an7d Gentlemen, R S we itn to ?? ourfielvesjoint candidatesfor thr o0ffie of Co/lellor of the Land Tar, e&r for this county, on the 3oth oJ April next, being the day of elelion, we beg leave to itneatryourfatpport on the B oceaJion. If we rwefo happy as to obtain it, ue fhall al-ways entertain the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STATE LOTTERY, 797 . c The Tickets are fold and divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, By HAZARD, BURNE dT Co. STOCK BROKERS, At their STATE LOTTERY OFFICE, 9 No. 93. under the Royal Exchange, LONDON, 1 And no where elfe on their account. J S C H E M E. No. of Prizes. Value of each. TotWl value. 4 of ;0.20,000 ?? ^ ?? Firit Drawn a Blank r3th Day ?? c I q ?? Firft Drawa Blank ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ptvtt~0- F'OR fiale, upwardsof 15co gallons OLD MALT I WHISKY, from 3s, to 4s. per gall, fine Ferin- ?ePh Whitiky 3s. to 46. per pint, with all othem forts a;* Foreign and Britiih Spirits, at DICK AND FYFE's Tea and Spirit Warehoufe. Shiprow, %.VLo have alfo on hand a large aflortment of Black :,dGreen TEAS of the beft qualitiesasufual-Toaft- .rl and ground Coffee-Loaf, Lump, Powder and -f.v ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Zo the Ahobiemen and Gentlemen, Comm inlioners of Supply for the Coanty of Aberdeen. My Lords and Gentlemen, t ASawe intend to offer ourfetnesjoint fandidate! for Athe ojffce of Collector of the Land Tax, Wbe for this rounty, Oa the 3oth of April next, being the day of cleclion, 'we beg lea.e to intreatfyourfuport on the t' occafion. If we arefo happy as to obtain it, ve jftali alvays n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1- : To the Noblemene and Gentlemnen, Commjiffioners of Li, Supplyfor the County of Aberdeen. rs My Lords ard Gentlemen, rs jS 4ue intenzd to offer ourfrelves joint candidates for id * s thc off e of Collecor of the Land. Tax, &e. for le this county, on tne 3oeh of April next, Sciog the day ps of elerior 'we beg leave to intreatyourfupport on the Id ocwaflon. t f rue are fo happy as to obtain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R Clubs, Societies, and individeal purchafers in che Lottery, are requefted to compare the prefent fchesme with any that has gone before, and they -will find it unqueftionably far fupeeior: notwihh- Vanding which, the tickets and Ibates are fold at a mutch lower rate than they have been for thefe I twenty years paft. SNGLISH STATE-LOTTERY, 1797. r Begins Drawing FEBRUARY 6, 1798. THE TICKETS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Honourable the Comm o oners of Supply of the County of Aberdeen. Gentlemr,, J T1f the moj! fincere and heart-felt gratitude I thenk you in the warzeft manner for your ani- form andgenerous favours which I have coq/lantly experienced for tsventy.four years pay?, and which will remain deeply itngrefed on my mind to the iafl vzoment of my exiJfence. Iff had meant to relinqa fb the office ...