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Grampian, Scotland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1T1NE~'1w , of SIR? RAL\?PH! LE[ROi;] . . )tlh of. Aril tt:j: remains of (Tu:ci S~t Ralpji Abeeri-mahby, 1. B, Nvue interrcd at Thdta7, in one of the saliant ansiks of fort St El- -.The follorwinig is a copy of the Order of'Pr-occrsisn. Fubaltern's Gt:ard ofthe Royal Artillery, with armis reversed. 7'our six-pounciers, drawn by Artillery-men. ?? Amnunint-tion Waggon's, drawn by Artillery- Dien ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B!RTi'S. T~ ad'i;f of Sir JiLlle Nainmth, Bart. a fti.- -.anc' ?? iln Bait, a taugi'tcr. At Othtertyre, Lady i lYa,- *attr r., a 4,w. At Shrulihill , n'=r Ditrthintg, -, - li'l' Hot. a ia lie, a da.iligtcr. At Hoernhv t 4 c Y-or,.'i ire, the Duchrfs tof Leed , a daneghter. 1 . i orn, ?? Lady of Cap. Scott, of 6.i> Royd:l Navy et . Ti s Lady of Dr CG icAh' o, Ciiffsod-ftri, i -1e ' Ir.Shave, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ElRTHIs. Thc lady of Sir ?? e- tamay,. 3art. 5 M.ARR IED. At Edinburgh. Mr 'hn Fulton, fjjr-T-, Natchednir e, Berrvicksh!i-e, to -iss >al li Dunlop, daughter of MIr Va7er I I 1p, ni I-1Ic hiteirnorchall. Hedor vkaclean, Esq,. r1)nl 'urviving son of the deceased iioghr iaciea., Esq.of 1;ingerloch, to 21Iiss Eliza Fraser, 011, dauiihter of the deceased Captain John lraser. late of the '2d ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... |3BiRTHs. AtEdinbuirgb,thie Laady of .I-c ry V?h, Esq | ?? son. At Langlev Park, ys-C 1. - shank, a daughter. At Rossie, Mrs Grait ot Kilgraston, a son. At Lcixlip, tha Right I-1on. Lady AIu'gusta Leith, a son. At London, Lad, Charlotte Strutt, and the Lady ?? TihoT- son, Esq. Qpeen-squ'sre, sons. At Cantcrbur', the Ladv if Licut.-Col. Hugh Baillie, o ?? sJ- foot, a son. At Leyland Lodge, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHSS. At Granton, Lady Charlotte Hope, a daughter. At Clerkington, Mrs Hepburn, of Clerklington, a daughter. At Rednock Houise, ?? Graham Stir- ling, a dnughter. At Blairston, Ayrehire, Mrs George R1eid, twvo sons, both, with the mother, Lti''g vell. At Richmond) the Countess of Glals- a daugter. The lady of Alexander Jar- dine, Fsq. of Applegar-th, a son. Ar London, Mvlrs Murray, lt itt of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... er BlRTHIS. id At Edinburgh, Mrs Arbuthnot, Q23een-street, *k a soni. AtSpringfield, Mrs Captain Macdonald, s a daughter. At Fairholrn, Ms Hamniltoni, a e daughter. At Kelso, Mrs Watt, wife of Mr I George Wat, merchant, a daughter. At -, Mrs Captain Howard Douglas, Royal Artillery, a son. Mrs Graham, ?? ;.;knoV, a daugihter. i AtBelniont, the Lady of Licut. General Harris, -a son. At ...

I. i BIRTHS. e At Ed

... inburgh, the Lady of Sir John Sinclair. Bart. YI. P. a son. At A-r, the Rig!ht, lion. Lady a Char-iotte Cmpbell,a son:. A:t etherhe, Lady !, Citharinc Grahami, a son. iA London, the Ladv y of Dient.-Col. Knox, ist Guards, and. the Lady t ?? vacqueen, Parlian' ent-street, daughters. MARRIED. 1, A t P 'it C'asgow, C apt. James Ceorge, of the Robnst, to Miss Marga;t Barr, da-nghter ?? John Barr, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IvzM'tntiinm tr that Pu. posc. iu A; ,gar-ihos., t li.c : 'MJi-s RRmsaVy a IS. 7 ' I-. At X ix-- Ilhii-'5-t-- I ooh o L -a7aio. Vici4 o j ttI 7h NoI Bhit 4ii ' MPW!I~ia, a A, i At ltitoii the LJii -iu Cclonel ?? -yzii.ugEtlcr. t'foe\i~ V-oWltc>0 Cuoga.e4llo, -C a cz ia ?? MARRIED. At di! 1b--1i .;i ?? AIoi', Esq. fr&cm e j-ul to ii 1 ia -n Clezt dugh- o ttotV> ats , Polmiont houn-e. bn1- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LL I,', If At 1 1. >, ;':;I:n''lfollf , Nic?'cltoil s- ^- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I .Ilr' ?? i i' LR i D.. LI ?? ?? c L ?? ?? J ?? .i; I .>iu 3 :: ?? t CO t.9 i- 1( tli''.tit ?? | 'l - ti ; ~LL ?? ?? ~i: .I i t: ?? ~. ttn{ . .'.LLIL i.':tt : ?? ~ i'-t - - , ;. -5I.:8~r ?? i i' r ,2 *L! ?? Z i t 5 |t 1: - ; | ' ' it: L !. i; iJ 2 ( t o 7 ' 1: ?? w | j; ?? ?? .L ?? ' I ' 7 i, ' ?? | ?? ?? : C';-Ln -- ' i ~ ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B IRTHS. At Edinburgh, the Larly ?? Justice, Esq. of Justice-Hall, a dau.ghter. The Ladv of John Carmichael, Esq. of S-Png, a daughter. At Eldersle I~cuse, the Hon. Mrs Speirs, a daugh- ter. At Caflander, Mrs Campbell, younger of Glenfilloch, a son. MARRIED. At Edinburgh, Mr- Cl id Russe!, accountant to Miss Euphcm.ia Gillespie, daughter of the late Rev. Dr James Gillespie, Priacipal of St ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,BIRTHS. Mrs Xinloch, of Kinloch, a dauglhter. The Lady of C lonel Smyth Staffird, of Black Cork L ,dge, a daughter. At Mr Wallace's hou'e, Fr dericlh-strect, Mrs Major lWallace, a son. At Marske-hall, in Cleveland. the Lady of t' e Hon. Laurence Dundas, a d&ughttr. At Constauti. nople, Lady Elgin, a daughter. The in'an ?? immediately inoculated with the cow p x, a practice which a youag ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Is BIRTHS. At Nun-ihorn, Mrs Roy, wife o Iiir11lian 1n Esq. of Nethl'rn, a s In. At Bath, tie L.,!v oft ; T. j Campbell, Esq. a sou. At L rndondzrrv, I lthe Lady of 3:.-ga ?? Colin Ca anbcili Y daughiter.i I At Edinb-;rzh. lh-: ieo. Iviontpomery Ste-\art, s se:. of the F'ar ef 6iallo-x iv, to m- S, C ?? rpei d 1imny'Pan, sister to Iiird Ariaraic. At ?? Craigs, Mr N ~e-girg, suei' . -'Pir. -; - ...