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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH el On the 19th instant, Mrs. A. Crawford, of Trillic, of a Lit daughter. - MARRIED_ At Kilmagan Church,,,'~ the l6th inst. by her Uncle, mn the Rev. Mr. Johnston, faallywillwill.House the Lady Lady MARY, only child of the Earl of Annesley, of Castlewel1an, Ig to WM. JoHN McGWIRE, Esq. ot Rosetrevor. On the 18th inst. by the Rev. Mi. Reid, of Carrickfer- is gus, Mr. WM. McFERRAN, of White ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .M ARRIED. Oc the 27th if9t. in St. Ann's Church, by the Rev. A. C. M irincy, RoBSeT FORSTER, Esq. to MI&RGARZT, second -titter of tAdam M-Clean, Esq. Belfast. lil tie Cathdral, Armagh, onl the 231 inst. by the Rev, Ri51 ' ciesall, W11. SMirTai, Esq. to Aiss CAROLIN.A SEREs wit, daughter to John George Johinswie, Esq. both of ,.1ee plzace. o, the, 22,1 list. JOHIN Roearotvr ArA1vn,, Es,1. to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS On the 21st ult. In Armagh, the Ldy of Mr DUNCAN DA c English-street, of a son. MARRIED- On the 27th ultehe Rev. JORN DILL, Carnmoney to ELIZABETH, eldest dhqghter of the Rev Damuel Dill Donoughmuore, county Donegall. On the 17th ult. in Bellaghy Church, by the Ri. Thomas Spotswood, Rector of Ballyscsllion, Mr H Causfield HASELTON of Dungannon, to ISABELLA ng daughter of thelate Hugh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS xt Craigb-a-Vad, on the 7th inst. the LADV of ARTHUR YOUNG IN,0sBFp, Esq. of a daughter. in Antrim, on the 5tli inst. the Lady of CHARLES ATKINSON Esq. of a son. J t Cannanore, in the East Indies, on the 2d of August ].St, the LaDY of Captain Hill, of tie 54tb regiment, of a daughter. MARRIED. On the 4th inst. by the Rev. James Carley, of Antrim, JAMES JOHNSTON 1t. of Boghead, paper ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE REV. JOHN THOMSON. It is with feelings of sincere regret, that we have to re- cord the decease of the Rev. JoieN Teeostsoil, late Presby- terian Minister of Carnmoney, on Sunday evening last.- During the long period of his Ministry, the interest which he togk in the affairs of the Church is publicly known.- For many years he was distinguished as the leading mem- ber of the General ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .MARRIED., On the 30th ult. in Lurgan Churcb, by the Rev. Edward Kent, MR Wm M'DONALD, son of Doctor M'Donald, AghaleO tO MAny, eldest daughter of the Iate Rev. Joaiah Kev, Parcish of Ballee, County Downi. In Edinburgh, on the 5lst ult. by the Rev. Principal ird, JAMES AYNSWORTH, Esq. of Clanmallery, county of Dow1, to ANNE, seeosd dlaughter of John M'Neill, Esq. of CollIls050. Ct Tullylish ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -MARRIED On the 4th inst. by the Rev. Robert Loughhead, MARY, eldest daughter of the Rev. Thomas Bell, of Mosside, ta Mr. Joseph MCNEILL, of Bushmills. On Easter Monday, at All Souls' Church, London, Lieue. Col. MARLAY, C. 13. only son of Mr. arid Lady Catheline Marlmy, grandson of the late EllI of Ranesborougli, s;ad nephew of the Earl of.4cLvedere, to WiisS TISDALL, oily daughter of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - BIRTHN On Tuesday, the 15th, at Knock Breda Giebe, the LAD of the Rev. John Kinahlan, of a son. -MARRIED At Nesvry, by the Rev. Wm. Carr, of Belfast, oit th 16th inst. )ENRYa BaOWN, Esq. of Donaghimore, near Dun gannon, to 3iss JAXE CAPR, second daughter of Dfr Thomas Carr, IHigh Street, Newry. On the 11 th sisstant, by thle Rev. Henry Simpson, Saint field, Mr. THOfmAs PATTERSOlf, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTIH At Bessrollt Park, county Monaghan, on the 8th inst. e LosT of Major Tihos. Campbell Graham, of a daughter. III Elphin, on the I lit inst. the LADY of the Rev. Chas. Smith of a doighter. On the Idib' lost, at Magherafelt, the wife Of JAMESs SOowno, of a son; their first child after being 26 years In Connagliit-StIsaRTe London, on the 12th instant, (the aosiversty of Adlisral Rodney's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... HlLS AIAJE.STY'S BIRTT11-DAY. Li LONDON, APRIL 2'L-Wednesday (St. George's Day,) b being the day appointed by his Majesty for the celebration, d of his birth-day, the usus)k demonstrations of respect were observed throrrghlre1 thhq mfropolis. The bells of the parish n. Churches continuc ng merry peals during the day. a The standlard o' Ergignad . %Clrrsted at tne public buildings o and at thc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I-MARRIE D On the 28th inst. in Dandorrald Church, by the nr. E. -Cordner, EnwAnn . DicBY, Esq. Lieutenant, Rs'vsl in Navy, son of Re. JoIbts Dighy, of New Park, co. ap- and of Osbertstowrr, cdOKildare, to SAiAAI, daughter ., ays the late Hugh £rwrrrs.Banker, in Belfast, au.l 1 ved Orangefield, Co. Down. -In On Thursday the 2Ith inst. by the Rev. W. D. if. size M'Eweu, WILLIAM TIAUGISTON, Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .BIRTEIS On Tuesday morning, at Ely Lodge, the Marchioness of ELY was safely delivered of a daughter, '-MARRIED- - On the Ist inst. by the Hon. and 1ev., Poleyn Htoward, JOHN CumiNG, Esq. Barrister at law, to Eue&arcrs, young- est daughter of Thomas Bligh, Esq. of Britinajn the Gau- ty of Meath, and niece to the Earl of Darnlesy. On the 22d ult. by the Rev. Robert Magill, of Antris,. Miss ...