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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... g D f e t t It 5;1 -1 3 0 .8 is II 'e I- a. IC a. to ?? Csi as in C-. as 1.C~ is as p- .1- -BIRTII& Sunday laft, in Upper Wimpole-ftreet, -the Lady of ?? Clive, E q. of aond. Lately, the Lady of the Hon. NMajorGeneral Need- 'ham,'of a fill-born child, at Ptefcati,-near Dublin. On Tuefday laft, at ColpRobert Craufurd's, Skit- ton, Surrey, Mrs. Daniel Craufrrd; of a daughter. On the x4th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r . ?? CI' BIRTHS.Ci On the sift inf'r. Mrs. Haig, of BesInsrfyde, of a Di Thurfday morriing, the Lady of John Goffing, Efq. of Upper Fitzroy Areet, of a fon. - On MOnday laft, in Upper Berkeley-ftreet, the Lady ;of Lieutenlant-Colonel Martin, of .a fon. Same day, in Bentinck-ftreet, the Lady of Lieute- ?? Lyde Brown, of a datfghter. Be MARRIED. A few days tince; Lord Francis Ofborne, fon of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... es BIRTHS. e. On Thorfday fle'night, at Market Overton,1Aut- he landlhire, the Lady of James Raymond johnftone, t. El4. of a Daughter. ay On the. 5th int. in Lambs Conduit-fireet, Mrs. in George Bedford, of a'fon. - - he At Gibraltar, on the i4to1cf January laft, the Lady of Lieutenant Colonel Martin Hunter, of the 42th Regirnient, of a fon. : ~~~MARRIED, On Saturday fe'anight, at St. Martins, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . -e dy&the Hon. Edw. Monckton, of Porrt nd P Iace1 ' a daughter. On the fEd uit. at' Hoi t Dovfe, Derbyfhire, thix Lady of Daniel Dakcyne, jun. Efq. of Lae Midtiji Temple, of a ion. ' - :t On Wednefday fe'nnight, at his houfe in Berner'sz d ftreettthe Lady.ofj. Fonlblan ue, Df4+ of a daugj4,r Lately at his hoate, ill (rofve sr-piace, the Ladt- of jof epa Lyons WalrorA, lfq of a lbn. !r At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .if- I . to - BIRTHS. ca ial At her houfe, in Caftle-firect, Edinburgh, on Fri- w or cday, Mrs. Abprcromnly, of a fpn. re tie At Balyoukan, onjtie sg9th ult. Mrs. Fergufon, of ti' wg a fon. the itil MARRIED. - per At Edinburgh, on Tuefday felnnight, Mr. Mont- ve 30 gomerie, of the i5th regiment of Foot, to Mifs Hen-. lie rietta Fletcher Campbell, daughter of Gen. Pletcher or ity Campbell, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... a BIRTHS. r The Lady of the Right Hon. the Speaker of the c is Houfe of Commons, of a daughter. Y On Saturday laft, of a daughter, at Cottle's Hourc, n IC Wiltihire, the Lady of' B. Hobisoufe, Efq. M. P. a le At Manifler, county of Limerick, the wife of V Mich. Furnell, Efq. of a fon. At View Mount, Carlow, Mrs. General Heniker, a of a fon. It The Lady of John Puget, Efq, of John-ftreet, li r- ...

,L O N D 0 , N.!i jl

... 3 t The laft advices from Lord St. Vicent's feet mnention, that fifteen'fail of the enemy'sline had, on Saturday, femoved into rhe I nndr Road,' as there was a great fcarcity of provilio'ns on board the fleet- The iamen are fourtee,n months in arrears of pay, and all that can ,defert eaterson board the private thips of war. A grand review of the Guardsjoined by the other. regiments, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .BIRTHS,. Lately, in Dublin, the Lady of Alexander B&etran, Efq. of a daughter. Afew days fince, in Molefvorth-areet, Dublin, the Lady of Thomas Topping Smyth, Efq. of a fon. Thurfday laft, at his houfe in Upper Seymour- ftrcet, the Lady of Colonel Orr, of a ftill-born daughter. Oin Friday, at her houfe, In Upper Grofvenor-ftreet, Mrs Arthur Stanhope, of a daughter. Saturday fe'nnight, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ;nds, MiaRr ?? ..At.1i . yj in Northunmberland, Sir W. ierc Amrcotts, Bart. M. P. to MiCs Amelia Campbell, daughter fu- of the late Duncan Campbell, Efq. of Whitley.-At And Guernfey, John Thomas, Ei'q. of Lothbury,'to MAifa Le fs of Merchant, of Guernfey.-vlr. Oliver Gamon, of Win- fes, chefter Street, to Mrs. Lachernez Heude, of Lifiaon ther Green.-.By fpecial licence,-at the Countefs Dowaner ...