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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On M.fonday morning, at Little Marsball, near this city- the Lady of E. P. Smitb, Esq. of a daughter. Sanlie dawy, at her father's boas6F in Moretonbamp- stead; Devon, the Lady of . J. $h4w, Esq. of Ely Place, Londono of a daglhter. On Wcdnesday last, at Awisctimbe, in tbis county, 'Mr. 'Vbomas Woodland, jin. Vetelinary Surgeon, to li-si Charlotte Hooke, both of the same place. On 'Tiiesday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... II This morning, the Lady of John Milford, Jun. F~sql. of tllis eity-+ 1ankct, of ason't.- O(h Monday morninig, the Lady of the Rev. James Coles, f)F Stanlake Coltage, of a daughter. On NWeduesday last, at the house of Admiral Lord Viscount Exmouth. G. C. B. Commander.Th-Chief at Plymout[, ?? of Captain the lion. Fleetwood Pellew, C. B. of-his Majesty's ship Revolutioniaire, of a son. Same day ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jucral -dt Or Iatte PaiCoti. I e . . I 1'hB X~ulrhfu ehminy of ?? Qieeh's Funetal toolu place oh Widnesdllfy. 11Ue numblers of Versions whb set off to Ke* At in orly lbtir, tb witnest the prticession, fromt the City, ;outhwark-, W% tftlinster, and all the adjjoining dig- tlricts, were irammense. 'I'he tutiogity of thl ptiblic was extte6ne. CoacheS, stag1e' and carriages- of tvery de*ription ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXE TER, WEDNESDAY, Jattn.. 60 Yesterday the -Reverend Charles Jienry Lethbridge, -A. B. was licenced, by the:Rev. .:recentor Bartlam, to the perpetual, .ure ?? Stepbe~ns, by Launces- toih, void by th6edeatb of the Rev.: Isaac Ty eth, on the nomination or'the Feoffees and Inhabitants of the, said Parislh. ?? The Lord Bishop'bf this Dioeese has been pleased . to liceince the Rev.' Thos. Murphy ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. Jan, 1, the wife of J. Bridgeman, cooper, of Broomfield, Essex, of three children, two boys and a girl ; who, with the mother, are likely, to do well. She had twins about three years since, who survived but a short time. MARRIED. Dec. 6, at Dirham, Mr. William Gould, of this city, to Mrs. Sloper, of Hinton. Jan. 1, at Carrigrahan church, Ireland, by the Rev. Alexander Kennedy, George ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B OACL1 AoF P OMl'. ori M AdE IN, ?? ^A~MER.. ?? s : . :. . ; Fr'oni 1he'Aibany. Diait :Adoertieir Dec. 2.) ' -The 'Circuit (iturt in - d for the Cou6tyi Qf Mont- goriery, Was' oqpeneh 'efore liis 1ioii6oir Mr. Justicee Sjiener, on t3ondiey ic 166th iit! and; cohtipued duritig the week. Among: the .trials,..which'.exited a great deal of interest and feelipg,..!wnsa that of an actkhio briought ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tERXE TEl?, WEDNESDAY,'Ja.1R3 I * - weS ?? A., l^ ..-i This day, the R'e Hayter keki ^M-; A; ws I icenced a publie; Preacherittii;gjZOf4,e f ExBeerq and itif tuqte, 4byew.! . .Precen~to;Bgilam, to th~e -ectory. o f.igf_94,VAnI ,the tcounii,,,f pe on; 4le'ipresentatieou 1Geonge' Garrard Ha~yter, of Comptonl Bassett~aiistkS Zhl~l~ty of WV ii t&; clerk, void by the death of the Reverend William ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... th16 t-ar-i Paepri of Tuesda arrived ' dn l rdi blorqfl'g. . Theircontents are of donsiderable impor- tance. ThZey bring the official news of thbe death of the Queen of .Spai, iunder ver' extraordinary cir eunmstance.- Thefieule de logtaund Nunez, Spanish Ajtb8asador at Patis, prespted to his Majeaty. an sutograpb ?? 1om the 1King of spain i cqmluni ta?ting the afflicting-intelligeuce. The ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... C' f. d 0 g. I t 51 EXE TER, WEDNESD&Y, Jan. 20. 1 . . .nS 'flfflf . I e g~~~artilebO, e On Smnday hist',, 4a*Tririty Chureh, by the Rev.I John Bradford, Nathauiel Moore, Esq. of Aughina-: cloy, Coanty of T'yrone, Ireland, to Agnes Gould, second'danghter 6f-Mr. James Cbx, merchant, of this city. On Saturday last;. at Saffdford, by the Rev. Hugh Bent, William..Teer IHawke. Esq. of.Bideford, to. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXETER, WEDNESDAY, Jan. 27. Ol O Thursday last, the Rev. Charles- Barter Sweet, M. A. was instituted, by the IRev. Precentor Bartlam,. to the Rectory of Arlington, in Devon, od the pre- sentation of John Chichester, Esq. of Arlington, void by the death of the Rev. John Franklin Squire. On Thursday last, at Hizghwick, in this County, by the Rev. Thomas Btalbb- Mr. George Banfill, of Cotton. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEAT1 of the QUEEN of WIR rTEMBERG. (From the Paris Ptpers.) FLANKFORT, Jan. 11.-A Coutrier arrived here last nihlt. bringing the melatieboly tidings of the death of the Queen of Wirtemberg. Private letters from Stnttgard attribute the complaint which carrued her ol;, to a walk which ther Majesty took, on the 3d inst. to thle stad near E~sslingen, whore a pleasusre-howse has been erected. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... J3XYETkRT WRWDNESDY, -Feb. 3. Sunday last. at St. 'Thomas's Church, Mr. Riebard Cross, butcbhr, to Miss Jemima Gould, daugbter qf Mr. Gould, glazier, of St. Tbornas. This morning, at Farririgdon, by the lRev. G. P. Cosserat, 51r. Geo. Folland, ofTiverton, to Miss Cade, daughter of the late Mr. Cade, of Newton St. Cyres. On Tuesday, at Peuryu, by the ~Lev. ?? Robins, Captain Gosshard, to ...