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NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM DISTRICT BANK. 'piIE Directors of the Northumberland and Durham P™ Notice, that the ..

... of the PROPRIEi will held at the Banking House Newcastle, «m Monday the loth Day of February next, at 3 o'Clock the Afternoon. Bank, Newcastle, Jan. 28, GENERAL SOUP KITCHEN. rHE Committee of the General Soup Kitchen regret to state, that from the continued Severity of the eather, and the unexampled Pressure which it has occasioned on the Charity, its funds are nearly exhausted. They have been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATFR BEWITCHED, AND HOW THE SPELL WAS BROKEN, WOULD sooner leave home without mouey than go to a watecing place without a packet of STEWART'S TEA. I only once forgot: tben the tea hour loet its eharm; the piercing eye of the recipient reed through the transparent liquid on the bottom of each cup the doleful worca, ' Water Bewitched. The pleasures of the tea table were too seared to be lost. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A GOOD EXAMPLM. 'Ar1! Husband never goes to Newcastle without bringing me a present of a Pound of real Oldfashiionea TEA 52UI from WILLIAM ISTIWART'S Tea Eatebliebmant, 33, Grainger-street. I got none like it.,i TO BE SOLD-BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. II eligibly-situated Current-going modern ALKA- A LI MAkUFACTORY, on the River Tyne. he proserous state of the soda trade renders this rctfny the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATER BEWITCHED, AND HOW THE SPELL WAS BROKEN: W WOULD Sooner leave home without money than go to a 'watering place without a packet of STEWART'S TEA. I only once forgot: then the tea hour lost its charm; the piereing eye of the reoipgient read tbrouib e trnsparent liquid on the bottom of each cup the doleful words, Water Bewitched. T e pleasures of Me teal table were too sacred to be lost. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE,, PUtEEHOLD BUILDING SITES, Lan tax re- Fdeemed,W1llsituated, and thoroughly drained, at Sumnmerhill, Westgate. Aspply to Joseph Watson, Esq., Solicitor ; Mr Joseph Graham, Percy Street; or Messrs Iveson and Weltos, on the Groun TO BE SOLD, The Terms for Enfranchisement are set, r HE DEAN BREWERY PREMISES, situated in l the Borough of South Shields, and close to the Site of the Tyne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FASHIONABLE CLOTHING ESTABLIBRMENT, 23, GRAINGER-STRE1IT, NEWCASTLE. T JENNINGS & CO., MERCHANT CLOTHI8sEs, TAILORS, OUTFIrTERss, ?? beg respeotfully to inform thei ?? inhabitants of Newcastle and neighbourhood, that they have opened the above premises with one of the I moagmifiocent stoeks of READY-MADE CLOTHING ever effered to the public, and would solicit an inspection, feeling assured that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF FARMING STOCK, NEAR B19ABSH PARK, In the parish of Tanfield, county of Durham. J. C. FARROW I8 honoured with ?? from Mr JoB. Watson, who is declining farming, to SELL BY AUCTION, At Bleamish Mill Farm, on Alonday, May 9th, 183, ALL the FABMILNG STOCKC, &c., comprising.- 1Al. ?? brown mnare5, by Forrester ; one useful drought horse. To parties. requiring good brood mares, this presents ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET ^ Comfortably FURNISHED IOUSE, of 5 Rooms, i the Village of Mitford, two Miles from Morpeth t*AyStation. ApplytoMrGibson, Innkeeper, Mitford 0 LET, furnished or unfarnished, a DRAWING T and BEST BED ROOM (or two Bed Rooms, if required) in one of the most healthful and respectable Parts of the Town. Address A. H., at the Office of this paper. A HOUSE TO LET IN PORTLAND PLACE, No. A 4, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT'SALE 0P FARMING STOCK. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At Woolsingtou High House, idi the Parish of Newborn, Northumnberland, on Monday, April 30th, 1849, RALPH BROWN, Auctioneer, A LL the valuable Farming STOCK and IM- PLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY upon the said Farm,belonging to Messrs Havis and. Harrison, who are declining Farming, consisting of 8 powerful Draught Horses; i Black Mare,in Foal, 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,tcr1?tU1TR1STS OF NORTH- ~~ UIIBERLAND. ~setrgto you my Auction Card of 1ioioe Ingk~se To lo~'erm, 1847, 1 )t~ t~ed, to f~ee gratefltil foe the gerter-ol in r coitinxile to reecive in mly Profession. edieou- has gireil rne a Na mo inII Ii tl~iii.I wil a~idon-v wtch over it ~io~otiitr'Otii b tc4lrOI.I will choicilsh it ll~iti~r'ormy liidec-iS now the Chief ?? te ickly shadow of' 'iadii.Aclion ...