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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... MAZE RACES-THURSDAY. CoUNTTY AN'l'IIM PIlATO. .I, IM':Clw's D Iiheesfs (Flood), 9st. 301b. I I Mr. \V'liittlo's RleVeige, 9Yst. li1b . 2 2 Air. I'ivev's Pri.iiu filIy paid torieit B3ettiiir 2 anid 3 to 1 on, Revenge. T1his vas one of tie most beautiful races ever WitilSceds i at thel Mlaze;- ever Vhici of it wvas gallillitly contested, -the first heat bIjng icoll by half a head, the seecitl ...


... MAZE OCTOBER RACES-WEDNESDAY MaideI Piate-Swsepstakes of 5 sovs. each, p1p. for M1aiden lHunters that never won Plate, P'rize, or Stakes, (matelies excepted)-seeuod horse to sare his statke-one nine and a-lialf heats-2 yrs. old, ost. 71b. ; 3 yrs. old, Sst. 7lb.; 4 ,vrs. old, 9st. Ilb.; 5 yrs. old, l(st. 71b.; 6 yrs. oill, 10st. Ilb; aged l1st,-31bs. to mares and geldiniis_201. added. Ilv. ...


... MAZE OCTOBER M EE'TINC-FRIDAY. Sweepstakes of (i; gaihewas each, for Hltunters that never ivon a Racing 1'late or Stalke; X2t1 added ly the M1ost N3oble the M.arqllis of Dwtsvlidre. One minle and a-half heats, 3 vears old, ilst.; 4 years old, lost 2lbs. 5 years oll, I(st. I(lbs. ; ( years old, I 1st.; aged, l Ist. 21b§. Blbs. to mares and geldings. '. ]lo winner of a X50 Plato ita,1889, to ...


... ARNTAGII STEEPLE CHIASE. Anunil, Nov1Iimlmp, 11.-Thomse races CamO off this day over tbe Kenllely's Plain Coilse. Tile fiences were numllerolls and exacedingly large, particularly the river (17) feet. TUE cCU, £30 ADDrD. Mr. Crofton's b. g. Dice, (M1r. A. Bond), I I Mr. Al. Boyle's b. in. *ild Girl, (.Mr. Filgate), 2 2 MIr. Milling's c. g. Duinroe, (Mlr. IKnaresboro'), 3 3 Capt. Smith's ...

[ill] RACES

... MIONAGHIIAN RACES. TIIE DMONACHAN CHALLENGE CUP-NOV. 21. Air. Thomas F. Coote's g. Ih. Loughilvar, Mr. Vieti scarlct antd b]ack-.wtalkclI oiv r. Tbo Stakes xcre next racid fio, being six guineas en- trance, and £50 added. Mr. Alilling's Dnroe, AIr. 'I'lcnson, I 1 tir. Gordotn's Dcinvirnic, Mir Krnaresboro', 2 2 Ir. MA. Boyle's Wild Girl, Dlr. Filgatc, fell. lAlr. 1-latch's Cock-o' ...


... The Annual Ploughing Match of the Doagh Farming Society came off on Tihursday, tbo 1'3th ult, in a field be- longing to AMr. John Rowan, immediately adjoining the village. The day being fine, a large concourse of spec- tators assemibled to witness the practical skiill displaye d by thie various competitors, aid it was gratifying to ob- serve the interest that all present seemed to talke in the ...


... DOWNPATRICK RACES-MONDAY. IIUNTERS' SWETIPSTAKES Of I() sovs. each, I.), £E30 added by Mr. Maxwell, of Fiminebrogue. Woii by Mr. MIalgill's 1. f. Tureoman. Swenpstakes of 15 sovs. each, 5 ft for hunters-race- horses adrmittel-X30 added. WVon by Mr. Kent's b. c. H-urmmbn --birdl. 1IHLLSBItOtUJIt CI5ATALLENrE CUP.-Ilunters' Swseep- stakes of 15 sovs. each, 5 ft. for horses foaled in, and bona ...


... I send you a brief account of a burlesque Tournament that has taokn place this dlay, and which I think may be acceptable to you. It took place ol the estate of Squire Fans, formerly ALP. for Oxfordshire. His park was beautifully adapted for the purpose; the house lay in a valley, surrounded on all sides by hills, densely crowded all over with woods-a romnItic and charming spot. A portion of ...


... LOCHUYAN REGAT FA. FiiIIAY-11UGU51T ;lii on this morning a light breeze having sprung, tip, two yactli matchos wvere started. 1. Fln THRu CLARPT JUG, VALUE 50 GuINEts, Nauitilus - R-1. B~att, Hsq. - - Belfast. Glteans . . . Sir Rf. U. Booth - Sligo. Wavo - - - )Ill. Perstoen, REq. - Largs. Iii tliis match tho Wave had anl silowance of 20 minutes for ditffrecec of tonnage, and after a well ...


... L.ONDONDERRY RACES. TueSDAY, SErT. 8.-aswcepstalkes of 10 sovereigns each, 5 forfeit, 40 sovereigrls added, for hunters. Alr `'Caw's, of Belfast, c. m. Duchess, anod, 1 1 Mr. l'Causland's, of Fruithill, c, c. Exquisite, 5 yrs. old, . 2 2 Mr. Magill, Mr. Flood, and MIr. Ferguson paid forfeit. Maiden stakes for hunters, of 3 sovs. each, with 30 sIvS. added. Mr. Flood's g. h. Harry, 3 yrs. ...


... DONCASTER RACES-SEPT. 15. The Fitzwvilliam Stalies, qf 10 sovs. each. Mr. OCde'is b. inl. Deoswhirn, aged ?? ?? ?? . I - Osbalilest on's b. e. by TIr tijileter, 3 yrs .. 2 The Champagne Stakos, of 5it Rove. each, It. It. fur 2 yrs. old. 27 subs. Mr. Powlett's b. f. Kedge, ?? ?? ?? ?? Mr. Bell's gr. c, The Squire, ?? ?? I.. ?? 2 Mr. Allen's ch. o, Belgrade ., ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 3 A handieap of ...


... MAZE RACES-OCTOBER MEETING. TCESDAY, Maiden Plate.-Sweepstakes of 5 sOv8. each, p.p. for mnid, n hunters. One mile and a.half heats. Mr. Fivey's Whitenose, 4 yrs. 9st. lbs. I Mr. Mlaxwell's Croline, 3 yrs. 8st. 41bs. .. 2 dr. Mr. I'Caw's cb f by Dandy, 3 yrs. 8st. 4lbs. 3 2 Downshiro Plate-Sweepstakes of 6 gs each, 2 ft. for hunters. £20 added bv the Marquis of Downshire. Mr. ...