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Advertisements & Notices

... ~tf Ot.PRlOFPrAl FUNIis. atrn Four-pot Half-tester]f.S Hedaeadandllangings, Toile bl with mrl os ih .V5 T'ray, Dressing Glasses, ?? Beds, MaoayWr.Are the best robe, Painted Articles, vets of Mahegassy Chis adoeby Double Eu Rlosewood Lou Table, a Couchl to match, masv ?? Sofa, a Pedestal Sidleboard. ChlS'onnlere, hme GaesI gilt frames, Brussels and Kiddermilnster CaptRgBo. For Curds o., ease ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For NEW5 YORK, IFT The well known American Ship SWIET, TNA T NANTEL ITOWLAND, Mastcr, Bnrtiien abou.t 30 tors; she is a vctry finO vesse], ¢ti i. ?? lariog good acc0u-.tmon'ultiol it for cabin and steer- -5 -age passenge. If thc Dill nosw boefore Congress or the Ultead Staites or Amcwrica, fin thc admission of goods be':n to) citiceliS s(f that counlt'',V, and wh1ich were ordered to thie id eb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R ICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, & Co. Contractors iy tiJ R Government, respectfully beg leave to solicit the ?? age of the Public towards the Scheme of the presvtrt Stute l.. tery, containing only 12,000 Tickets, which will be draw' 0s the 30th of this Month-April. SCHIEME. I Prize of £20,000 is £20,000 I , 15,000Io I 10,00. 10,000. 1. .. 5,000 ?? 5,00 I .. 4,000 ?? 4,00000 1 3 ,000 .. ?? 5,C000 2. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .5 THE OLD LINE OF PACKETS FOR NELIW YORK, The NEW YORK, BON100TT. -5609tonsl16th of Feb. The MA\NCHEISTER, SitOTCILFY, 510Iot or Mlareh. 'rhe WNLTH-OMPSON,NIAXIVELL, -110. ?? 'irho CALEDONLI,, oesas ?? ?? Ist ofj'April. The ?? 'NA A, GanrAHA ?? 570 ?? 16th of April. The FLORIDA5,T'INCKHA 0. ?? *.Ist Of.IJ'y. ?? The PAC1!i'1C,T?. Ct'tOmcFo570 . .. ?? M1ay. Vne unexampled desotatch a nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n~fitcu estate0. THIE OLD LIN6E OF PACKETS FOhNEiW YORK, Th M.IOPSON jAXWe:LL. 480 tons 16ih of Nov The CANAD.TO s ?? 6570 Ist/ of Dec. The CALEDONIA. RtoeS 60 1s fD T'be FLORIDA,TfIscrtiil.I 570 ?? 1sthof .Fan. b The PACIFIC, R. CAioi . ?? I. 1t of )an. he BRITANNIA, MARSHALL, 615 *-.ioe of Feb. be The NEW YORK, BENNET' i- 5610 1thfFe. Iea The XANCHESTER, S&EITCi5LEY, 560 ?? 'St of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For NEW YORK, ANN'- The American Ship ?? .N M1 A L F. X A N D E It, .M S. IimrroN, 1Master; Great part of b(ir cargo being ready to go e'n hosed as socz' Rs she is disciharged, sle nvill r.- cveimmefiiate fl.,-atch. For further particulars Nsppy to the Cmp)tnin 01 board, or to CROPPER. BENSON, and Co. For NEW YORK. - K' The Americeti Ship AMEiRICA, -rL Jo Y, 1ihlster - I Burthen ioy tons-vvill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *FRPOOL FLOATING BATH, tlssr iggs' Yardad,; ijting te ,sI ig al IL ¢7Fart) COGLAN respectfully informs his Friends T *3d tC ,e Public, that hle is making every pos- a.o hare the FLOATING BATH I 1. in tbe Season, and expects to have it * ied bv t 29th May.- ;;4 ti~crqae'ce of thc heavy expenses attending 1 (beiina on a much larger scale than itsa 90rlri0'op ed,) be hopes he will be excused, ir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURTLE'.-i YtLLOWLE bas On Salea a J T large quatftity of fire lively ' TURl{TLE, just arrived.-TUR'fL1F dDINNEBS, SOUP, &c. as usual. t b~ . «prepared on the .shortest notice to carry to da ny part oftheliflgdbm - ,s Ariel Inn. - . . TURTLE. . ari T JONESs Yoax HOTEL, Wil- at liasonsqUare, has o01 Sale, a atlargetquantityofin livelyTURTLE °0 I t d Turtle Dinners, SouP, e - &c. as usual.*C no ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _N . yVAND9ENH4OFF cap 1551CeB t his Friends and the Public, it ti is fixed for I t .av. 13, 1818, ToJSCEPE5S: THE ADhllRED rCO- *~i; MIEDY OF , D1SIID c Ret I gag of st gatOM 7 spe, t iscs yeq~hr by. ifr. VANDENHOFF, Pei foeirttt lp ~ tha't C73s7XSCter. W s the Cmic Interlude of i play , (GE WOOD. Deeel y r. GGeE WFA * ~hel breqst of sererai of 7hiB Friends, he Cor '0j o hsngtonly, deliver . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STAFFORDSHIRE n WROUGHTl I)tO\ M'*OiSITORY, vi- BOLD-S TREBT, OPPOSITE THE LYCEU.1M, LIVERPOOL. ial * use GEORGE BLOUNT, .c wbe~ oteTolPalces, 1'otwadries, For !T, ad ,n Algen to ?? Fnxzees I'osndsc he io.1 MI is, Stfisfrdshirce, . ;x IF EGS respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry, las flaud Merchants of Liverpool and its Vicinity, that .i- his Establishment is intended to supply, for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =to lie HooverRoak the ] g00v uettof excellent -odem FURNITURE, 1, S ASY abogafly Articles in Wardrobes, Side- gr , Cujard, Perbroke, and Snap Tables-Trafalgar pa .4~ t irs -irular and'square Chests .Of Draw~ers, so 6r, ?? Sof5;a Sofa Bedstead,*&o. Chibm be ?? 5 'inner,.Dessert, Tea-and Break-' mn N, ' Trays, Dish Covers, Feners, tt el, Pil~and an Venetlian Carpets, brilliant te tteand Camp ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fr. nhard, Mr. Ilarky, Mist I. Troe, MI U4 'Uree, an6d Miss SlthsrOS. Det of M HARLEY, and the last night s ;r. Harley begs to announce, most 5tbise M TREE, the celebrated Singei, from ila~t't cvnt~ardetl, and her ?? TREE, g~aDertma^:therreapernceothioccasion, 1 ?? gr~t orr1y. wiit be performed (not acted here 1W~ -5) MortOn'5 admired Co medy of w 2 FORT~ T HEART-ACHE. C , Rapid, Mr. Blanchard ...