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Advertisements & Notices

... 4J jap-a1g, uiil£i (C011utfliffl in. BY JAMI:S MAS SIE, This !n his Shop, epapi~tc t'e SIo;- -Liae, Shiproz, TItE MOST EhrENSIVE ASSOIT'MlENTF Or ?LATEz~D, 'yIYELLL 'iF c CU ERL); AND BRJIilA7711 is 1 iL UCGOODS, ;: tr espdeed inl this rare *-ft hr ?? ?? o ,r: -sIhieh ?? ?? hate been mode in tie conemP ofloqt 7wcek. It` ,` le w7thole of the above Goods -will be found fi &ito ac to o per cent. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XINCARDINESHIRE FARMERS. A a mteeting of Farc.;,rs in the county of Kin- . ardiu e payilag I.. o pet an iall of lRent, !)y publie advierif 'ccr ts, aII lild' at B ireiu, a ill ;tcemlber 1799, iar the Plul'okfe of eolifidetil g i:. f::, ~;itheyle ay be atfiedcc br tile propofed TAX 1 IfCOME. Aier staxmining all theinforma!ion they had been : piocuic oil n lit fiabjelt, thcy came to the fol- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day is Publifhled, by A. BROWN, .omern's Head, Br oartl/ireet, Aberadeen, I .g-'i.'' ~ In one vol 4to. price Onle Guinea t v 1 .'.^w:9,j k in boards, F RAGMENTS SCOT2 SH IIISTr Rr. t y a MemJlkber of the raralety oJ' Ad-voctefs. ----Cumn altera lux venit, s Jan cras hefnltrom caonfumspfirmis: ecce aliud cas .1 Egusit ho* annos, et femper paulmum erit ultra. e PER Msus. CONTAINING 1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rbrrbm'.Qzirt P-flitia. Aberd-en, 24 December Y798. A T a Ceneral Meeting of Liuitenancy of this .ll county, held here this day, in confeqclunce of his Majefly's order in council of the 28th of Novem- ber lai;, appointing the remainder of the militia for Scotland to be immediately called out and emb-idied -the perfons whofe names are annexed, as drawn by the FrIsRr ballot, In May lalt, but ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A little mirlb is rood in tbefe dul itrics.. -E It SYIN E Onl the Fisit if Of1oher was ioshlifhed, Price ONE SnIrLLING, NUMBERI l.XXII. Of IHE SPOR l'tNG MAGAZ;NE: or MONTH. TLY CALENDAR .f the TR SNSACJ ONS of tie TiURF, the CHACE, ard evtry other Diver finn, int.irefliog to the MAN of PLEASURE, EN- IERPRIZE. and SPIRIT. irclu.1iog RACING H-OOtT!N( COURSING, HUNMlNG, HAWK ING COCKINGC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1 C A R D. 3R. S. MOORE, Organ Builder, and grand an-' I MV1 fqelare Piano Forte Manufafturer, who ferved a regular apprenticefhip with Meffis Longman and Brodtnip. Lrondon. Wr:fical Infirument Makers cx 3 trarIdinary to their Majeffies. refpclrtrlly imitates. - that hay ng *c afon to remain fome time in Aberdeen 5 (heirg engaged in repairing the organ of St. Paul's Chapel and other orgars) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¶2trbtzcniffv 2'ti~ttia. Aberdeen, 24 December 1798. A. 1a General Meeting of Licutenancy of this A s cou11ty, held here this day, in confeqllerce oF bis Majefty's order in council of the zSth of Novem- ter laft, appointing the remainder of the militia for *:cotland to be immntdiately called out and embodied -the perfors wvhofe names are annexed, as drawn 1y the CIRST bal!ot, in May lall, but ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C O 0 K E's CHEAP AND ELEGANT EDITIONS OF SELECT BRI VISHI CL \SSICS, Ecing a Coll-clion of univcsfallv approved Effays, flperbly ornamented with ELEGANr ENURAV. t ING4 taken fisum Paintings and Drawings, of Art- a iftls of the filft c!afs n Printe. in a Stilc or Eleganice that challenges co:n- petiion, on a pu,pofnly manufafured wove Paper, a :xnd or a new Bulg ris l pe, calculated ro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II . HOUSE TO LET. L a 'THE SECOND FLOOR of that hooife at the B IL coliner of the SHOREBRAE. poffelt by James l Caldcr, Whine Mrchant, is to be let, with or with- a out coomiceiled rooms. Entry at Whifbunday next. r Y n ROUP OF GROUNDS FOR CROYPING. e 'J'l-iere will be Ictt for the enfiiing crop. by pub- rlicoup, .TO-MORROW. upon the giounds, P fractal fields, all at prefent in high heart and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRITISH 5'i'A'l'E-I.OT'3'ERY, ANNO 1t798, 'io., 1.. Foo,oero. Slriias drasravO ouMao.-'lta tbrh lebt F!)ualy 1799 Ailrl trot two Lianks tn a P ize. SCHE7ME. h XNo of Prizes. Vaolu of each. Total Value. ti 3 of L. 2o,0c0o is L. 60,000 re 4 10o0 o is 40000 0i - 5.000 - 23,0o0 at 5 - 2,000 - . -O,OC0 a 10 - 1 r,0o0 1 ,0oo J5 - 500 - 75 ro^ Sr 30 - 100 - 10c0 I00 - 50 - 5,000 C 16 900 - 20 - 338 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SATURDAY's POST. J.1 il'9011, 3 sdll. 22 r * Y tihe mails from Dublin which arrived 3 this morning it ampesr.;, that th c oppo- fiiijn to llhe rrojedced Union grows every 'h.Iy forraidable. Whether it is well Iuicded svil be better 1 nown wben the mea- !..e c-nme to be cnfcefred, as a Meffage on ;i; §} will tLi., evening be delivered to ! 1 h I aa~ii of .1iaiament, whiich will bc * a i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d The pi ruot Ea'Tl~lj State Lottery eowitais outJ c 50o,ooo tickets, and )tot two's blaniks to aruisv', -t.lzi- i. rdCeIs tije Srl.'rmo;e ocr' bcacjicial to fioacrafcrs, Ie- f j_ orfe, ities lotte)-;' A0b1.d4 they only obtainel fil/i c pe iz of L. 2o, the dzi-antaje will be 5;. t . :,i-' Money for the prizes paid on demand, wle- I th1r I. 20, ol a 1. 2a0or). r ENGLISH SrA-lFE LOTTERY, ...