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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Wednesday, the lady of Thomnas Bassett, Esq. of Welsh St. Donat's, near Coswbridge, of a son. Thursday, the 15th inst. at Littleton, Lady Caroline Wood, wife of Colonel Wocd, A. P. for the county of Brecon, of a daughter. MARRIED. June 12, William Jones, Esq. Solicitor, to 'Miss Blanch Pugh, both of Aberystwith. June 14, at St. George's, Bloomsburv, William Powell, Esq. of Neath, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PREFERRED. Rev. E. Griffith, B. D. of Saint J College, Cambridge, to be master of the Free Granainar-S.le at Swansea. MAR RIED. Colonel James Butler, lientenant-asostterorc; the Royal Mlilitary College, to Francis Cornelia, second daauht' of Col. J. Glover, of Bath.-Peter Rtose, Esq. of Dernerra Miss H. Gordon, third daughter of NV. Gordon, Esq. of Aet' dour, Aberdeenshire.-Wm. Peet, Esq. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. Lately, at Islinpgtoin¶ ?? Parker, of His Majesty's 61st regiment of foot, and one of the private secretaries to the late Duke of Bent, to Ann, youngest sister of Richard Poole, Esq. of Gray's Inn-square. Lately, at St. George's, Bloomsbury, William Powell, Esq of Neath, Glamorganshjre, to Hannah Eliza, eldest daughter of the late John Jones, Esq. of Brunswick-square, and of Derry ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXETER, WEDNESDAY, August 2. On Monday last, at Bnckfast Abbey, the Lady of Major Richardson, of a Son. Imavdietf* On Thursday the 27th 7lt. at the New. Chnreb, 'Mary-le-Bone, by the Reverend Whitworth Russell, Henry Porter, Esq. of Chedzoy, Somersettbire, second son of the late Thomas Porter, Esq of Rock- beare- House, in the county of Devon, to Rose Aylmer, yollogest daughter of the Right ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Aug. o, at Clifton, the lady of J. G. Sparrow, Esq. of Goifit 17lace, in the county of Essex, of :! son. ;A UA It ID. I ately, at Mentihrv chlrch, M1r. William Burlington. il M!;. Elica Vaughan, bott of this city. .l,,ly 51, at 2Sw;anisea, -Mr. \rn. Terry, su relhl, to E4hibedtl,, no lv dlauightcr of th!e late 51 r. J. A. Sioiu l', jrand-daugltter of the late Rev. Robert U-els, .1. A. rcuci i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXETER, WEDNESDAY, August'p9. . The Lord Bishop of this Diocese, has been pleased io confer on the Rev. John, Hahv Paisley Polesoh, M. A. the Prehend, founded in the Cathedral Church of Exeter, vacant by the death of the Rev. Ralph Barnes. On the 3d instant, at Peamore, in this county, the Lads of T. W. BloWmefield9 Esq. of a son. At Bidetord: on the 4th inst, the Lady of Captain Bayly, ofithe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jONI)ON, Al N.D Au st 72 1820° OF THE IDte~i ?? B anno)fnce to the public, with great con- cern, the Death of her Rtoyal Highness the Dichess (it' Yrk. it is indeed a consolation, thouh a sad one, to the friends and family of her Royal U ihlhless, that the state of her health had yci years been such as to deprive her of most of the cotforts of existence, and to leave her, Royal lighness little ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? f wl f.oi 'Tlhe Fuweral of her late Royal Highness thei d)iiohess of York toa1k place yesterday afternoon. At ten minutes before eleven o'clock the Duke of York, accompanied by Sir Herbert Taylor, arrived at OGtlands in his travelling carriage from London. At three o'clock, the Duke of York rose frorri his sitting in- state ; anld arrang~ements were then made for tbe soleunil procession ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXETER, WEDNESDAY, AugUSt 16. Friday se'nnight. in N'rith Aildley-strect, 'London, Viscountess Ebrinrgtor,. of her third sori. OCi Saturdiy last, at St.. Tomas's -Chlrch, Mr. TWiiliam Richards, master of the Turks Head Inn, High-street, in this city, to' Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr. Samuel Carter, of Exwick. On the same day, at the same Church, Mr.Saminel Carter, jan. to Miss Christiana ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE DUCHESS OF YORK. On Monday, at ten minutes before eleven, the Duke of York, accompanied by Sir Herbert Tayloy, arrived at Oatlands, in his travelling carriage from 'London.. fll tlbe servants appeared in mourning. A number of men employed on the estate appeared in the park with black staves. The schools of boys and girls, supported by the Duches, appeared in deep mourning, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXETER, WEDNESDAY, August 2-3. Yesterday, at Collumpton, by the Rev. J. Templer, Mr. John Voisey. draper and tailor, in that town, to Betsy, eldest daughter of Mr. Joseph Davy, of the same place clothier. Thursday last, at Alphington, Mr. Benjamin Wills, of Exminster, to Dorothy, youngest daughter of the late Mlr. John Rowe. of the former place. At Mary-le-Bone Church, Charles Aaron. eldest ...


... August .30. flfl=..R flflfl'fl -lfl At Buckland Abbey. near Plymoutlh, the Lady of Sird John Gordon Sinelair, Bart. of a son and heir. On Wedues(day last, the Lady of Thomus Upbhafn3 Escj. of this city, wharfinger, of a son. Lately, at Stoke Cation, by the Rev. J. Bondl, MNIr. Edwvard Osm ond. of Newvton Saint Cyres, to Sarali, eldest daughler of Mr. John Rew, of Nethfrex. Lately. at Maker. Mr ...