Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 13irtbs. January 31, in Prince-street, the wife of Mr. A. Bryce, of a daughter. January 27, at Scalby Lodge, near Scarborough, the lady of E. S. Donner, Esq., of a daughter. January 12, Mrs. Smyth Windham, of a son. .~araiaaes. February 3, at Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. R. Attbill Mr. W. Wilson, stationer, to Mary Jane, youngest daughter of the late Mr. J. Rogester, master mariner, Whitby ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... dte Nov. 11, at Beverley, Mrs. May, the wife of Mr. R. May, of ry, the firm of May and Loftus, upholsterers, &c., of a son. -Nov. 9, the Marchioness of Exeter, of a daughter. y. ,Nov; 8, at Sowerby, near Thirsk, the lady of W. H. Ritebing. man, Esq., of that place, of a daughter. for Nov. 4, the lady of Captain Vernon, Coldstream Guards, of ed. a son. 'sa AJ1 ages. ?? Nov. 14, at Sclceoates ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... alid out ca- ire Nov. 26, the wife of Geo. Milner, jun., Esq., merchant, of the a son. the Nov. 24, at York, the lady of Dawson Littledale, Esq., of a it- daughter. *es Nov. 22, at Chapelthorp Parsonage. near Wakefield, the lady 3ea, of the Rev. T. Wertmoreland, jun., of a daughter. Nor. 20, at the Vicarage House, Cawthorne, Ihe lady of the - Iev. Arthur M. Parkinson, of a son, flarrfages. Nov ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Birtbs. July 30th, the lady of Mr. W. H. Huffam. Of a daurir July 23, at Bridlington Quay, the wife of Mr. Alfreli *Tsher,_ ofa son. July 22, at York, the lady of George Shann, Esq., M.D., of a son. July 20, at Whitgift-hIall, Goole, the seat of her father, Thomas Coulman, Esq., the lady of Capt, Sir James ClarK Ross, royal navy, of a daughter. July 26, at Routh, the lady of Tlhomas Wilson, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... bitttSF' Novembor 2es, in Stanhalnp-atreet, thre Viscountess Joealyn, of a son and heir. November 22, at 6, Queen-rtreet, aMay-fair, the lady of Harry Thornton, Esq , of a daughter. November 2 1, at Norton, near Malton, the wife of Mr. John Hlolmes, of that plaoe, buteher, of twina. November 21, at St. J3ssnea'S Chatreh,by tihe Rev. W. Knight, Mr. Jacob Wright, joiner, to Misr Martha Qotipp. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... on tie li~i1UIjS. March 10, the wife of Henry Cook, Esq., of this town, solicitor, n_ of a daughter. March 13, the wife of Horace Frost, Esq., of this place, solicitor, of a daughter. March 10, at the rarsonage, Hackness, the wife of the Rev, Joseph Irrin, of a son. to Allatriaie%. hee larch 15, at Sculcoates, by the Rev. T. S. Bonnin, Richard ne Hodgson, Esq., of Beverley, to Maria Helen, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I3irttbs. Navemnber 20, the wife of P. Cholmeley, E.q, of Brandi by-Ihdge, York, olf a daughier. Nivember 20, at Sculcoateq Church, in this towa, by Ite Rev. T. S. Bonnin, Mr. William Marshall, to Mary Mlinda only daughter cf Mr. Th,mas fewitt, miller, iledron November 20, at the Hlly T!inity Church, in this town Mr. Jonn Cooper, grocer, Hill-street, to Eliza Norton, br,th of this place. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? September 7th, at Fallowfleld-house, near aanchester, thb wife of Charles Clarke, Esq., of a daughter. September 5th, at Kirby-hall, Yorksehire, the wife of If S. Thompson, Esq., of a daughter. August 27th, at Beverley, the wife of Mr. Isaac Mookbman, or a daughter. , ~~avriage. Sepltember 14th, at St. James's Church, is this town, by the Rev. W. Knight, Mr. William Lewis, of Waverley ...

July 16th, in this t

... own, the wife of Thomas Wilson, Esq., surgeon, of a daughter. July 10th, at Fleet, Lincolnshire, the wife of the Rev. John Thomas Becher, curate of Fleet, of a daughter. The wife of Samuel Robinson, a labourer, in the employment of the Rev. G. C. Smyth, of Carnmoney, was, the other day, safely delivered of three male children. July 20th, at Holy Trinity Church, in this town, by the Rev. F. J. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Tharriage~. March 19, at the Holy Trinity Church; in this town, by the Rev. J. Ei. Bromby, Mr. 'William Henry Watts, vf Breade . house, Nottingham, to Mary, only daughter of the late Mr, Christopher Carr, of Hull. March 18, at Sculcoates Church, in this town, bt the Rev T. S. BoRnnin, Mr. Richard Harrison, pawnbroker, Engine- street, to Hannah, youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas Car wright, late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... August 28, in Eaton-terrace, the wife or Richard Augustus Bethell, Esq., of 19, Old-square, Lincohl's-inn, of a son. August 21, at Bath-road, iloulslow, the wife of George Taylor, Esq., M.D., medical superintendent, laud transport corps, Crimea, of a daughter. 1JfatriageS. August 27, at Sculcoates Church, in this town, by the Rev. T. S. Bonnin, Mr. William Eastwvood, of Liverpool, to Eliza, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... J33-tbr' March 1, at Roos, the wife of the Rev. T. B. Browne, of a son. March 2, at Swinton, near Rotherhsam, the wife of the Rev. John Levett, of a daughter. February 26w, at Belfast, the wife of Mfajor-General Gough, C. B., cooumanding the Northern District, of a daughter. January o, at Benicia, Calitoriai, Eleanor, wife of Mir. Itichd, Wss~toby, of a4 daughter. Marriages. March 2, at St. ...