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Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

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Sporting Intelligence

... 2prting lAwliputt. TATTERSAU'S.-YESTERDAY. LIvERPoOL STEEPLE C0ASE.-2 to 1 agat Knight of the Shire, taken. TWO THOUSAND GUIEEA .-7 to 2 agst Clydesdale, taken and offered 0 8 to 1 agst Brother to Marchioness, taken and offered; 15 to I ast Vandyke, taken and offered. Tan DaEY.-o 'to 1 agst Clydesdale, taken; 100 to 0 aget Tozophoite, taken; 20 to 1 aget Ditto, taken and offered; 22 o ...

Sporting Notes

... ,?'Portiq 'K.Owv. (Freo)a a Cosrcrspondent.) LONDON, Tuesday Morning. As there has been no frost yet to stop work, or to give required relief to hunters, we are much afraid it will come too late to be pleasant-cause considerable confusion, and perhaps spoil those numerous early spring meetings which at present look so exceedingly promising. Strange to say, for the sport seemed to be in the ...

Sporting Intelligence

... ,?Portblq WEIGHTS FOR THE CHESTER CUP. ?? bu ny10hre aebe adcapped, three sub- scrber no haingnaedandthenomnatonof Gemma di Vergy being void:- Age, at. lb. Ace, at. lb. Lanmp late AladdiSnl .. a ..9 5Janet .4. ?? 510 Fisherman ?? ?? ..5 9 3 Old Englisis Gentleman 4..010 Waclork . 5..90 Cultivatio . . ?? 5 10 Leamiutn . 5 . 8 9 Brother to Marehioneas 3 I 1 Saunterer . 4.. .. ?? 88General ...


... (WEATHER PERMITTING.) Masters of Eounds will oblige by forwarding notice of the Fixtures to this Office as early as possible.J NORTH WAR WICKSHIIRE HOUNDS-At a quarter to Eleven. Tuesday . ?? Jan. 26 ?? Hampton-on-the-Hill, ?? - 27 ?? ion. Portway. Saturday ?? 30 ?? Tile Hill. THE WARWICKSHIRE HOJUNDS.-At a quarter to Eleven. This day ., Jan. 25 . Billesley Hall. Tuesday ?? - 26 ?? Idlicote. ...


... v '5rodug. TATTERSALL'S.-YETTERDAY. LIVERPOOL STEEPLE CHASE.-30 to 1 apst Moire Antique, taken. Two THOUSAND GuINEAs.-100 to 30 on the Field, offered- take 4 to 1 6 to 1 agst Brother to Marchioness, taken freely. CHESTER CUP.-25 to 1 on the Field, offered; 40 to 1 ?? to Marchioness, taken. TBZ Dnyun.-18 to 1 agst Sedbury, taken ; 20 to 1 agst Ditto, offered; 20 to 1 agst Cock-a-doodle-do, ...


... (WEATHER PERMITTING.) Masters of Hou)eas uill oblige by forwarding totice of the Mtrtures to this Office as early as possibte.] NORTH WARWICKSHIRE HOUNDS.-At a quarter to Eleven. Saturday ?? Jan. 30 ?? Tile HilL THE WARIVICKSHIRE HOUNDS.-At a quarter to Elevess. This day ?? Jam. 28 ?? Shuckburgh. Friday ?? - 29 ?? Epwell WVite House. THE ATHEMSTONE HOUNDS.-At Elewen. Friday ?? Jan. 22s ?? ...

Sporting Notes

... C??4'oltilt? 9?fm Lo.SDnot-, Wednesday Evening. Since our last waif was transmitted, the metropolitan police have been very busy in attempting to suppress some of the west- end gaining houses. On Friday they entered one in Coventry Street, in the vicinity of the Haymarket, and took no less than a score individuals into custody, including the well-known Geody Levy, who was fined £50. He ...


... HUNTING APPOINTMENTS, (WEATIIER PERsMITTING,) Masters of Hounds till oblige by forwarding notice of the Fixtures to this Offi'e as early as poseible.] NORTH WARWICKSHRlIE HOUNDS,-At a ?? to Zleoen. Saturday ?? Jan, 30 ?? Tile 11111 Tuesday . Feb. 2°. Hasmpton-on-the-Hiil. Wednesday ?? - 3 . Couahton Court. Friday ?? - 5 . Tile Hill. THE WARWICKSHHE1 HOUNDS-At a qawrter te Eleven. This day ?? ...

Sporting Intelligence

... 5prtiq ROBERT BRETTLE (OF BIRMINGHAM,) AND ROBERT TRAVERS, (THE BLACK,) FOR £200-The contest between these members of the ring, on Tuesday, was not brought to any definite conclusion, in consequence of the interference of the police, after the men had fought for an hour and twenty minutes. The referee fixed the following day, (Wednesday,) for the renewal of the con- test, and it accordingly ...

Sporting Notes

... ,?prtillq 'Ifftm LONDON, Saturday. The coming week is rife with interest and import to the sportsman. On Monday, not only are the forfeits to be declared for the all-exciting Chester Cup race, (the lists name Tuesday, but the conditions in the Skeet Calendar must be observed,) but the new rules of betting, as arranged by General Peel, Admiral Rous, and Mr. GreviUe, will be laid before the ...

Sporting Notes

... 2portiq N?ftg. LONDON, Thursday. C On Tuesday last mother earth received her first white coverlet for the season; and4the hunter, the courser, and the turfite, all thought they would have to suspend zoperations for some time to come. Hunters have had a protracted campaign, and a rest just now would be bene- ficial; but had the snow remained, it would have caused considerable disappointment ...

Sporting Notes

... ,?Portillg Now, LONDON, Monday Afternoon. Oundle meeting, as nearly all deferred fixtures are, was a very slow affair. The postponement not only kept horses away, but men too; and the second day's contemplated proceedings were obliged to be abandoned. The pace for the Open Handicap was very good throughout, and Eving- ton Lass, a daughter of Idas, and companion to the Knight of the Shire, who ...