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Advertisements & Notices

... J YOUNG LADY, ?? 11. respectawility ishsfo B Situatl.o as RESIDENT OX TRAVELLINGiCOMPANION to a L&Dy. Th 6,, Dwronm m b gvengr Bars tocaph. &Wmet&j MHBURTON, -NEWTON, AN - 8A U DEVQN. JU'NC.TlON flAILWAV N0*T° Application ,i S bea in the- above RlWay ,ip L~i be received ater ~i~ii, ?? f todober. IlY Order of ti~ oiM O ~mlt, . TUCK B RIDPORT 'ND iXAETEI1, oni B JUNCTION -RAILWAY.'-NOtflC .I0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W HEREAS a Fiat in Bankruptcy, bearing date the 23rd day of JUNE, 1845, is awardeda nd issued forth against WLLIAM COLEHAN, of Crediton, in the County of Devon, VICTUALLER, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to MONTA GUE BAKER BIR E, Esa vs, Commissioner of Her Majesty's Court of Bankruptcy for the Exeter District, on the 8th day of Joly inst., at Eleven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAGASTN DES MOiDES, 7, QUEEN STREET. R US. BAILEY returne her grateful thanks for the n uumerous favours contfrred on her by the Nobility and Gentry of Exeter and its Vicinity, aid begs to inform them her SHOW ROOMS ara now open, with an ?? of the Newest Fashiens In MILLINERY, DRESSES, CLOAKS, &c., Adapted to the present Season. A Variety of Fancy Articles, FRENCH and ENGLISH CORSETS, &c., all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SEASON, 1848. THE BRUNSWICK STEAM-PAMIET, THOMAS -RUSSELL, Cowmmapider, IATILL leave PLYMOUTH for VV TORQUAY, SOUTHAMPTON, and PORTSMOUTH, every THURS- . __D, YStartin froni PLYMOUTH at 1 o'Clock, P.M. PORTSMOUTH for SOUTIIAM1PTON, TORQUAY, and PLYMOUTH, on FRIDAYS, leaving PORTSMOUTH at THREE, and SOUTHAMPTON on the arrival of the trains which leave LONDON at THREE ?? in the Afternoon. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO DRAPERS, HABERDASHE RS, W. TO be LET, with immediate possession, a DRAPER'S SHOP and PREMISES, with all the Shop Fixtures and Gas Fittings complete, bei~gji ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I usiA S LN VRE SSEtiS, IBALZ.F; RIN E DRESS E S, }EINT DRrESS:S, BAREGE DRESSES, ?? LAIS D RE'S'S'S SILK D ,} RESSES. sloP4 IIstlhllel i'.1RISOLS, very Chteap RIBBONS AVILCOCKS AND BROCK * r-r WING made some vory LARGE PURCHASES 7 Lt- the abovo SUMMlER GOODS, aro SELLING THEMi OnF AS BARGAINS, P;etooeos to the fall (of thte Year. 178.FOItE-STIIEET, EXETER,.-178. CREI)ITON. riss LANGWORTlHY'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BISHOP PHILLPOTTS STANDS AGHAST! 1 T LORD: JOHN RUSSELL having A saddled the right horse~;or, to use the Bishop's own words,' at his (Lord John'Bissell's) throwing the whole blame of encouraging the Pope, on a few silly or unfaithful Ministers of our own Charch, censured by their Bishops and repudiite ibytile great body of their fellow You . stagnd aghast, my dear Diocesan, at this ' utter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FORD'S PECTORAL; BAl.SAMI .0HO REBIOUND.' FOR the reiief and rcure of Couaghs, Infdluenz'a,i AsthmasJ' F and all Palmonary cornplaints..-.. ' ,. ?? The Balssmic properlics ofth tb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i ?? o D REDGE'S HEAL.-ALL, or celebrated Embrocation hi ) J has long been known throughout tbe West of f England as the most efficacious Remedy for di Rheumatism Fresh Wounds or Cuts bft IRheumatic Gout Burns and Scalda re Lumbago Spasnms and Cramp h Pains laths Limbs soud Numbness stiffness or the Joints or Neck ?? Sctatic'and Paralytic Affections Frozen Limbs Tooth-Ache and Face-Ache ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE; THE 3-Theae organs are alike eceetia to a health and beauty. It is therefore ?? regretted that tre b eo' liable to decay.. Yet it is a fact uhioh-catnot b' aidely d Ieo4FD tbat if j directly ?? is seeu iane, oath, itb b !iAedwlWith Bres aBioe- , the' t deoay 'Wb1I licre Ate ?? sedaped, asd the teeth preserved to ripe old age. If people auqat. d thekrteeth to decay until the nervous pulp ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For RH EUMATISNI, FEVERS, COILDS,COUGHS,&O. IN all the various forms of these complaifltO, from which numbers suiffer so severely, particularly during the AWinter Alontlis, a more Salutary Renmeily cannot be resorted to, or one that has effected more extrasordinary Cures, thau. tbe Genuine Baotcon'e Pectoral D,,opS., Which roUT be purchased at ?? Warehouse, No. I0, Bow Church Yard, Cheapsitde, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTRY HOUSE INN, EXETER. TOl 0 be LET with immediate possession, the I COUNTRY HOUSE INN, Exeter. Forparticulars apply on the Premises. TO MILLERS AND BAKERS. ?? be LET, an old-established BUSINESS, 1 consisting of a MILL, driving three pair of French Stones, Spur Tackle, Dressing and Smut Machines, and Bunting Mill, with a retail ready-money SHOP and BAtKEIIOUSE near, in the City of Exeter, ...