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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WAnREXED. At Tiverton, Devon, George Barnard, Es. of the Stable Yard, St. James's, to Mary Ann, youngest daughter of the late Edward Isaac, Esq.-At Liverpool, IV. Arming, Esq. of Hungerford, Berks, to Ann, daughter of the late J. Toms, Esq. of Southwark.-At Cottingham, near Hull, C. Hlibbert, Esq. of Pall-mall East, London, to Mary Catherine, eldest daughter of J. W. Hentig, Esq. of Co-tingham ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... d it I_ ABRIED. On the 1st instant, by special licence, at Walston Church, n the Most Noble Geo, Augustus Francis Marquis of Hastings - to the Right Hon. Barbara Baroness Grey de Ruthyn, of Brandon Hall, Warwickshire.-On the 2d just. at Chelten.. v ham, Capt. Henry Bell, third son of the late M. Bell, Esq. of MWoolsington House, Northumberland, to Helen, only child of Sir Bagenal Wm. Burdett, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rn ' JUArSfR iA.- GE S. . At St Jallesgs Church, G. J. U0lolnsnieteley; Esq. to I- Miss C. Francis daulgilter of Sir P. Francis, K. B.-Bly 5, special iicence, at the house of Lord Dundas, il Ar- ;iinto'n-strectt J. C. Rausden, Esq. cldest son of Sir J. Ib ltinsderi, IDart. of Byron, Yorlishire, to Isatbella, daiugh- ter of Lord Dulooh4.-At St Janmns's Church, Mr. J. ,e lains, of UlBry--tiret, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RIARDIED. At Beowdrip. Somcrsetshire, Francis Edwards Leach, Erq. to Harriet Goodwin, youngest daugihterof the late WV. Pag,, Esq. of the Civil Serviie, Bonmbav.-At Clare, Suffolk, Wtn. IHughieCs, l-q. of :outhampton huildinlgs, Iondon, to Emily, di~ut'hter of the late l~et.-_Gen. Elwes.-A ?? i Thorpe, Esq. of liolbeck Lodge, lincolashire, to Susanna MIaria, second daughter of .1ames Staniland ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . MA.RID. At Rotherit lie, Mr. George Bainbrlidge, timber-. merchant, to.$usafl, only daughter of John Mews,! Esq.9-At Rottipgdean, Sussex,MWilliam King, Al. D.j Fellow, of Peter Hoesc, Cambridge,, andjof lhe CoI-~ lege of Physiciansto Mary, second. daughter of thei Rev. Dr. IlJoker.-Jnsepb, son of Tlhonmas Hamby, Esq, of Kirblhant,2 Lancashire,'to Elizabeth Baldwin, daughter of T. F. Dyson, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... T he Sale oft' re PR OPkk'f'Y at SHE7fLVG- TONr, adlrcrtirel 211 oterfisrst pagc to take place on .Fridoay I/se 3df oJ' Aiiorc/, is POSY'POYfEJ ?? fuiihes ?? iN given1. MARRIED. At Duhlin, the Hlon. and Very Rev, the Dean of llillala, to Sophia, daughlter of the late Sir George Ribton, Bart.-Tlte Rev'. John Tophane, B. A. Head Master of Brontsgrbvt Grammar School, to 1sabell3, daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAllRI ED. At Hananeramitl,, the Rer. T. B. Browne, of Buontingford , Herts, to Mary, eldest dasgi teir of thbe late Mr. John Salter,.of the farmler 1dLue.-'lIthe Rev'. Henry Hugh Clhanpain, of Wbich~fieldf to Mar y, dauighter of James Wicihiant, Esq. of BIolliogten, Hartts.-At Derby, the Rev'. 11. Sittipson, of Quceen's college, Cambridge, to Annr, onily dlaughter of John Borough, Esq.-Tlhe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... The Rev. Henry Wilder, eldest son ?? Wilder, Esq. of Purley Hall, Beats, to Augusta, eldest daughter of the late C. Smith, Esq. of Suttons, Essex.-At Shaneklin, Isle of Wight, the Rev. Mr. White, to Rosa, daughter of the late Col. Hill._ At Bath, W. F. Knatchbull, Esq. of Babington, Somerset, to Emma Louisa, daughter of the late C. ?? Gray, Esq.-31r. S. Bettie, surgeon, to Miss Archbell, both ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAR,|erate -At Lambeth Church, 'William White, I Efq. of Deal, to Mifs Prielfley, of Carnbevwell.-At Devizes, Mr. H.. Awdry, of Cbippenhamy' to Mifs Hill, eldeft daughter!'of Dr. Weft Hill, Devizes, Wiltihire.- *At Lifbitian, Cbunty of' Tipperary,; thc feat of Sir Robert Waller, Barti Captain Bates,-of the zxla Light Dragoons, rs to Mitts Waller, youngefr daughter-to the late Sir R. V'Walicr;, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNFRAL OF T1h4 ARCTIBIISIOP OF YORK. Tle remains of that venerable Preiate wvere relmoved, ?? eight o'clock, yetlerday mnorning, ruom his lite lhencfe in South Audiey Street, to Wveflliliinler Abbey, tor intrienlllt. IThe pro- ceflon n,-,ved in the tuolL Ioleriun, anti it; the following order Twlo mllltes. A plume of bilck feathers. ITHE HEARSE, Drawn by fix horfes, decorated with ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIEOD. At Norwvich, the Rev. R. W. T'unney, Chiplain to his ?? foices, to Miss A. Spicer, datighter of Captain Spicer, of Ssorthwold.-Tlhe Rev. H. Wels- ford, of 'Tewklcshbry, to Miss Newman, of Castle- street, Leicester-aiquare, London.-'I'he Rev',TI'olias Keyworth, lf Runcorn, to) Miss Murrell, niece of the late Lady Barrington, of Thorncroft, Cbe1iirsie.-At Lirerpool, the Rev. Wmn. Jones ...