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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . EXETrER, ;WjDNESD(, Fe. 10-e& . - : i Iar.t :. ;I On Saturday-last, ;at St, Sidweli's Chareb, by the Rev. C. IH. CoOlyns, Mr. Charles Hubbard, of Teigu- month, to Miss 'Sarah Pratt; of this city,. 01n T esday the ;2d instant, at Plymptoni St. Mary,. by the Rev.Wmni Moleswort'hi Tomas Jobhi Phillips, Esq. of Newport-House Cornwall, toQ aroline, second daughter of Paul Treby Treby, Esq. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXE TE R, WEDNESD AY, Febr. l 7. On Monday last, the Reverend George M5aximilian Slatter, was instituted, by Mr. PrecentorBartlam., to the Vicarage of West Anstey, in Deven.- on the presentation of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, void i by Ihle death of the Rev. William Carter. We bear that. tbe Lord Bishop of this Diocese in- tends to. hold an Ordination, in London, on- Thlutsday the 25th of ...


... Fed. 24. .iirt1)0. On Wednesday last. at Mambead Cottage, the Lady of J. Beaumont Swete. Esq. of a soh and heir. O.6n Thursday morning last, at East Teigurnouth, the L~ady of 5. 0. At. Ailay sq. of a soB. -This day, the Lady of the Rev. Thomas. Atkinson, of Beaufort-Place, St. Thomas, of a daughter. On Saturday last, at 'Rockbeare, near this city, by the Rer. Canun IHeberden, Lieutenant ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -EXE TER, WEDNESD AY, March 3. On Alonday, at St. Mary Major's Church. the U-ev. J. 1. IKnight, of Market Levington, Wilts, to J.evsy, eldest daughter of Mr. John Watson, of this city, bosier. On S4turday last, at Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. Bradford, Mr. Jobn Saunders, to Miss Sophia B1ere, both of this city. On' Monday the 22d ult. in London, Mr. Richard Ho nl-wel, of this'city, liuen ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Feb. 23, at the Fort, the lady of Thomas Tyndall, Esq. of a daughter. March .3, the lady of Sir Charles Henry Coote, Bait. of a daughter. At the Manor-house, Burnett, the lady of Colonel Nedham, a d'iu'hter Atl3itton Vicarage, the lady of the Rev. H. T. Ellieoinbe, a daughter. MIARRIED. On Thursday evening, by the Rev. Mr. Feltus, Mr. John Innes, merchant, of Bristol, England, to Mrs. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 43,XETER, WEDNESDAY,, March 10. On Friday se'nnight, at No. 61, Wimpole-street, London, the Lady of Sir Lawrence Palk, Bart. Al. P. of a son. An Tbursday last. at Cbarles, Plymouth, by the Rev. Chas. Phillott, Vicar of Frome, Chafles Lowder, Esq. of Bath, to Susau, daughter of Robt. Fuge, Esq. of Plymiouth. On. the 20th ult. in London, Lieut. Rudall, R. M. t !;ophia, daughter of the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RXE TZR, WEDN'ESD AY, .March 24. .MarroMe This morning, ?? Churclh, near Exmou th., by the Rev. H. W. AIarker, William Hickey. Esq. to Frances Isbella, youngest daughter of ihe late Rev. Edmund Gillert, of Windsor-House. Bodmiu, Cornwall. Last weekl at Bndock, Cornwall, T. H. C. Jones, Esq. of Bangur, to Elizabeth, tbird daughter of the late Thos. Nicholas, Esq. of Tanartb. I Lately, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On the 24th tilt. at Keswick, the hidy of Robert Southey, Esq. of a son. ;!IARRIED. March 2, Mr. B. Samuel, of this city, to Mliss M. Jenkiis, of Bishitor, Monntouthshire. M11arch 16, at St. Philip's, by the Re. William Dav, Mr. Stephen Pratteni, currier, eldest son of iMark Pritsien. Jun. leather-fhctor, to Miss Alary Sidney, daughter of Mr. Itobert Sidney, of Bedminster. March 25, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' a~i ' . ' ' . .March 31. . n Thursday ?? ?? BramWpfordTSpeke, the Ladd othe Rev, George P., Cosserat; of a daghgter. ' . Same .day, at Coletoii Crescent, in this city, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel J ervois, (8th, or KingX: Regiment,) 'of a.-qhter. On Monday morhing. at Exmouth, the Lady of Thomas Russell, E-:sq. of a daugbter. This morning,.Capt. Josiah Nisbett, Royal Navy, to Frances ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At Falmouth, Nicholas, youngest sonl of t late Rev. II. Bradford, of Lower St. Columlb, to Prances, side of Brigadier-General Miller.-At Humble, Hants, the Ho Frederick Luniley, brother to the Earl of Scarborough, to Jai second daughter of the late Admiral Broadlev.-Win. Hotham Esq. of Hodgmoor Lodge, Farnham Royal, Bucks, to Sara second daughter of C. Garrard, Esq. of 1tamsbury.-At v ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... D i _ _ _ _ - , EXYE TER- W9DNESD if 4A1't 7.. ?? - - ?? - -4 i- ?? - - On Thursday lapst, e' j' ev. JosephT Cunifi, 'th . younger;, M.A. of Oriel Colle-, Ord, was eiised by Mr. Precentor. Baltlam, s Cromniiissary to the Loid. ni Bisbop of E -xeter, to the froe atndeixddidoe Gra'mmart sf S$buluI of Chudlevigh,, in Dv~i~oii~ tli nominatiob, of. isl the F and; IlrntLetes:offttie ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... E XET, EER, WEDNESID&Y, Apt il 14. Tlhis morning, at, Exminster, the Lady of Henry Burlton, 'Esq. qf a daughter. Atl Bideford, on the 6th inst. Capt. Richard Vine, of the brig Sidns, to Miss B. Bond, both of that place. .At Maker Chnrch, near Plymouth, by the Rev. Mvlr. Ley, MIr. William Brush, of Falmouth, to MIiss Bray. On Wednesday last, at St. Ertb, Mr. T. Cardell, to Miss P. Ellis, ...