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... LAWI INTELLIGENCE. . COUR\T OF KING's ETCiH, APRIL. , -This being the'firit day of Eafter Term, Lord Kh- NYOx, and his brother judges took their feats on the Bench about one o'clock. -:After the uial had been made concerning the zonvits at .eVhoojvi r h ad Mr. ATT(IRNIEY GFNER:A. 1O-moved-that a pcrfon of the name of Thomas Spent e fhould bc ca3led in and charged withan information xwich he ...


... LAtW fv2L~ L camS, . .t3RT IF ElNG's, BEECH, AsrL5b'f A deed.was the 'Clerk of the Crown OflMce . D by which the, Hon-. George Kenyon. is appointed to th' ?? dlrici in the Court; vacant by' the d&at3 ofhji eldeir Br. hez He afteiwards.aku'.the 'batis: of' allegiance 'and -abjuration. Losd I4.t~'n feeied . ttremely affeaed during.this certnaoiUy. - ,, h'e 'rfer of a man of war,. of, t ...


... LAW IVTE .LL.GCATCE,- ' -n T~ ?? e . r.. - ro nea .. T . eir COURT OF ICING'g BENCH, APRIL 24. - .- GOVERNOR ?.tRIS. Mr. SCOTT faid, that hehad a niotionof the utmoal ;g importance to fubmit to the Cdurt. There was nothing rft concerning which the law was more folicitous than.the r treatment of prifonerĀ§, and in the eye of the law he to who was guilty of treating them cruelly was gauilty of w ...


... LLAW IN'7ELLTGEikCE;. COURT OFr XNG's BENCH, APRIL 27. The Court'fat in banco for about -half an hour, ?? fcarcely a fingle motion 'was made by ally GentlemIau within the Bar. -Lord Kenyon. afterwards ti.ied califes at NifiPrius. About a dozem asere decided, not one of them of the leafr intereft 6r:iniportancei COURT of COMWIM N PLEAS. This day the Lord Chaucellor fat in this ?? for; the purp ...


... PUtBLIC OFFIcE, BOW7-STREPET. Yefterday an examination into the circumflances of fome dead'bodies. having been found in an uninhabited boufe in Wyche-fltreet, took place ?? Mr. Juatice Ford. On. the original difcovery of the bodies, the mob, conceiving that fome horrible murder had bien committed, were proceeding to demolifh the houfe, in which they were contained, but the timely arrival of ...


... LAWV INTLELLIGLENCE. COURT OF KING's BENCH, APRIL 28. CHURCH V. THE EARL. OF LONSDALE. Mr. 1oLRODv frated, that fonae time ago as the De- 1 fendant in this caufe refufed'to appear, and had the pri- vilege of Parliament, upon a motion to incrcafe iflues, the Court had glanted tool. The obji2t of the Plain^- tiff, however, was difappoirted, for he only wi(hed to compel an appearance, and when ...


... . A' G C iAU 77EZ, 111G,. 5 . I - . COUPRT OF IiNG's BENC I-, APELIL 29. THE KING V; STEPlHENS. ,The Drefendat is one or the turnkeys of-the gaol of MaLlidflone, and vwas found ?? a criminal in- for1intion of hciviing whipped a prison-r in .a different place FIoil ti IA in whkhll he Ii id been ordered to be ivhipped by the fentence of the CoGiUt. The Judges made fome very pbinted obfervations ...


... lIV INTEL LICENYCE. COURT OF kINT'e- BENC!, AP'RIL..3'0. The Rer. Auggnfas Beaaver was broaght vp to mew ce've thc junidmcnt cf the Court, having bieco f~tnd: guilty at the hli .&azies for Norfolk, of lia'ing chal- klrged a Major Payne. Several affldavits arere read, whicl placed thh.charartar of rhe Defendani in averf, timiable point of vievw. Jt app'eareed that hie blad betna provoked by an ...


... ?? COWRT-OF KNG's BENCH,'MAV* 1 ., i Mr. ER-SKI EE applied to, the 'Cburt i:n behalf of a Mrs. Curls, Vlho.:had beb ?? to no finaler an ex.- tent than being robWedof, lier biJibaid. Mr. Curtis, fon of a gentlerri) at Qainboyougb,] ?? infton- don, had contra&ed a 'affi fo- Mifs La-ne, the Efter of his intimate friend; 'an.d foonafter the twd lovers were joined-in the bands of wedlock.. ...


... IAWV INSLTELIGENCB. COURT OF KING's BENCH1, Mly AY Therule-to, icv-cusfe why a criminal iinfubrmatio' fhould not be filed aiiainft Mi. Hoflins, oi Leipool, forliaving 1hld tliat lie had bcen exorliiant!y and ini- quifoufly overchar;ed by the Comnnniiion-ers of the In- come Tax, was enlarged till next teri'n; - 'Sveral writs of A711daaIoos Vw &d moed -for to tlhe Mayor of Norwicb, requbinrg ...


... LAU' 7lAT7LL1G NCE, COURT O1P KING's BENCH, MAt 4. The fanity of a man of the name of 'Thoias Holy- land, wis this day tried by Lord Keenyon and a fpe-. ciaijuvy.. A Commiflion of ~Lunacy had been taken out againf him5 and he having traver~fe this ilfie, was dire~ed byt~he Lor4 Th~icelr. After a great nium- - ber af'witneffes had been examine'd-on both fides, and counfel had been' heard, the ...


... ,jfr IAtTEPLIGB2/Ct. COUPRT OF KIN(G's BENCH, MTA ?? G'MRRO.w fhewed. aaufe agaiii'. the .iot'ln obtain- ecdlby lVr. Attorney Genera! for Itaying p or hgs in the cafe of Holloway v. Wlhaley. 'Yhe IDefeml ;uLlt fi2(f -Made. afiidavit that he never was duly fcrve' with piodefs. It was contnd hovr, tnat th e maid 'fervaht of-the Defendant had receivea tle wri t, apd that -this was a fufiicient ...