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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... '~ButlTieL On tie 25d inst. at Larock Ahbev, Wilts, the Lady of J II. Gros etr, Esq. of a son, her severi'h child. MA RRIEFD. Juwly 12, at Whitrhurcli, near tlhis city, Richatrd Owrner, E q. of'Stec Inner 'l'niple, youngest son of the lien. i;. Gituretr, Of Tlregoy, to Cathlerlne harriet, only child of the late 11ev. Atrlter Uhoinpson, of Thatcham, Berks. Jully 2°, at St. James's Church, in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B61 RTH. July 28, at the Parsonage, Dudley, the wife of the Rev. Dr. Bouoker, Vicar, of that place, of a son. July 3o0 at Dingestowv Court, l;Moumouthahire, the lady of S&r John Boyd, Dart, of a son. July 31, at Mlontatgue-parade, Kingadowvn, the Lady of Win. MI'Leod lBasrsatyne, ESQ. of a son. At Somerlease, near Xtells, Lady Caroline Bathurat, a eso. ' ~MARlRIED. July 30, Mr. Morris, Jun. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Friday last, at Bishopsteigntan, the Lady of Edward Archer, Esq. of a son. Same day, the Lady of James Pitman,1 Esq. of Dunchiaeockl-bouse, of a. son. On'the 30th flt at Upcot-house; near Taunton, the Lady of J. F. Briekdale, Esq. of a sov. On Thursday last the 5th inst. at- St. George's, Hanover-square, by the Reverend RobertFitzherbert Fuiller,A. M., Thomnas Trayton Filler'Eliott Drake, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. Aug. 1, in College Green, the lady *>f the Rlev. Dr. GoodY nough, of a d~aughter.ED Ags7,at St. Asigu -n's, by the Rev. I'owell 9. Cvt' he Mr. .%ohn Davis, wocoilesi-draper, to Sally, dully daughter . che iate R~ichard Tomibs, Esq. of this city. Aug 9, at Wells, by the Rtev. C. £iidway, Chaplain to H. R. Hl~hnless the Duke vf Clarence, A. (3arricli, .U. D. of Clifton, to 0.uoline, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXETER,` WEDN'bESDAY, August 18. This day, tbe R ev. William Barker, M. A.was in- stifuted, by Mr. Precentor Bartlarn, to the Vicarage of BroadclilAt-in Devon. On Saturday last, at St. Maty Major's Chureh, by the Rev. J. IH. P. PoIson, Mr. James Rowe, iron- monger, to Miss Brutton, daughter of Mr. Robert Brntton,' f this city, maltster. On Thnrsday last, by the Rev. Joseph Cuming, J. Dighy ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAIIULr 1). A i. S.' at 'Tidelihazn;,- ,n, .. t. ] ,'S, . rh P~oV\: to Mai fl Alit,, (i~dst'St ghter iii M.l. (.t.,;rilb.' 4j riOli~i'., Aigr. 6, att S-. Pc er's C~hurich, L~seti .. ! l thi 1k;.v J. 1' lRoaf~lt'e'lgc, l'irt. XVtl lion Mlaurice, Slillgs' 0' (t'i i-'idol, Ise,)l~l Cal hanitle, second tdatu. Of Peter IlIigtiy, I.r. elf !'.e simncyi;:c. A\ug. 17, at Camelv', lliehacd Mogy,3 Fso. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXET W E D,'BD WESIAYAugu 25. - n Friday, the Rev. Eoiirehier Marshall; M. A., wirs -institut tedb ?? Mr Prreen ?? to the, Re etroo 6 Chawleighl- D evon. By special licence, -on Thursday lst, at Antopny Cornwall, by the Rev. Ili' S Pole, the Right Hom. the Earl of St. Germans, to Harriet-j daughter of the Itight Hon ginald Pole Car t.- Yesterdy morningi atft,. Sidw ell's Church, by -the Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... E.XETER, WEDNESDAY, September 1. a f l3 l .f tttfll.f a n -. At Dawlist on Tharssday last, Lady Frances Ley, i of a Son. l At Ottery, thQ Lady of the Rev. John Warren, o of a son. f Ttesdiayat Batj3, bapt.'Fellowes, R. N. and C. 1R. S to aiss H 1nmlihlrs, daughfcr of the late Colon el Isaac r unmplrys, Military Seeretary in Bengal. it Last week, Sarnl. Lovat, Esq. of the Middle-Temple. to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXE TER, WEDNESD AY, Sept. 22. 33ittD0.' At Dartmonll, on Wednesday last, the Lady of J. B. Smith, Esq. of a son. At Myrtle Cottage, Exmoutb, on Thursday last, the Lady of Colonel Pay ne, of a daughter. This day, at Totnes, Lieutenant Sumpter. of the Royal Navy, to 21tiss'Webber. bth-of ithat place.: i On 'Thursday last. at Stoneho)nse Chapel, by the Rev. P. G. Davie, Lientenant Toby. R. .N. ...


... Sept. 29. At Yarde Cottage, near Silverton, on Saturday last, the Lady of Captain Couche, of a daughter. ^Jiartit4 On TnesdAy se'nnight, at Christ Chureh, Surrey, Samuel Walker, Esq. of Blackheath, to Sarah Pyne, only daughter of Thos. Bartlett, Esq. of Teignmoutb, Devon. On Wednesday last. at Barnstaple, M r. William Handford, of .Holsworthy, 'Devon. draper, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. W. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0 EDNESDAY, Oct. 6e . . , Octirii . O Te~deda d Iast, at Awl iscombe, in this county, M'r. Corineliu C onanti land-surveyor, to Miss Eliza- beth' Searle, bot4 of the same place. Yesterday at, Trignrnouth, by tthe Ueverend Wm. R ichards', JothiiCat eEsq'. ?? -Honse, Glou- cestershi re, to Catheriue Margaret. daughter of John ,$trachen, Epq; Qf Cli'den-House. On Saturday. last, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXLE TER, WEDNESD AY, October 13.i A dispensation bass passed tfe Great Seal, enabling the Rev. Richard .Bryan, .M. A. CChaplain to His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, and Vicar of West Down, in Devon, to bold, the Rectory of Eggesford, in the same County, on the. presentation of the Hon. Newton Fellowes, void, by the death of the Rev. Mr. Williams. The Lord Bishop of ?? has been pleased to ...